♥ ♥ ♥

Sometime I get upset Cause I'm always lagging behind.
Upset that I'm always unaware when she's sad, Oh damn.
I should become her twitter or something, so that I will always know what's happening to her.
+ Junting trying hard to push the blame to internet +
Didn't like it seeing her emooooo, argh. Stupid Cccccccccc.

And don't like seeing her demoralized by the stupid exam, sucks. seeing.her.post.
Hmphh, but well, at least she posted it out, and at least the lagger me read it ,
so now , it's time for me to at least do something. to cheer her up.
Maybe a ice cream? Oh wait, maybe I shall buy her her favorite Mac spicy ,
and she better smiles when she smells it, then I will start telling her th fats it contains,
then I ask her own self decide whether to eat it or not. Okay this is lame ,
But I 'm serious about doing something to cheer her up.
I wish I can be their Paparazzi

Ps. Today ( Now ) is my step father's birthday , And I brought him a card.
Then mama was like saying " 他一定很开心啦,你这么多年没有买东西了
I'm like , 我有买过meh ?
“有啦,那时候你买哪个Hp cover 给他吗,他开心到跟我讲了几百次咯”
Hmm, 我是不是很过分?是么是么


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