
After Inspired by th paragraph of things from previous previous post ,
I went camwhore-ing this afternoon , and I come out with this sucky image .
Bear with th blur-ness , I did it on purpose . But my face wasn't suppose to be like this ,
I was so pekchek and th weather is so hot and I was so irritated and yeah , this is it .
I dropped th camera and went to bathe right after that ,
That marks th end of my Camwhore session .

Hmphh, Today I was studying in my room then my mama came back ,
Then after like 15minute she still hadn't come into my room
( Normally she will secretly come in check on me . )
So I went out and check on her instead .
Then I saw her lying on th kitchen floor and I was like WHAT HAPPENED ?!
Then she at first wasn't answering me , I'm like O_O
After that She kinda whispered to me go take Panadol and etc ,
I was like om go bed rest lar you headache isit , then she was like "I got heat stroke."
Singapore's weather + Enhance Global warming now so serious already ?

所以.. 所以? 要好好孝顺她么? 哦,好的。 ( 好不情愿的FEEL)

Jocelyn th birthday is coming ! 20Jun .
Alicia th birthday is coming ! 29Jun .
29th? Oh 29th. Hmm, used to be some anniversary date , But not anymore now,

Yesterday when I come back home from school my mama started scolding me ,
Cos I spend away $50 of my savings and she, being v exaggerated ,
Start scold from I-don't-know-how-to-save to
Now-already-like-that, next-time-will-start-stealing
And I was like LOL OKAY (?!) , drag abit far you mei you .
The main point is that so she took away my $150 and say she will keep for me , sigh .
Maaaaani to buy presents is now gone ): Gotta start save again .
And worse is she is going to deduct $10 form my weekly pocket money and
claims that she will help me keep til th last day of my O level ,
which Is a totaly of $400 bucks by then , Sigh and I was like "Okay anything you say"
That means lesser income per week and I have to eat lesser everyday !
( Actually eating don't cost much,I really have no idea where all my money fly to each week )

Okay I have 6 minute more now and I have like 6things to do .
  1. Finished up with blogging then can jiao dai to Alicia
  2. Find all th Heymath ( E&A ) homework and save a copy in comp .
  3. Find my Maple user n pw so that Mushroom can hack my Zakum Helmet .
  4. Talk to Baozi on Fb so that we can flood Alicia's Notification .
  5. Finish Nov 08 paper one and send to Ms Ng ( Oh wait I haven even started . )
  6. Go shit and wash up and sleep in aircon room <3


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