Came across this cute tumblr last night towards th end, cute cartoons (: & The one below left somewhat a great influence on me. ( Eee I realise blogger is not showing th image but I'm lazy to fix it.) . _________________________________________________________________ Brand new day, Last day of November. 5 more days to fly away. Apparently I owe my mama another totally-hell-4k-word-post, but well. She told me I can copy compos if I want when I totally run out of things to talk about. So here it is. A random compo from my compo book: Jacob looked glumly at her. Emily still looked th same, as he remembered her fifty years ago.He wondered why she had come to see him after all these years. He also wanted to know how she had got past the ever vigilant nurses since visiting hours had passed. Lastly, he was curious to know how she had known that he was terminally ill and was about to leave, reluctantly, for the next world. Even so, he did not ask any questions. Rather, he smiled and ...
Showing posts from November, 2010
Happy like Patrick.
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有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。 TODAY, I want to thank Binglian , for she helped me when I'm in the dark, When I lost purpose in everyday's life and finds nothing is interesting anymore, there she is, made a call to me, and she said: you want job @ Sitex not I got one slot And I paused, blinked, breathed and replied ...Uhnor, my mama don't let me work ): I hanged in in mad sadness cause I know a lot people are working there this weekend. Then I walked to th kitchen, and told my mama Bl called me, casually, like seriously I told her just, just because, because of nothing. I never expect anything from her. "Oh, then you go larh?" , that was her reply. I was totally in shock, and every action become slow mo. I jumped, screamed and yelled. I grabbed my phone & dialed Bl, I swear I will strangle myself if she tell me the job is taken. And an hour later, I was otw to SimLim square w/ Bl & her brother for briefing. Sweet, this will be my second job since after th failed one @ r...
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22 NOVEMBER 2010 Cute bear, eh? Back from City plaza and Tampines. Did some walk around and finally get rid of my ugly black ear sticks. Had a marvelous day with T. Did some crazy running at various traffic light. T brought an adorable lock for me, which I preferred to be wore as a necklace. Okay actually we chose it together. Ah, He is leaving in two day's time. Hmm, I think I will miss t a lot As for me, I'm leaving in approximately another two weeks' time. Won't have much time hanging out anyway, no job no entertainment no crazy shoppings. My mama set new rule of only-can-go-out-twice-a-week-th-max. I feel like drop-dead-on-my-bed-and-fell-asleep-right-now, exhausted somehow. My ever downloading maple is still at Rar ver part 12, seven more to go. Hopefully can play or else my life will be really, great, exciting, whatever sarcastic word here. And Damn I'm hungry now, though I ate till th max for dinner few hours back. I need to jianfei, like finally. ): Din...
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21 November 2010. ( My mama want me show her th date in big & bright font -.-) Fail but cute, At least I think ♥ Do they look like Bears ? Definitely not. Cause it's a Bunny I-d-k-what. It suppose to be bear, if you flip th photo upside down you could vividly see a outline of a bear head and body. Just that th hand are far too short. Blame T for this. Argh. Actually verything go on smoothly, we had a v nice and appropriate base, something like this: And we started outline it and cut it out and sew it carefully while chatting 有的没的. Obstacle encountered:when we flip it everything go haywire, th hand too short leg too thin head out of shape nothing is right. Out of no choice we turned it & pretend it's Bunny instead. Though I think it look more like Piazza to me & Hippo to T somehow. All in all after 3 hours of hardwork, we finished it up. Sat at Food court for whole three hours. ( Wanted to do it @ Starbucks but full. ) & I think we are stupid. Firstly I sugge...
Lost, but never found.
