
Showing posts from November, 2011


Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of unlived life. You don't have to live forever,you just have to live. 贰零壹壹年的打工生涯终于圆满的结束了。 代价除了抛开学业外,还附赠体重两公斤,靠。这工打的,竟然还打肥了。 今年年底学到的是: 一 推销员这个神圣的职位只可当假期工,万万不能做上一辈子。 二 人生要放胆尝试很多事,才会知道自己到底在寻找什么。 三 每天三餐在外面吃经过验证 是会把人吃肥的。 七天的工作认识了形形色色的人。热血π,恰谈π,可爱π,风骚π,友善π。 其实比预期中好很多,还以为自己孤身一人会 被冷落在一边当装饰品,冷眼相望; 结果第二天就和人打成一片,星期天SITEX放工后一群人冲去85吃宵夜,喝到凌晨才打车回府~ 后来在ROAD SHOW更是认识了一个细胞异常活泼 恰谈的圣公会姐姐 好不痛快~ 挺羡慕她家娘亲教育女儿的态度。就是那种可以任她放纵 又信任她自己会收敛的那种。 以后我也要做一个这样的母亲。- 抱拳状- 从明天开始就要闭门修炼了,其实谈理想都还太遥远。现在我心头上只有两件事: 一来想真心的热爱学习,把学业搞好。 二来减到五十三公斤 我就心满意足了。 感情么。哎,不要跟我谈感情。 不是说么 人最搞不懂的,不是别人,恰恰是自己。 想要的生活怎么有一百种,该怎么走 谁来告诉我。 - 卢广仲 《100种生活》


当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天, 我们突然发现; 自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走。 这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时仿佛自己在前进的错觉, 而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。 - 《单身公寓》 Fully aware with the fact that I've been blogging every day or atleast alternate days, despite I've a whole list of work aside to complete. but agh. Need a platform to.. well, talk to myself :') Left school halfway today as usual and went down to Singapore philatelic museum ,  not that im a big fan of stamps but well, just to walk around places I've never been before, alone. I love to travel around, used to have lil fantasy when I was 13, picturing me and future boyf travelling around Singapore, visiting places we have never been before. Take random buses and drop off at random stops to explore the places. Look for good food by going around the country's hidden corners. (It feels weird when I refer Singapore as a country.) However these ideas never materialised after these years, despite numerous relationships. No one se...


怎么会这样呢。外面的雨都停了,脸上的泪怎么还是止不住呢。 看到你的签名,心还是一下子被揪起来了。到底是难过,还是愧疚?。。 满世界的想找一首形容自己心情的歌 到头来却发现自己是那个坏人 连作词人也不会同情。 回家明明是十分钟的车程,却宁可花了一个半小时有意无意的把整个勿洛绕了一大圈才作罢。 到底在期待着什么。就算真的遇到你了又能怎样呢? 对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起。 我不是要把自己形容的楚楚可怜。只是不知道自己到底怎么了。睡觉吧,醒来一切都会好的。 当你的心很痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,赶快抬头去这片曾经属于我们的天空。 如果天依旧那么广阔,云依旧那么潇洒,那就不应该哭。因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。 -看得见风景的房间


最终还是分开了。对不起对不起对不起 郭隽婷你给我记住了,以后再也不许这么仓促的进入一段感情,不许伤别人的心。 不许以为爱情很简单,不许随便喜欢就在一起说不喜欢就分手。会有报应的。 如果真的觉得和一个人要在一起,就要以结婚为前提。 人总要为自己的行为负责,不许后悔,不许哭。 天空依旧很蓝,地球仍然在转,日子还会继续。


Ikr, why I so bad. sigh.  对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起对不起。 到底哪里出了差错呢?  At the very least I finally bring this up to him. After being haunted by the thought of What-to-do for, weeks? It's really a scary thought that when you are in a r/s, someone might just tell you in the face  hey-dude-i-like-you-no-more. oh yeah btw i'm that bad ass who lost feeling. Agh. Dammit lah  not that I want also right... okay wait why am I complaining zzz okay sorry )': sleep. bye. 


