
Due to an inadvertent mistake, I pressed some sort of update key for Blogger and My old HTML
code is all gone. Thereby I have no choice but spent nearly an hour's time and come up with this
new template with the new system.
Initially I was thinking of adding D & me's photo to replace the photo on the right corner as
promised months ago. Seems that there isn't a need for that any more :/
Woo, this thing above is called a "Jump break" so cool :D (but I realised later on it not reflected in the post.)
Okay the new system looks neater as compared to the previous one I've been relying on the past 5 years. 

School life's pretty much slack, going school everyday for an hour or so to prepare for the upcoming OP.
Could never thank whoever chose to build VJ at parkway enough 'cause I'll die if I spent 3hrs on travelling everyday.

Suppose to go to the Singapore National Museum with 940 in the afternoon but postponed as D
was moody for screwing up his only Combine humans paper. K DON'T SAD YO (':
By right I was suppose to comfort him for flunking the major exam, it kind of ended up I was very moody
complaining about no goals to accomplish in life and Vj very competitive etc so I ended up shedding tears.
Trolololol so...... he started consoling me for the whole bus 14 trip otw home. Hmmm. 
And I realised I actually was feeling inferior for dropping geography to H1. :/ wts
Neh whatever. I will study hard for R-paper, CT1, CT2, Prelim,and ultimately,the A level放马过来吧!~


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