A 4k words post.

Okay Since O is over and according to my mama I have to start typing a 2k word blog daily
Today will be double th amount cause I din't post anything yesterday.
So here is the challenge of the day.
As according to mama I can talk about these few days, but there is really nothing much.

Friday; End of O level, No much excitement, played pool with Chua & 940, ate aston,
went to 940 house to watch The ugly truth which turn out to be very Sex-related.
And I got very very very sleepy on th sofa, so we decided to go sleep.
Just as I was about to go to my dreamland. 940/chua on th super bright 100000W light
so I got awake immediately. And I suggested 940 ask if her bro want play Taiti with us.
( And 940, being lazy like a sloth, msged her brother though he is just in the next room.)
He came, And I thought I will have a change of luck ( Lost badly to him during CNY. )
But th cruel truth prove me wrong. I lost, again.
Chua is th most pathetic cause at first I lent her 50 cents,
but she lost them all and I continue to give her loans of 5cent each until Im broke too.
( I think i sound very monotone here damn)
Okay end of the day is all th three of us loses money to 940's brother.

Lesson learnt: Never defeat to fate, I will fight on!
Aloysius You Watch Out! D;

Saturday, woke up by th ultra bright sunlight that shone into 940's room at holy 7am.
So did Chua, and th two of us decided to sit on th mattress and stare at 940
who is still crouching like a ball under her blanket, unaware of the bright light in th outside world.
(Anw baby my mama say don't cover blanket on your face, will have pimples :D )
940's mama brought us Mac breakfast, Sigh I dint know what I wanted to eat
was known as Big breakfast, sigh. Don't laugh, I don't really eat Junk fast food.

After another movie ( I Love You, Man) we were on our way to Tampines mall.
I thought I have to admit to fate and get Bb 9700 Bold black until coincidentally,
I asked th counter if Iphone 3Gs is in stock ( Since I know 4 is out of th question. )
And th person said th best thing I have heard for the past 6 months,
even better than when someone told me "aye Os over", he said, YES!
And so after Ages of waiting, It's mineeee, Oh new phone, though don't even have infrared ~

We waited damn long, ( It suppose to be very fast but my mama is late.)
And th person before us took holy ages, like near an hour.
At th start my mama was like "haiya wait awhile lar, train your patience."
Until it was after an hour th person is still here my mama stepped up and requested.
Then we were assigned to another counter, and th first phone th person gave me is spoilt -.-
( When I tried to call out, th person on th other side can't hear me.)
And so after like 3hours I think, I finally gotten my phone, with Unlimited sms :D

Oh thanks brothers for being so patient
and rot together with me @ Starhub.

Eventually she signed up Internet access for my phone which she been detesting all along.
However th price to pay is that I will have to go Rj if I get 6 point, oh just If.
So I'm hoping for th best that I get a 7-8, and sent me to Vj, please ):
I know th toilet is horrible, terrible or whatever but it's okay, I'm willing to use it.
After bought my phone, after liek 7 months since my previous photo spoil.
Oh waves goodbye at my laoyapok phone which I don't know th model neither,
Sigh, I wanted to find a photo of you to paste here but I've gone to Google search page 38
and I still see no sight of you, sigh just look how outdated you are.

Ate QQ Mian which according to chua, very nice and cheap.
And hmm okay lar not bad, so much that we couldn't even finish. 940 waste food~
Went to East coast to cycle though all of us were alr switched to offline mode.
And we got a bit higher, just a tiny little bit, went to Bedok jetty, ( Not that windy)
Played on beach ( Not that romantic, reminds me more of formation of current. )
Cycled some, ( Not so determine to cycle to th extreme end. )
Ate a Ice-cream ( There goes all th sweats and Kcal I lost throughout th cyclying process.)
Walked very quickly to respective bustop upon seeing thunders & lightning here and there.
Yeap that's about to mark th end of th day.

Sunday, is th most boring day ever in th past 3 months I think,
Atleast before O level I have to force and drag and beg myself to go study everyday.
But On Sunday there's no longer such a need, So I on-ed comp since th morning.
And talked crap with 940, and we were really really very bored I swear.
We went to th extreme of Big2.5, Wahjong, Harvest time (??), Habboo & more to name
It breaks my heart when this guy talked to us "Hi girls can you be my girlfriend".
And I enthu-ly replied: Sure! But I'm 45 hope you don't mind.
Then within seconds, th guy disappeared. Then stupid 940 start to laugh at me :/

Oh And I tried to download maple + audition but both failed badly.
So I shall admit to fate that my Laoya Laptop can no longer hold th memory of Games.
Okay main point I'm trying to get here is after what-feels-like-an-eternity.
We decided to go Bugis, main objective: Get rid of my Cotton on pumps & rent books.
I was late though, but I'm sure 940 didn't mind, well can't blame me anyway! :/
Din't manage to buy another in th end and rushed to Library and took us much effort
to find a few readable books for th next three weeks ( Assigned by mama, too.)
After which we went to eat some not-very-nice-but-edible-food @ Bugis junction.
Or did we ate it before we shop? my memory is playing trick on me.
Went home with a Signature chocolate @ Starbucks.

