22 NOVEMBER 2010

Cute bear, eh?
Back from City plaza and Tampines.
Did some walk around and finally get rid of my ugly black ear sticks.
Had a marvelous day with T. Did some crazy running at various traffic light.

T brought an adorable lock for me, which I preferred to be wore as a necklace.
Okay actually we chose it together.
Ah, He is leaving in two day's time. Hmm, I think I will miss t a lot
As for me, I'm leaving in approximately another two weeks' time.
Won't have much time hanging out anyway, no job no entertainment no crazy shoppings.
My mama set new rule of only-can-go-out-twice-a-week-th-max.
I feel like drop-dead-on-my-bed-and-fell-asleep-right-now, exhausted somehow.

My ever downloading maple is still at Rar ver part 12, seven more to go.
Hopefully can play or else my life will be really, great, exciting, whatever sarcastic word here.
And Damn I'm hungry now, though I ate till th max for dinner few hours back.
I need to jianfei, like finally. ): Din't control much cause kept went out these few days,
and you know, it's just impossible to talk about dieting when you're outside.

Going out with A on Wednesday, argh I'm nervous.wts.


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