undying zombie life .

( I've got no photo to post here unless any kind soul upload on Fb .)

Orientation is over ! (:
+ Clap hands +
Like every year , had problems with the Music , again .
One of the PA forget to bring our Music disc to school today , and thus we have no music .
Then we realise there's an extra disc in our speaker so we tried to take it out ,
And the Disc is not playing music for nobody knows why .
Just as we decided to use Iphone and blast through speakers out of no choice
NCC came and told us that they can lend us their speakers which is louder .
Received news at the last minute that the PA went back home to take the Disc (:
So everything carried out well , Except that our Banner dropped down twice ):

  • Thanks BB for sworbing performance with us so that we had enough time to settle the music .
  • Thanks the BB guy who helped us with the speaker .
  • Thanks NCC-s who helped us with our booth in th day .
  • Thanks NCC for their speaker ( How nice ;D )
  • Thanks GG for asking if we need any help .
  • Thanks SCOUTS for lending us the ladder .
  • Thanks All the SENIORS who came back supported and helped us .
And most Importantly , thanks to everyone in the Unit for making this a success ! (:
AHNP ♥♥♥
Hopefully to have more Juniors joining in , like seriously , What's not good about us about np ? ):

Side story : Spotted Shuaige-s and Cute guys in the day too ! :D
Jinhan is sooooo cute , and both me and Licia agreed that he look like Junle somehow .
And cubeeeee ! He finally came back school , like din't see him for months ler ? (:
And the I-want-to-know-more-girls guy is not bad too :D + Ignores his pimples ? +
Opps Junting you so stupid xD


Move on to talk about my secondary four life now , din't blog for pretty long I think .
First of school is over , feels like I've been hardworking for months . Lol .
Frankly speaking , it wasn't Stressed yet , Copable work (:
Just that I realise trying to keep up with the school's schudule will leave me with no free time at all .
Screwed my Chinese test , just pass by 3marks . But it's not really affecting me so yeah .
Amath is understandable so far , uh thanks to my mother for guiding me through ? ;O

Had tests throughout the whole week , and still left 4 subjescts nest week .
Have been sleeping at like one in the morning everyday , I'm tired ttm now .
But I'm not going to sleep until I finish my Geog pair work and Eng letter Researches .
Went to Bugis with my mother after CCA , brought a Lime green mouse , chiozxzxzx :D
Wanted to show everyone by posting a photo of it but I realise it's lame and unneccesary .
Brought hell loads of Assignments from Pop again , hais . Stacking up like a montain range .
And one this Chemistry assignment is super thin and expensive , bloody 30 bucks ):
My mother even brought me assignment for HCL can .

Personally I think I've become more organised this year , and hopefully I can keep it up !
Getting my New bag on sun :D ( Die also must go orchard buy! -.- ) Can't wait .
Oh and I'm taking Height and Weight for next's week's PE . HOLY SHIT .

Gotta do research N.O.W ! I wanna sleep sooooon ):


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