
Showing posts from June, 2010


人们常用光阴似箭来形容时间的飞逝, 也常用度日如年来形容时间的缓慢。 其实,时间的脚步永远恒定向前,感觉快或慢的,只是人自己的心罢了。 Remember when I was a kid, like somewhat ten years ago, I used to read this story about this Lil girl who get a seven colored flower & was granted for seven wishes, Forgotten what're the seven wishes she wished, All I remember is that there's a period I kept fantasize about what If one day, I can be granted seven wishes. Hah, Ohwell, but I couldn't remember what my own seven wishes were. And what If today, I was granted seven wishes, seven is too much actually, I think I just need three. 1. Heaven do exist so that I will never be separate with everyone I love . 2. Exact amount will appeared in my wallet whenever I need money. 3. World Peace. Stop poverty prejudice all shitzxz Study din't really quite flash through my mind when I think of the three wishes, Is like, I think I'm not dumb. I can study on my own :/ Haha abit bhb but yeah, I rather wish for something else. Well why did I even started ...


只有亲情和事业是最值得投资的,因为这些会随着你的付出而不断积累, 唯有感情会在某一时刻突然归零。 所以, 还剩下一点点理智的隽婷,很现实的做出了选择。 爱情是美人鱼在刀尖上跳舞,惨痛但却美丽。 现在的我没有精力去承受她会带来的惨痛,于是自我保护的放弃了她的美丽。 什么时候自己变得这么理智了呢?当年那个放荡不羁的女生什么时候起,荡然无存了? 人在这种时刻理智一点是好的, +自我催眠中+ 亲爱的你十六岁啦~ 不小了,该懂得是非轻重了, 乖~ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 我们在那里相遇,相爱,分手, 复合, 如今却再一次选择了分开。 爱情要随缘么? 不,爱情要懂得争取也要懂得随缘。 我想我们已经争取过,现在,就随缘吧。 对不起,我想 是我太懦弱了。


I don't really know what this picture indicates , But I'm assuming it means Love is blind I'm kind of tired, and I feel pretty stupid now. Din't use comp for one damn week, I miss you blogger. I miss connecting with others through internet. Or I will just die, or maybe 横尸走肉。 I wish I could use internet anytime I want, ( after Os. ) Oh and I want this phone, ( after Os. ) I would prefer it much more if it comes out a Red ver. However, I think. P( a red Aino) = O What matters more is th unlimited sms though, I miss it just so much. Sigh. ______________________________________________________________________________ 最近妈妈认识的朋友的孩子都很“仔”咯, 这个在 Hwachong 那个在 Raffles,所以她现在每天讲要我去Victoria, Hello 你以为你女儿是全校第一哈?想去哪里就去哪里 -__- 所以,就在我好不容易说服自己Tjc的校服还可以接受的时候, 我的信心又被动摇了。显。 既然这样,要不要放弃身边的某些东西某些人去拼一拼呢? 值得么? 其实是值得的,不是吗?他不可能跟你一辈子, 可是O水准就只有这么一次呢,考砸了,就是砸了, 如果在我有得选择的时候,放弃它,又或者说没有全力以赴, 我以后必定会后悔的,不是么不是么隽婷你真的是白痴么? 你要拿自己的前途做赌注么?更何况,这是一场必输的赌局, 多么让人心碎的事实。 放弃吧,好么? 不要再依依不舍了,不要再藕断丝连了,不要再拖拖拉拉了, 但又有谁能给我这一丝丝的...


I'M SUDDENLY DAMN HAPPY THAT SCHOOL IS STARTING , FINALLY . I got hell enough of nagging + scoldings + everything at home. I WANT SCHOOL ! I WANT TO FLIRT WITH MY BROTHERS ! & I'm serious. Muhahaha. I'm so excited over school tomorrow now.


