
Showing posts from December, 2010


偶尔我真的不懂你 又有谁真懂自己 —题记 希望从此以后我的博客能隐姓埋名被大家遗忘,尤其是,你, 能给予我一丝属于我的空间,我将万分感谢。 不是刻意的去躲避,只是有些话你不会想看要到. 我不想做被你控制的谁谁谁,虽然我喜欢你,但我还是我。 有时候,有些话,我想说出来, 但是我很懦弱, 真的。 你可能知道,也可能不知道。 二零一零年又一次的如白驹过隙般的过去了, 用一句话概括就是:叛逆期后时期,学业白热化,且崭新的一年。 总觉得遥不可及的O水准也过去了,大悲大喜也都经历了。 失去了些东西,学会与得到了新的东西。 更深刻的体会到再美好也经不住遗忘,再悲伤也抵不过时间。 曾经的刻骨铭心的恋爱,曾经以为自己会为一个人停留,曾经哭得撕心裂肺, 曾经的曾经,到头来发现神马都是浮云。 十七岁的时候,开始拾起课本,向过去三年得过且过的日子挥手说拜拜。 十七岁的时候,结束了一段恋爱,向过去两年颓废的自己说再见. 怀念的不是某个人,而是当时的那钟感觉, 也只有当时,才能容许自己放纵的去爱,不顾一切的去爱. 过去的事可以不忘记,但不可以不放下. 我想,我已经放下了. 现在和你的感情怎么说,平淡但满足. 可是在一起半年后,我觉得我们少了些东西,而且是很重要的东西. 我和你少了沟通,你对我没有信任. 这样的我们,要怎么一起走下去?


Ohh I think this is my first photo ever that can 笑到见牙就见眼. Touched. But I starting to think I look ( abit ) different now. Hahahah weird, but me is still me! :D Logged in MSN after abandon it for ages, don't see much point logging in, since what welcomes me is forever those computer's "Hi want see my nude photo @... ?"; or despos who jumped in with "Hi remember me? I can't sleep w/o chatting with you." So my first job after logging in will be starting to delete and block contacts, second and which also the final job is log out msn and leave th green man alone with a cross. Same goes on QQ, "Hi want come out?" "Hi what's your no.?". (--; Just how thick people's skin can get on internet, and how hilarious their facial expression will be like after flooding me w/ "I'm lonely", then I reply: 我是男的. Then they will give a sorry face and Byebye sign. HAHAHA. Christmas is over, new year will come in no time, 2011. New dec...

Uh Christmas.

Oh merry Christmas. I think my face look fatter now, shit. & Chua say I grew fatter, double shit. No much Christmas mood, keep thinking back to Christmas two years back, wts, think too much alr. Hmm, went to 940 house @ noon under th bloody scorching sunlight. Initial plan was to self-manicure which ended up in a chaos. in th end never even use any of the fake nails, all epic fail. Moved on to Tampines at 4 plus & finally, had our first try. My burger is big, 940's is small. My drink is big, 940's is small. My fries is big, 940's is small. Yet, Mine is cheaper, 940's is more expensive. HAHAHAHAHAH OWNAGE. Met chua&chong at Simei afterwards to play arcade,laughed like crazy. Oh 940 I love your face :D

70% FUN. 30% BORING.

I'M BACK HELLO SINGAPORE (: Miss my babe-s damn much, I swear if I can pack them in my luggage I will never want to come back here. Love th breeze over there, Woohoo. It's been three weeks, can't really recall back everything. Shall let a few photos refresh my memory first. 1. First thing I want to mention is my mama's lovely shoe, th heel dropped off right before we going to check in th departure hall ;D Was totally hilarious. Then my step father tried to stable it using fishing lines, Lmao. And so as we happily going to board th plane, th behind part dropped out. In th end we pulled th rest parts of th heels out. & My mama suddenly look v short~ 2. And then I met my brother on th next day, he is 13 now :D Shorter than me! (It's okay.) Shorter than my mama also! ( This is no good.) & We finally can communicate cause he finally learnt Chinese. And he say I'm not fat like last time already, :D :D :D This is Kite, it's supposedly mine , but my cousin s...


