after delay for so long.
2day my m0ther finaly ask for my rep0rt bo0k.
so i pass to her.prepare to die...
and so she l0ok at it..
face seriously CHANGED in 5sec time..
thr0w de rep0rt bo0k on de flo0r.
(opps..i feel s0 sorry for de rep0rt card.)
and started to sc0ld lyk hell..
well.i wasnt s0 stupid yet..
i was listening to mp3..
but maybe my hiding skill sux..
she realise i was listening t0 music.
so she went t0 dun0 whur and
c0me bac wiv a teng tia0 in her hand..
ofc0z..i tio reali hurts..
and den finaly she threw it 0n de flo0r as well..
(tis tym i pity de flo0r)
and start set her stupid target f0r mi..
after abt 5min..a paper appeared..
wiv all de TO DO list..

evyday mem0rise 40vocab.
(ya mem0ry so gud.)
evyday do 20math qns.
(wateva.too bad math marh.)
use computer ONLY on WEEKENDs.
(well.i am goin to pr0test over this.)
hp to be confiscated untill WEEKEND.
(there is NO WAY i all0w tis to happen.)

and after tat she went t0 w0rk..
okie.once she is bac.
i am g0ing to start my pr0test..
but as for n0w.
i'm g0ing to play maple lia0..
so hmm...hope my next post
is to celebrate de success of


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