
Showing posts from January, 2010
Awwwwww lovely shuaige . ( But why is there a ring on his hand ?! D; ) I'm HAPPY today , cos .. +drum rolls+ Got shuaigeeeee-s in my physics tuition! Anw I was so dumb on th way to school ;O Only realise I need go tuition at 11.50am . ( Tuition @ 12.30 ) Damn hot weather and I was wearing a half long sleeve top -.- Took the wrong bus . ( There are 3 buses coming to th bustop , then I know I need take 43 which is th 3rd bus . But there's this girl at th bustop too and she look like she is going tuition too , so i happily assumed she going to same tuition as me , and i saw her broad a bus , i was busying trying to untangle my necklace so I hopped on th bus too . and after i got up i realise th bus im taking is a double deck when 43 is single deck -.- ) Waited 10minutes for th Life to come so I was late . Got off at th wrong level . ( Suppose to be 4th but when th life opened at 3rd level I went out of th lift -.- ) BUT it's all O-K-A-Y ! Cos there're SHUAIGE-S in t...


Hais shuaige ;D Going post one of his pictures each post , awwww shuaigeeeee ! School is , Retarded this week , and Wasted Don't rmber learning anything , Especially Emath , totally Buang . Argh . Had sec one initiation day ysd , I LOVE TH APPLE GAME . hahahaha . And my pants is like totally wet , so is my panty . ( OH BIANTAI ;O ) Hahaha , Talked to Alicia for a while after everyone left , Grr it's been so long , zsd . Power of being in two different classes . Alot other things happened in th family too , The world is so U.G.L.Y sometimes , But we have to accept it for it's the world is suppose to be . seriously hate them , hate those sides of human beings . But they're still my only kins left in the world . Gtg now , sorry for th unfinished post . ):


读了小四的“悲伤逆流成河” , 人类史上最为悲伤的小说。 好好的一个又一个男孩与女孩,到最后,都死在了该死的小四手里, (也不知道哭死了多少少女啊 !) 想破口大骂作者,但死人四有长了一张“死了都要爱”,帅气到极点的脸蛋。 真是的! 人类, 真的像书里那么残忍与冷漠吗?又或者,更可悲? 最近遇到的事情都是很负面的,例如班上的某位同学,例如自己的家人,甚至于自己。 不喜欢长大后每天都要认识一点这个世界很肮脏的一面的感觉, 但也只能这样成长,就这样一点一点地,在脑海里勾画出这个世界,真正的世界。 我爱你,想在这辈子好好的爱你一回,但是为什么不能呢? 是你就不能吗?为什么, 爱不单行。 但,双向的爱也不行吗? 我想长大,但我不想变成向周围的大人一样的大人, 希望长大后的我,不要迷失方向,要记得16岁的我曾经对自己说过的话。 “ 请记得自己曾经自己也是个小孩 ” 像几米一样的活着。 累了,那么,洗洗睡吧。 (  测验+考试+补习+作业= 2010  ) 好一个驴唇不对马嘴的帖子._.


HAD A REALLY GOOD LAUGH WITH DEAR 940 TODAY ! :D ( Love you so much Hahah . ) Yeah it's a half day today ( According to Boon it's cos th previous batch had done well for Os'09 . ) Went to Vivo with Jocelyn dear , Darrell is suppose to come too . But in th end he got pissed at me , for I-lazy-to-explain-why . ( Guys are just weird . ) So we mrt-ed there , then We met this weird "tourist" at Vivo First he approached us and ask if he can get to see th sea cos his fren told him here can see the sea -.- As we are nice anglican high girls ( -.- ) We suggested to bring him to th Sky train . But we ended up "guiding" him around vivo & th sky garden for like around 1hour -.- Wth , and he claim that he is a Singaporean but he went to Australia for many years blahs . In th end we finally get away by telling me "Oh sorry we're late for meeting our frens " , Lol. And he kept saying he want treat us a drink , which we highly suspect he want t...


