21 November 2010.

( My mama want me show her th date in big & bright font -.-)
Fail but cute, At least I think ♥
It suppose to be bear, if you flip th photo upside down you could vividly see a outline of a bear head and body.
Just that th hand are far too short. Blame T for this. Argh.
Actually verything go on smoothly, we had a v nice and appropriate base, something like this:
Obstacle encountered:when we flip it everything go haywire, th hand too short leg too thin head out of shape nothing is right.
Out of no choice we turned it & pretend it's Bunny instead.
Though I think it look more like Piazza to me & Hippo to T somehow.
All in all after 3 hours of hardwork, we finished it up.
Sat at Food court for whole three hours. ( Wanted to do it @ Starbucks but full. )
& I think we are stupid.
Firstly I suggested let's go eat Eighteen Chef, but as we walk to th door we decided not too.
I was like: Let's eat a lot lil small things then maybe we full alr :D
So first we went to ate 10plus Sushi, then shared a Chicken pie,
after that we realise we were still damn hungry.
So in th end we decided to go Food court & share something to eat.
Then we settled on a Mixed Grilled, 12 bucks, argh money. But no bad eat.
Had a Dessert after which, th food court suddenly become v cold cause only few people left.
It was hilarious, it was back-aching, it was fun filled at th same time.
I was pretty worried that today will screw up cause I know it will fail.
There is no way we can make a bear like th ones I was expecting,yet things turn out pretty well.
Th main point here is not making a bear for th sake of making it,
rather it's more of doing something special together and leave memories behind.
The process, is what I enjoyed th most. Hopefully T is feeling th same way.
As time passes, I realise I'ave have been putting lesser attention on a r/s when blogging.
Gone are th times with "I love you blah blah blah" or "You melted my heart" and etc.
Somethings are just better to be kept to heart and not broadcasting it around.
And perhaps thanks to my previous r/s.
I had learnt to never, never vent your anger by typing it all out on blog.
Once the words on typed, be it accidental or impulsive.
The damage is done and r/s is broken. You can never take back th words you had said.