
Showing posts from August, 2012

Hobson's choice.

Lethargic max such that I'm barely shifting my hand on the keyboard now, two paper's down and uh I've no idea how many more to go. Was surprise by how calm   I was the night before the GP paper cause it's so unlike me, more often than not I will have the mini panic attack the night before exam. O' look Vj changed me well. Alright I'm not in the right state to blog anything, I just wanna fades into the wall with the book. I figured out that I will never get bored in the library, ever.  Lost count of the countdown already,but well people around will start to remind me soon.I don't even..Nah. okay pick myself up tomorrow and life goes on in a repeat. Thank you all my friends, for giving me the strength to keep holding on. I guess I wasn't best at expressing myself but I was so touched deep down when chua & 940 brought forth a box of chicken essence with encouraging cards during the previous short meet up; I'm looking forward to studyi...
Nights like this are so rare with the hectic life, falling comfortably onto your chair, eyes closed and listen to your favorite old song again,and again. Repeats,and you wish this moment could last forever. Din't like the idea of getting into a relationship ever since, since, I don't know, the last relationship I guess. And sometimes people around ask "why not just get together", it's not that you don't want to answer them, but you don't know the answer neither.And you felt bad for bringing out the reasoning that "it's stressful to be in a relationship"previously 'cause it's in fact not. It's just, the external factors that's bothering me.Only if my mum isn't such an such an extremist. When people say love is all about two person is, bullshit. Human beings are constantly brain washed and affected by people around them, their words their actions their behaviors. K I will just be a coward and hide under the golden shield...

Marsh marsh marshmallowww

Felt that I shouldn't leave my blog hanging with a semi-emotional post on the top.Alas,life recently is self-declared study break and studying around with different people. Glad enough most are productive. I love friends. :DDD  Had an interesting  marshmallow challenge with ali in the midst of studying today upon inspired by 940.People indeed learn from their mistake,started off first round with anyhow swallowing and had a bad choke. Became a little smarter during the second round and tried to push all to the sides. Great experience with a little piece of entertainment for people who have nothing better to do. :')  Escapism;( a mental diversion by means of entertainment, as an escape from the perceived unpleasant aspects of daily life.) Well, you can put it that way too.  I love soothing songs, after all. Albeit old.I will get a retro disc player in my house next time, ahhhz create romantic ambiance at home Hahahahaha. & prob...

For one more day.

Spent a few hours finishing up the book that I got from library few days back. A story of a divorcee mother and a son,their relationship that covers a lifetime and beyond. It explores the question: what would you do if you spend one more day with a lost loved one? I wont deny that it's yet another great work by Mitch Albom but, I guess I just din't really like such family stories cause, it makes me feel as if I had done something wrong all my life.It's as if as I should have cared more for my, families. "Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted." [73] Was I? was I ever a wished granted to my parents? Perhaps not,probably something unexpected from that short span of marriage.Was he beside my mum when she was delivering? Did he ever carry me by his arms and smile at me? Did he ever talked to me? I don't know,and I will never know. Though it would be interesting to hear about it but my mum doesn't talk...

Silent struggle

Should I have kids in the future, I hope they don't have to go through what Im going through. Unless they are fucking smart, don't bother coming to jc. Either that or if I'm capable, don't even make them study in Asian. Conformity, judgmental, expectations. And eventually these certificates can't even get you far, they are just a passport to enter today's workforce. K. Cannot. Rant. Gratitude junting, gratitude.

they should hire fatter models, srsly. )':

Issue: I like this outfit I saw online :') Problem: This model wears UK 6-8. Despite that I'm wearing US 8 which is equivalent to UK6-8,I'm a thousand percent sure that I'm much plumper than her. Solution: Lost an inch size away, an inch is roughly 4.53kg. Benefits: Can start buying clothes from blog-shops knowing that I probably can fits in. :') K let's go Junting, here comes another 30 days challenge. K probably gonna take 90 days. Awww, hello fats count down to A level together with me then.Looks like I need a plan A B C D E F G H I J now.Life is about getting up from where you fall and never give up. PS. act like no exam coming ahead sioh. :') PPS. I'm pretty much hesitating if I should even post this out cause, agh, no much confidence that I can make it ): WELL. IT'S OKAY NEED TO HAVE FAITH. & determination.