即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。 Finally watched you are the apple of my eye after everyone else did, and, after I already knew the plot. 电影不错,不错于它的真实,很贴切咱们平民老百姓的生活~但最喜爱的片子仍旧是“心动”。 不由的发现每次真正让我为之动容的结局并非是男女主角幸福的在一起,而是相反, 错过的就让它错过,再来,就默默祝福彼此。 再亲密也总有分开的一天;再开心也总有伤心的一天。那么,一开始就不要在一起么。 这样就永远不分开了,当一辈子的好朋友何尝不好? 电影的情节不由得让我想起一个人,很久很久以前的一个人。 一个每次都和我争着读[百变小樱魔术卡]的男生,经常强取豪夺像变戏法般的把漫画“抢”走, 然后就在那些平淡无奇的日子里,在毫无察觉的情况下对彼此的感情渐渐萌芽, 从上课的时候面无表情地暗暗使劲儿互踩对方的脚到周末煲电话粥长达四个小时, 噢 最后并没有在一起。当时在对方跟自己表白的时候 自己由于太过于害羞而没有做出表示, 因此也就没了后戏。 再后来中三的时候大家偶然的取得联系后 曾经又表白过一次。 但当年仅有的喜欢早已烟消云散,更何况总觉得对方没什么诚意。 不过今天回想起六年前的那些“打情骂俏”的日子。觉得其实挺好的,呵呵~ On a side note by the time we go home I couldn't stand the heels any more, so I took it off, and, walked barefoot from Cathay to lavender, suddenly feel like take a little stroll down the street at night. It was pretty late like around ten so not much passer-bys though I still overheard people mumbling about "omg that girl never wear shoe wtf?" Great experience, my foot are...


看来东北季候风横扫印度洋后,从南中国海一路漂洋过海,终究没有忘记光临岛国~ 今天回家的路上乌云密布黑压压的笼罩着头顶,阵风呼啸而过,竟出现了落叶飞扬的景象。 自己非但没有因此加快步伐,而是缩了缩袖子 迎着风 等待着大雨的降临。 闪电雷声此起彼伏,恍惚间真的有世界末日来袭的错觉。 习惯性的在闪电后会皱起眉头,然后眯起双眼,期待那震耳欲聋的雷声在空中回荡。 有些人,有些事;在这个雨季后,就和空气中的水滴一起蒸发掉吧~ 浪子回头金不换哟!

20 Words To Make Life Better.

Begin . Imagine . Laugh . Believe . Seek . Play . Trust . Listen . Create . Connect . Touch . Forgive . Pray . Hope . Choos e . Appreciate . Give . Read . Write . Release Last night of project work , finally done with I&R. I will honestly miss the days I spent with my group. I love them, after seven months of going through all the hardships, laughters, even conflicts . All the best dearest fellow VJ 122 members. True enough, parting is such sweet sorrow.   It was until today that Chris Medina's story with his fiancée was make known to me.How sweet of him. (: I wondered, if there will be anyone, apart from you. That worth me doing this. On a side note, I love watching talent show videos, especially the auditions. Whereby ordinary people's talents are first discovered. I love those moments, so so much. (:


Oh well, it better be. I realise I have been keep repeating over and over again to myself, and almost to everyone else to study. But I was thinking that most probably no one would want to hear me keep on whining everyday over these perhaps trivial matters, so blog here I am! :D A short whiny session and summarise of my life here before I go off to re-do the bloody promo geography paper. Ms Wardah said R-paper isn't exactly the same but they will tweak a bit here and there. Sigh that's like not answering to my question of so is it the same paper? Kay assume v much similar. So. I spent some time trying to figure out why I done badly / not as well as others for promos. Geog , ohwell, frankly speaking I'm really clueless why I can't even pass it. Like Damn you I memorised -.- Anyway my shallow conclusions was that I din't memorise, or rather understand enough. However it will really be disastrous if I have to memorise everything word by word, I decide to t...


Due to an inadvertent mistake, I pressed some sort of update key for Blogger and My old HTML code is all gone. Thereby I have no choice but spent nearly an hour's time and come up with this new template with the new system. Initially I was thinking of adding D & me's photo to replace the photo on the right corner as promised months ago. Seems that there isn't a need for that any more :/


Okay, a rough guideline and some website to take note for further research for myself. NUS Admission criteria: Job to consider as of now: Foreign Service Administration Specialist Requirement: - Singapore Citizen - At least Diploma qualification from a Polytechnic. - Strong interpersonal, planning and organisational skills - Ability to communicate effectively - Ability to adapt to diverse social and cultural environment. Pre-requisites: Min. Education Level : Diploma Field of Study : Business Administration Year of Exp Required : 2 Skills : Organisational skills / Interpersonal skills / Communications skills / Planning skills Language : English Benefits : After three to four years in our headquarters, you can be considered for posting at one of our Overseas Missions. = GOT FOUR SEASONS IF GET TO SENT TO CHINA :DDDDDD Next I w...