Please disappear forever and ever and ever from my sight . And don't let me hear you ever again . You are dead , in my heart . You fucker . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 1.11am I'm hungry , and tired , and cold , and doing amath still . Sounds so damn stupid . Whatever . And Stomach cramp is coming me to visit me soon , great -.- FML

Chemistry kills :/

The good girls Junting&Jocelyn spent their day at Library doing "work" , Yeah ! Ohwell , atleast we tried to . But both our stomaches keep giving us problems so we kept go shit . Lol unglam . Had banmian for lunch , and 940 had her disgusting Pig liver soup . The bloood is still on the liver can so gross like eeeewwwww ! ): Tried to do notes for Metal but attempts failed . Her father fecthed me to Tm afterwards to buy Twine , Look so hilarious trying to hold 21 rolls of twine at popular , with it kept dropping and rolling away . so in the end I went to kope this school bag's plastic cover and throw all th twines inside . Lol okay sorry bag for stealing yur "clothes" :/ Anw , I like this pic (: 就让我伪装我嘴角不屑,让孤独乘以更孤独的两倍.

need more sleep , desperately .

( The most adorable ever Domokun spotted in Physics Lab ! :D ) Hello I'm back , It's the second week of sec four and I'm despo for more hours of sleep , ( Had never wanted Weekend to come faster this much in my life . ) School's not tough , not yet at least , but I've been trying my best to catch up what I'd missed for the whole of sec 3 . And i t sucks ): ( Ohwell blame who ) Epic conver of today :D Me : 940 ! Is weesen handsome ? 940 : NOOOO?! Weesen ( At the back ): walao 可以不要问这种问题吗 ? It's a very touchy question . + Laughs of many people who overheard this + Lol , Had many Study plans for myself and Ofcos , trying my best to follow everyday . Staying back after school after school with Chua till we finish our Homework , I find it pretty good , so that I can focus on revising at home . Uh , I couldn't remember what more I wanted to say . Oh well , __________________________________________________________________________________________________________...

undying zombie life .

( I've got no photo to post here unless any kind soul upload on Fb .) Orientation is over ! (: + Clap hands + Like every year , had problems with the Music , again . One of the PA forget to bring our Music disc to school today , and thus we have no music . Then we realise there's an extra disc in our speaker so we tried to take it out , And the Disc is not playing music for nobody knows why . Just as we decided to use Iphone and blast through speakers out of no choice NCC came and told us that they can lend us their speakers which is louder . Received news at the last minute that the PA went back home to take the Disc (: So everything carried out well , Except that our Banner dropped down twice ): Thanks BB for sworbing performance with us so that we had enough time to settle the music . Thanks the BB guy who helped us with the speaker . Thanks NCC-s who helped us with our booth in th day . Thanks NCC f or their speaker ( How nice ;D ) Thanks GG for asking if we need a...

so here we go again ,

1ST OF LESSON ; 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL . One word : B.u.s.y . ( And I can't find my Math eoy paper , great -.- )

THe "O" year

SO , 2010 IS HAPPENING :/ 2009 ended , as usual . Like how every year past and with me only realising it when another new year starts . To be honest , sec three was a disaster . Well on Academic , and perhaps , Relationship too . And this definitely need to change , starting from tomorrow . ( Gosh . ) Big year , for th big " O " , and even my mouth is also going into a " O " shape . To be honest , I don't have any confident that I can score well for it , Of course I only meant this If I continue my attitude like last year . S.T.U.D.Y. , S.T.U.D.Y and more S.T.U.D.Y . That would most properly sum up as 2010 . ( Or atleast th first 11 months of 2010 . ) Think positively ? Maybe I would lose some weight due to over stress ( Fat hope . ) Maybe I would save alot money cos busy studying ( Hahahahah think too much . ) -/& 隽婷,要加油啊! (: And hopefully relationship is not going to affect me . OHWELL . Even if one day I wake up and you no longer talk to me I sha...


HAPPY 2010 EVERYONE ! :D :D :D Helllloooooo Everyone , It's 2010 ! :D Hahahaha , Went out with Hj and friends ysd , ;O ( Oh 940 th Guy in cap is cute okay !? :D Reminds me of Quek . Hahaha. ) Ohyeah , Licia came over my house to do Geog hw in th day :D Omg can't believe I finish finding th 10 articles ( Actually only havce 9 . ;O ) Anw so Meet them @ Plaza Sing at 7 , Then his frens all want to play lan , So Hj hao xin pangseh them and went to eat dinner with me ;D Screammmmms , th Ice jelly with Cocktail is nice ! Kay then walked around , Brought a COTTON ON dress , SCAM CAN ?! It say 50% Storewide but in th end th dress I buy no Discount ): Hais , Oh well , But it's ncie I think :D I WANT TO BUY TH "PEACE" NECKLACE !!! But I think no more Off ler ): 10 plus walked back to Burger king and met up again , Then head to weian's house to play Wii :D my hand is so damn hell tired can , hahahah . feels like doing a milkshake :D And all of us din't reali...