
Hais shuaige ;D Going post one of his pictures each post , awwww shuaigeeeee !
School is , Retarded this week , and Wasted
Don't rmber learning anything , Especially Emath , totally Buang . Argh .
Had sec one initiation day ysd , I LOVE TH APPLE GAME . hahahaha .
And my pants is like totally wet , so is my panty . ( OH BIANTAI ;O )
Hahaha , Talked to Alicia for a while after everyone left ,
Grr it's been so long , zsd . Power of being in two different classes .
Alot other things happened in th family too ,
The world is so U.G.L.Y sometimes ,
But we have to accept it for it's the world is suppose to be .
seriously hate them , hate those sides of human beings .
But they're still my only kins left in the world .
Gtg now , sorry for th unfinished post . ):