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I dream of you last night. It was down pouring, really heavy. And it's th day O level ended. I run past th church car-park, then I saw you. You hold my hand & you shouted while we run in th rain, O level finally ended, let's go oooout . I felt just-so-happy-at-that-moment. But I know that will never happen,never. Just so far away. I'm sorry that I don't know what to reply to your message, I don't know what can I say. Initially I wanted to send that on Facebook instead of sms, now I'm glad I din't. That will be just so awkward. I'm not going to talk to you anymore I guess, not that I don't want to but, I don't know what to say. I don't want to see you someday and we just smile at each other & carry on with our own path. Or maybe worse, not even smile. I think i'm really a coward, I want to avoid all this. I feel guilty,therefore I'm avoiding. Guilty that without you or not, my life is still carrying on, normally. Guilty that t...
Nothing new.
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I found this quite cute on a random Tumblr and it took me awhile to realise they're Cupcakes. I changed my blogsong but i think no one can listen it cause there is sth wrong with my Mixpod. I'm starting to love all th beautiful photos on Tumblr but I will not create one myself, Secretly saving other's picture is enough and what's more I don't want to abandon my Blogger. Unlike some heartless soul whose name is made up of 3 numbers ;O Phew, Today is another very normal day. Im Suppose to go out with T today, Sigh I even told my mama I'm going out with a guy and that's for the first time in my life. My very many lil moles screwed it all. Ohwell, pray hard that it recover very very fast. I will take in a lot a lot protein as it Help to replace damaged cells as according to T. And I assume he said so cause he want to show off his Bio very good. Hmphh whatever. Today my very-new-plan-due-to-moles-screwed-up-my-day is: Finish up with blogging by 1 ( It's 12....
P Holidayyy, so?
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Happy Hari Raya Haji , huh? (: Doesnt really matters to me. Th term Public holiday can no longer attract my eyeballs cause It seems that I've been having holiday since like three months ago. Xiaoyi came over today, she was super skinny nao and lost super a lot of pounds due to some skin allegies she was down with th past few weeks. And me? Still hadn't start Jogging / swimming / anything that helps in weight losing yet. Big news of th day will be I went to remove my small and big tiny many lil moles today, Effing pain, kinda. For a few seconds. Din't expect my face to have so many moles, Argh. They electrolyte my face and now it's chao-da, like seriously burnt, with black holes here & there. I can't go out anymore, for th next one week. ): Cause T is going back on next Thur, and not going out for th next one week means until next wed. And which by then we are not going to meet til after 12 Jan. ): So I decided that I will kee...
A 4k words post.
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Okay Since O is over and according to my mama I have to start typing a 2k word blog daily Today will be double th amount cause I din't post anything yesterday. So here is the challenge of the day. As according to mama I can talk about these few days, but there is really nothing much. Friday; End of O level, No much excitement, played pool with Chua & 940, ate aston, went to 940 house to watch The ugly truth which turn out to be very Sex-related. And I got very very very sleepy on th sofa, so we decided to go sleep. Just as I was about to go to my dreamland. 940/chua on th super bright 100000W light so I got awake immediately. And I suggested 940 ask if her bro want play Taiti with us. ( And 940, being lazy like a sloth, msged her brother though he is just in the next room.) He came, And I thought I will have a change of luck ( Lost badly to him during CNY. ) But th cruel truth prove me wrong. I lost, again. Chua is th most pathetic cause at first I lent her 50 cents, but she lo...
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Okay, O level ended, Two days ago. And now I have nothing but Freedom . Spend th last two days with my brothers, dint do much stuffs but had a full basket of laughters. I love them and slept with them and played Taiti together and loses money together. I changed to Iphone and I have unlimited and internet access now. Price to pay is that I have to go RJ if my result is really that good. Oh crap I don't feel like blogging anymore cause I have nothing to say.
哦 Break time.
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Geog paper one 's over. Cambridge is v vicious this year. They put weather&climate in three of th questions, lucky th smart ones like me got study :D I have a lot to say, But it's going to be one. I want to sleep. Anw KOI is nice, as usual. I forget how many papers down alr, and I couldn't remember how many more to go. But, so far, so good. (: