
人们常用光阴似箭来形容时间的飞逝, 也常用度日如年来形容时间的缓慢。 其实,时间的脚步永远恒定向前,感觉快或慢的,只是人自己的心罢了。 Remember when I was a kid, like somewhat ten years ago, I used to read this story about this Lil girl who get a seven colored flower & was granted for seven wishes, Forgotten what're the seven wishes she wished, All I remember is that there's a period I kept fantasize about what If one day, I can be granted seven wishes. Hah, Ohwell, but I couldn't remember what my own seven wishes were. And what If today, I was granted seven wishes, seven is too much actually, I think I just need three. 1. Heaven do exist so that I will never be separate with everyone I love . 2. Exact amount will appeared in my wallet whenever I need money. 3. World Peace. Stop poverty prejudice all shitzxz Study din't really quite flash through my mind when I think of the three wishes, Is like, I think I'm not dumb. I can study on my own :/ Haha abit bhb but yeah, I rather wish for something else. Well why did I even started ...