Went to watch it today @ cineleisure, Uhmm not really an excellent plot & action but just okayokay kinda rating. Too ridiculous & impossible and th male lead is not handsome, Lol din't mean to say this but I paid partially to see cute or handsome hot guys :/ Ate Mos burger for Lunch+Dinner, uhmm unworthy, it's v small, smaller than my palm size and it's 7 bucks, sigh. I love LJS fries, KFC popcorn chicken, Mac Double cheese burger, Subway cold cut trio, Oh victim of fast food. Hah. fats. Don't really look that appealing here, but it still triggered my stomach, feeling much like grab something to eat again, Ohh I think I love beef & pork. Jogged with mama today after I'm back from Orchard. I think she is v pro cause she can lecture me @ 人生大道理 while jogging, so she started off from How-bad-I-was-in-Secondary-one to Its-all-credits-to-me-that-you-become-who-you-are-today all th way to How-did-past-presidents-bring-China-into-it's-prosperity-today ....


Since Facebook started th change-your-profile-picture-to-a-cartoon-character thing I started seeing photos of many familiar as well as unrecognizable cute cartoons. Spend a few minutes to stop by and think about cartoons of my childhood. Not much actually, or is it my memory is playing trick on me? The one above had accompanied me through the whole of my primary five, from first episode to the last. A sweet and lovely story. Card captor Sakura. which later on after the story ended, a sub-story Tsubasa is published, however it takes a new story with new histories for each of its character, just that the names remained the same. Din't really catch that though. It's definitely more than just what the parents put it as wasting money buying useless comics , I find it a real joy to pursue after a series of comics, 期待是一种幸福. Okay I think my post is getting nowhere, what I'm trying to put it here is that thank you comics and cartoons that played a part in my childhood life :D Unti...

Audition day.

Guess what, I downloaded audition , successfully! But th bad news is that, I lost interest in th game soon after I realize that I'm a noob but th system don't allow me to go novice world, ): I have no idea of those weird & perhaps new methods of modes, I feel like a idiot there I'm den-less & @cash-less. Sigh. Okay this is not th point but yeah you get it? I'm not a audition person. Went for Facial in th evening, it's v cold outside, with wind & rain blowing from all directions and everything, despite so we still made it to th Mrt. Brought a light denim jeans skirt in replacement of th pink pajamas pumpkin shorts. Paid it myself, aww. But okay lar, no need bear w/ th pajamas on Sunday ler. Hmm nothing much happened alr. My computer is v slow now but I don't blame it at all, at least it dl-d audition for me. I love you, Compaq Idk wad model (: I hope my mama won't realise what I post everyday is merely 200 words I think?


TREAT EVERYONE NICELY . INCLUDING Y OURSELF . Back home, long ago actually. Delay till now then start to blog. My holiday seems just revolves around 940, 940 and more 940 ;O Brought a pyjamas supposedly nice set of clothes for $12 bucks. Went to Daiso as planned, brought some hopefully-not-useless-stuffs on nails. Ate Drumstick rice instead of supposedly Carl's and Jr, we still don't have enough faith in it that it's fulling for two people and it's too ex. Okay maybe next time, Christmas then? :/ Through various mediums we were informed that Starbuck is giving out free tall size coffee with any amount of donation from 5-7pm this evening. We thought there won't be too many people so we intended to queue for it, in th end when we reach starbuck @ tm arounf 5, th no. of human heads there was like...

Just, too much.

I have a list of good and yummy food in mind! ): I want them all. I want to let my taste bud have some feeling of happiness, but on the other hand my head is filled up with jianfei, jianfei and more jianfei. Went to jogged today, like finally after a week or so. ( Uh I was busy working, not slacking) but ran back home upon receiving T's msg. Oh & he is giving me problems recently. Sigh. Why on the world do guys have such weird mindset. Stayed home today, and ketchup all th 20 or so 古诗-s that I lagged behind th past 7 days. What a great achievement. Though it's a bit lost of words here and there but still. (?) Planning to sneak out tomorrow with 940 to plaza sing . Objective: Lan&Daiso. Gonna give our virgin try on Carl's Jr , hope it gave us Orgasm! :D :D :D It v expensive to us ( we are th poor kids who will pick up 10c on floor those type ) Lulaa. Can't wait to go lan tomorrow. Can't wait to play maple/ audition. My last strand of hope for my supposedly-wo...