For one more day.

Spent a few hours finishing up the book that I got from library few days back. A story of a divorcee mother and a son,their relationship that covers a lifetime and beyond. It explores the question: what would you do if you spend one more day with a lost loved one? I wont deny that it's yet another great work by Mitch Albom but, I guess I just din't really like such family stories cause, it makes me feel as if I had done something wrong all my life.It's as if as I should have cared more for my, families.

"Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted." [73]

Was I? was I ever a wished granted to my parents? Perhaps not,probably something unexpected from that short span of marriage.Was he beside my mum when she was delivering? Did he ever carry me by his arms and smile at me? Did he ever talked to me? I don't know,and I will never know. Though it would be interesting to hear about it but my mum doesn't talk about him,at all. I don't think I've ever miss him,after all how do you miss someone who you have never seen before? It's weird to imagine just a black shadow sitting with you by a dining table.

I think I have not been giving a damn about my families before. I don't like the idea of it, and I can't imagine one either.I mean I used to have one, with my aunt and grandmother. Life was perfect back then,I had never question about the whereabouts about my parents cause I did not miss out anything in life without them,neither did anyone I know ask me this question before for as far as I could remember.Great childhood spent under the wings of my aunt and grandmother.I was fortunate that people did not looked down or despise me like how it was written in the book, no unfair or special treatments no prejudice and judgement. And in fact I don't get why would people ever do that.

Yes I do not have a strong sense of family cohesion. And I do foresee it being a problem not for now, but when I step into marriage eventually someday. I don't see the need to intervene my mum's marriages cause it's her life and her choice after all.I don't think children should blame their parents for ending up in divorce and act as if the whole world owes them a million dollars.  

In a way I shouldn't post this anywhere online cause I never know who is looking at this,and that thought frightens me.I should probably talk to a friend or something but,everyone is hitting the books.Though I know that I definitely have really caring and loving friends who would drop their work immediately and lend me an listening ear but I don't see the need of it.It's nothing big after all it's buried in the past already and, it's just that the book triggered my thoughts and I was looking for a place to type all these out so that I can clear my thoughts and go study anyway.And lastly, I'm glad to say that the broken families did not make my life incomplete in any way, in fact I had received even more love from my aunt and grandmother with their absence.  

Geez, blogger should have a private post function like word-press. But nah, I don't like changes I will just stick to blogger even if it's inconvenient sometimes.ahhhzzzzzzzz I shouldn't have read the book in the first place. I should just read physics instead.damnnnnnnnnnnnn.


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