And so finally, another day is wasted.

Monday, went to Far East with 940, continue in search of my sandal.
We wanted to eat Slice only to realise that the shop is closed. Ah so out.
And a lil episode is that 940's wegdes ( First time wearing! )'s heels dropped off halfway.
And we started looking around for Superglue and finally found a mama shop at th corner.

Aww 940 I feel so sad for you, hahahahah. Okay I feel bad, joking :D
And so, in th end we walked through nearly all th shoe shop and in th end
back to th start at basement. By then I was devastated and desperate
so I grabbed a ribbon sandal which I spotted earlier which at that point of time,
My expectation were higher than that, but after 2hours?
I have lowered my expectation by leaps and bounds,
So In th end I brought th sandal beside th ribbon one. ( Okay this don't make any sense but ya )
Finally, I can get rid of my Cotton on pump so I threw it into th dustbin,
which later in th day 940 realise she need a black pump for her Subway work.
Oh too bad baby, maybe you can try to back to Far east dustbin dig ? :D

And ohyeah, what's worth to mention is that we actually wore Long jeans !
Our first time wearing acid wash skinny jeans after buying.
This reminds me of sth I came across on Fb before,

Lol, we ate alot alot alot of food though we are really poor.
By th end of th end I'm left with 2.50 and 940 have 45 cents,
which later on she gave her only money to me so that I can have $2.95 :/
(But after which she realise actually she stuck a $10 in her wallet.)

We waved hands @ Orcahrd Mrt where she went to meet Ramen for Job interview,
and I walked in th opposite direction to find T. ( His O level finally ended too!)
Took me 20 minutes to find him cause he told me he was fixing comp opposite Ngee Ann City,
So I assumed he meant he was at Lucky Plaza and I went rounds and rounds looking for him,
ended up realise he was in Paragon fixing internet at M1 -_- Argh.
So I stoned at M1 waiting for him to fix th internet for what seems very long,
took bus to Bras Basah Complex cause he wanted to buy Guitar book.
He opened th book and start pointing at th Five lines (Shit I don't even know what's that called)
and exclaimed in excitement like : Omg this is damn cool you see!
Then I tilt my head over, looking at th tadpoles and agreed in somewhat puzzlement.
Then he suddenly remember I'm-not-a-music-person and smiled back at me awkwardly.
We wanted to bargain with th aunty but failed pretty badly, not bargain sorta people.
It's a v short conver and goes like, Aunty can cheaper?- No- Oh ok.
Walked back to Bugis Junction and had KFC for dinner,
I so see th hopelessness in jian-fei-after-O-level. Followed by a million sighs.
Took bus home and that marks yesterday, again,one more day, gone.


Okay I have only two more things to talk about now,
Firstly hair, secondly weight. 山穷水尽 Already.

I decided to change my hairstyle, but putting into consideration that my hair is alr short,
and I can't dye it, and I have zero idea of how to style it.
So I found three pretty cute hairstyle, which inevitably, only looks nice
IF I dye it, style it and keep it in that particular shape all th time ):
Major problem now is that my hair is far too short for these hairstyles,
sigh shouldn't have let th person whom-I-thought-did-quite-a-good-job cut so much.
Now I have to wait for it to grow patiently, perhaps till prom? Argh that's very long.

That ends my first topic, now comes to th last topic of th day,
I have no idea how I am going to blog 2k word about jianfei,
It's 5.03 now and rain just stopped, pretty nice weather to jog, shit I need get this done fast.

Okay so my current weight is like 59.9 ( Actually exceeded but I want to deny th fact. )
Though my BMI is 21.7 which is under th acceptable range
but I think this is most likely inaccurate cause it don't apply for kids like me below 18.
So my target will be 52, by Feb, that makes it 59.9-52 = 7.9kg
Went on to internet to search for some tips on how to jian fei effectively and healthily.
Gone are th eat-nothing-but-apples and drink-yoghurt-for-three-days.
Come on Junting, be determined! be brave! Dig out your swimming costume and go swim!
Okay so some of th main tips to take note is as following
1. 对减肥最有效的运动就是有氧运动,它能够帮助燃烧脂肪,提高人体新陈代谢。

2. 每次运动最好一次持续做完,中间不要停止.