I saw this damn cute soft toy of popeyeee and _____ ( his wife name) at Iluma, Sigh, shall start saving money and buy it home, ( If it's less than $40, hopefully) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Currently my mama is scolding me over Heymath , irritating. Well, even lazy to elaborate it out . Since she keep emphasis that she knew I'm not a hardworking person , why still scold me for not being like those hardworking ones, for not waking up at 4 everyday and start doing tys, for not getting all math questions correct, for not saying things like "I don't want to eat I need study" You know I'm not that kinda girl. And I can never be. Scold for all you want, I'm doing what I can. I know I can't do all the things above, but at least I woke up two hrs earlier during th holiday to start studying, at least I stick on with my study plans throughout th whole holiday, at least I knew I did something and I din...


Hmmmmmmm, 面包 is back , so is 爱情. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, don't know can work out or not though :/ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this seems not the right time . Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, but. but .but .but .but .but .but . It's been going well so far, I study you also study. I taking rest you come accompany me, No much meet up every week . Hmmmmm, pretty nice of you huhhh. Okay i dont think anyone understand wad im typing . but it's okayyyyy . Thank you for downloading th movie into your thumbdrive and passed to me just because I said I want to watch but my internet too lag (: I was touched, seriously (: Nonetheless, warning : It's four more months to O level. Alalalalaal . Im talking to myself :D


两者之间,我最终选择了面包。 他妈的。爱情是个屁。 So If I don't fucking top the class by Prelime I'll be a fucking loser. 赔了夫人又折兵。 O level is a whore, a bitch , an asshole , a bastard, a fucker. Pissed , just at myself . 对不起对不起对不起。 情非得以。 胡说八道。 废话连篇。 I'm damn O-N-Z for O level , starting from naooo . Fuck you , I'll show ya who's the boss here.

♥ ♥ ♥

Sometime I get upset Cause I'm always lagging behind. Upset that I'm always unaware when she's sad, Oh damn. I should become her twitter or something, so that I will always know what's happening to her. + Junting trying hard to push the blame to internet + Didn't like it seeing her emooooo, argh. Stupid Cccccccccc. And don't like seeing her demoralized by the stupid exam, sucks. Hmphh, but well, at least she posted it out, and at least the lagger me read it , so now , it's time for me to at least do something. to cheer her up. Maybe a ice cream? Oh wait, maybe I shall buy her her favorite Mac spicy , and she better smiles when she smells it, then I will start telling her th fats it contains, then I ask her own self decide whether to eat it or not. Okay this is lame , But I 'm serious about doing something to cheer her up. I wish I can be their Paparazzi Ps. Today ( Now ) is my step father's birthday , And I brought him a card. Then ...

My leg looks like Ham ?

Sigh , Mushroom say my Leg looks like Hammmm , Oh really ? ): 好吧,那我减肥好了. Abit sad you mei you , I'm like reaching 60kg now ? + Cries inside + Oh where is my 50kg ? Damn it . So I went to internet and did many many research just now . My conclusion is I will just stick to my 3 days apple plan ( Secretly since Mama don't support me. ) And please , stop seducing me , I love water , Yeah 白开水 , I'm serious. Hmphh , And it mentions that our legs are fat cos th Earth's gravity pulls th body's fat downwards . Argh , I shall learn to walk upside down and get a super fat face instead ? Okay rubbish , so I will raise my "ham" legs 90 degree to th floor everyday , and I will start doing crunches , and crunches , and yeah , more and more crunches . Okay great , after Mushroom say my leg like ham , now Crab say my tummy's like Jelly , Oh great great great this is just so nice . 打击 Me somemore and I will be more determined to 减肥。 Thanks everyone , thanks s...


After Inspired by th paragraph of things from previous previous post , I went camwhore-ing this afternoon , and I come out with this sucky image . Bear with th blur-ness , I did it on purpose . But my face wasn't suppose to be like this , I was so pekchek and th weather is so hot and I was so irritated and yeah , this is it . I dropped th camera and went to bathe right after that , That marks th end of my Camwhore session . Hmphh, Today I was studying in my room then my mama came back , Then after like 15minute she still hadn't come into my room ( Normally she will secretly come in check on me . ) So I went out and check on her instead . Then I saw her lying on th kitchen floor and I was like WHAT HAPPENED ?! Then she at first wasn't answering me , I'm like O_O After that She kinda whispered to me go take Panadol and etc , I was like om go bed rest lar you headache isit , then she was like "I got heat stroke." Singapore's weather + Enhance Global warm...