
Oh well, it better be.

I realise I have been keep repeating over and over again to myself, and almost to everyone else to study.
But I was thinking that most probably no one would want to hear me keep on whining everyday over these perhaps trivial matters, so blog here I am! :D
A short whiny session and summarise of my life here before I go off to re-do the bloody promo geography paper. Ms Wardah said R-paper isn't exactly the same but they will tweak a bit here and there.
Sigh that's like not answering to my question of so is it the same paper? Kay assume v much similar.

So. I spent some time trying to figure out why I done badly / not as well as others for promos.
Geog, ohwell, frankly speaking I'm really clueless why I can't even pass it. Like Damn you I memorised -.-
Anyway my shallow conclusions was that I din't memorise, or rather understand enough.
However it will really be disastrous if I have to memorise everything word by word, I decide to try the soft approach, by drawing mindmap for every chapter instead of notes, and to watch geography videos on Youtube, which might help me to understand things better and hopefully, be more interested in the subject.

Physics, always a pain in the ass ever since secondary school days.
Ohwell don't ask me why did I choose phys in JC then, not like I have a choice otherwise.
So. physics. I kind of approached my tuitor & D (since he is doing v well in phys) on tips to study physics.
From what I understand is that I need understanding, passion and lastly, practise.
I have "phobia" doing physics seriously, not that I detest it that much, but it kills all my confidence and mood in that split second whenever I start doing physics assessment.
However, as I don't have a freaking choice. I'm trying my best to embrace it with love.
Step one I downloaded 120 videos on physics tutorial on apps store. Kay watch everyday hypnotize myself.
Step two I will die die finish the tys by this holiday and make sure I bloody get everything right.

GP. Aww man, it's not that I don't want to study but, I really don't have much spare time for it.
Kay shouldn't find excuse. Not much to mention. just reading and reading and more readings.
Ohyeah and not to forget i'm in week 4 day 3 of the 1100 words you need to know, that's a total of 75 vocabularies so far. kay go junting -__________- you can do it, it it it it fuck it.
So anyway I decide to choose 3 topics out of the 11 common topics and focus on those three.
Namely, education, mass media and technology. And lastly, my prior geog knowledge if needed.

Math & econs are the only comfort to my already-sp-broken heart. C for both.
Okay not exactly excellence but I mean like, it's my best subjects among all. and I'm really glad honestly.
Thereby all the more I can't let it deprove. ( Kay such word doesn't exist but you get what I mean.)
Will do all the examples in lecture notes all over again for math and read through TYS for econs,
In fact I went to popular today to find math assessment but there isn't any H2 math tys/ assessments books available. Wts why like that~ On a second thought I shall just master whatever I have with me.

Yay finishing my conclusion soon.
Been pretty much bothered by something else recently too actually. Agh, feel so bad everyday. ):
But, not my fault entirely right. K can't push blames. Sigh. will settle it soon. well.
On a side note I love this song, not like it's my first time listening to it but I just made an effort to search for the lyrics of the song today and it touches my heart.
Love is the best thing in the world, but one condition is that you have to meet the right one for you.


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