3. 慢跑30~50分钟。必须坚持30分钟以上,因为从30分钟之后身体的能量才从消耗开始消耗脂肪.

4. 运动减肥贵在坚持。如果没有持之以恒的心态和精神;

5. 运动前后一杯水。早晨或者傍晚(科学分析,傍晚运动更科学更有效)运动前,先喝一杯白开水;

6. 运动要有规律性。这里讲的规律性不是指运动的时间等,而是指运动的项目。这要根据自身的条件和情况去规划和不断总结完善。

7. 人体最大消耗是在一天中的上午,在睡前三小时以内不要吃任何东西是最理想的减肥方法

8. 少吃瘦猪肉,少喝咖啡,多餐少量, 水果减肥作为饮食减肥中最轻松、最健康的减肥方式.

9. 饭后至少站立半小时,可以免去脂肪淤积在小肚子上的烦恼,还省去事后弥补。

10. 紫菜,香蕉,苹果,木瓜,西瓜,奇异果,菠萝,鸡蛋,西红柿,陈皮

Hohoho, okay that sums up everything and I have a bad feeling now...
Great this only makes 2227 words, I still need 1.7k more words to complete my task. Argh.
Okay so what else can I talk about?
I'm going to do th OSIM whatsoever for 30-60 minutes per day to achieve my flat stomach,
I will raise my leg at right angle to th wall th moment I wake up to get a slimmer leg,
I will go jog for five days a week, preferably in th evening as suggested on th internet,
I will go swim twice a week, provided that I can dig out my swimming costume.
I will drink nothing but mineral water/ distilled water/ boiled water/ tap water.
I will eat a lot fruit everyday cause th internet say fruit is good and tasty and healthy.
And oh shit why is it raining again? I haven jog today yet. Damn.


Oh this is sad ):

Oh well whatever it is, just make me lost 8 kg in 3months time please ):
Yeah it's 3.2k words now! :D :D :D :D :D :D So happy.
Okay now back to scientific calculations,
My daily needs for my weight is 6300KJ, which means 1600Kcal.
Okay so I shall start looking for th nutrition value every time I eat.
First of all I need to persuade my mama to let me try out th apple plan,
I cant keep up with that plan if she disapprove it, Argh.
Ohwell shall buy 15 apples home later when th rain stops after I jog (:

Let's talk about th first story book I started reading
cause I really run out of things to say alr.
It's about this Bride to be, Hat got dumped by her fiancés sic weeks before th wedding,
then Hat tried everything she can to get him back before th wedding while
bluffing to everyone that th wedding is still going on perfectly except two of her good friend.
Then she dragged this guy called Sam for th wedding dinner
21 days before th actually wedding and pretend that he is her fiances ( Jimmy mack ).
The book is called Stupid Cupid and I think so far it's not bad
cause I have no idea what is going to happen in the end cause
Hat can't possibly marry to Sam instead cause Sam is married alr.
And it will be ridiculous if Jimmy comes back to Hat though this is highly possible.
Okay that will most likely be th story, I will post th ending of th story two days later,
which by then I could have finish th book, I'm at chapter 17 now it has 32 chapters in total.

I borrowed 3 romance one thriller and one detective kinda book for my next three weeks,
th rain is getting heavier and I see no hope in jogging tonight nor buying apples.
Sigh. There is a water bottle ( left 1/5 ) a calculator ( was calculating th calories )
a laptop ( Im using ) a watermelon skin (finished eating) th pile of books beside me.
My phone is on top of th books so that I can sense it vibrating when there is msg,
I am wearing a grey-ish white pyjamas, actually is suppose to be going-out-outfit
and my xy bought it for me in Korean, but i don't know why it ended up becoming homeclothes.
Sigh am I 4k am i 4k am i 4K i'm desperate alr ):
Oh almost there it's 3.6k now, sigh 400 words more to go.
shall I copy a composition though that's not really a nice idea
I just offed th fan cause th wind blowing in from th window is cold enough,
I feel like a idiot talking to myself now but it's okay, my fingers are numbing. argh.

I still need to memorise 40 chinese idioms and 2 古诗 cause I din't do my part ysd,
sigh, and my mama is coming back any minute to check on me,
She should have reached long ago but I guess that she got stuck in th rain or something.
I will be staying home for today and tomorrow, happy hari raya puasa ( I think , not sure)
Going out to play pool + watch Duedate with T on thur,
And I actually told my mama im going out with T, amazing, though with a little lie.
Okay i think i'm almost done, i dont think she will realise this post sort of 200+ more words .

Yeah finalyl done, i've got so enough of blogging,
bye blogger! D;
I mean, see you tomorrow T___T


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