Garden in the City. ❀ ✿ ❁

It's always good to have someone who doesn't mind getting sticky and sweaty and take a hike under the scorching sun on a Friday afternoon.   ㋡  Splendid day spent at MacRitchie Reservoir Park with Le love. :') It was really stunning to discover such becalming greenery in Singapore.Come to think of it that's pretty generous of UDA to set aside such a large piece of land for natural reserves given the limited space.Well, good efforts in integration of greenery into the urban living conditions.  I swear we walked for probably 1km + 4.7km + 2.4km ( Wrong way thanks to le friend who confidently said "你要相信我" ) + 3km, a total of over 11km today. What an achievement for my weak legs. But should any of you have the time, I would gladly recommend you this heavenly place for a perfect afternoon. Was staggeringly impressed when I realize this particular area of the reservoir was so clear that you could actually catch the ...


人的情绪在心情低落的时候是不是什么都不顺心?甚至强制性的抵抗一切? 高考嘛,总会有低潮的时候对吧,睡个觉起来又会是美好的,新的一天。 我们终究还是上天的宠儿。 可是,时间如此日复一日反复无常的重复,到底需要多大的勇气去面对这一切。 有时候你会不会和我一样想要逃亡,卸下一切, 想躲进世界的角落? 用什么来定义荒芜?用什么来定义沧桑? 用荒芜定义荒芜,用沧桑定义沧桑。 九十一,九十,时间一点点地消失。  彷徨无助的时候,又是什么力量与信念支撑着你? 其实,量积累到一定程度就会产生质变的道理你也未必不懂。 你看那些奥林匹克的金牌得主,任凭赛场上华丽辉煌,几秒钟,足以诞生一个冠军,而从一个普通人到一个世界冠军需要等待几十年。所有的辛酸和磨练可能把你推到世界之巅的辉煌,但冠军只有一个,你可能得到名落孙山,从此默默无闻消声灭迹。媒体根本不可能把摄像头转向你,那所有的努力是否由此被全盘否定了?  的确,中国不再是东亚病夫,至今为止34枚金牌使他们站在了世界的巅峰。但鼠标一转,看到网上分享上奥运健儿每天训练的真实写照,总觉得很辛酸。心生疼到自己不想把照片转发在博客上,你或许看到或许没有.我只想说,运动员们比任何专业,职业更值得敬佩。 至此,对自己,与任何在生活中做出任何挣扎的你,请记得: Let's finish the race together.

Le little prince <3

That's it, 19th birthday present to myself, soon to be :') Though I don't have much faith in shipping, but well there's no other way out. :'D Shall just pray that it reaches my hand in good condition.

Hey sweetheart;

It's a friendship that's been set on fire. And the feelings grow fonder everyday. :)

the thief of time.

It has come to those days that as you decide to pack up and go home at 4pm, you stood up from your seat in library, and greeted by a picture whereby everyone else is still studying,almost instantaneously you're engulfed by immense guiltiness and you instinctively sit back down to face the books. Good motivation indeed, but did not work with the annoying fever originating from sore throat after overdosing on, ridiculous but sadly, plums. Body made worse together with the menstrual cramps.Agh need to stop being so obstinate and get adequate rest for a day.But it seems such a sinful act to sleep a day away. please miraculously recover, right now. God knows how much more work I have to do, to secure the As. You already knew what you want, it's how far you want to go to pursue your goal.   An interesting observation I've discovered recently via a class activity is that many people presume that I am very hardworking . Which I find ...