
Showing posts from December, 2009

Gathering ! <3

After 3 consecutive days of training , I'm back ;D Grr, Cried in th day Cos couldn't left early for th gathering . O-P-P-S . But much better after that , Many had breakdowns , jiayouuu kay people ! (: Late for 4hrs , oh well . And th moment I step out of Marina bay I realise it's raining . MOST PEEPO LOOK TH SAME EXCEPT FOR PAY !!! Like omg -.- He changed so damn much but still as attitude as ever . Din't really expect him to come anw since his attitude was bad when I invited him . OMG . Trying to act cool and professional with a hat and his Nikkon camera , Tsk ! Peichia become so chioooo now ! :D Lovely hair ! ;D Jianchao look like a malay now ! HAHAHAHA too black ! Okay I don't think anyone knows what I'm talking about but Oh well ;D Took photos with pay's Nikkon camera , and Ilmi + JC are so retarded ! HAHAH Cam-whores with my Shades , and trying to act Beng :D Shuttle bus-ed back and Mrt to City hall to eat Subway Cookies are so fattening ! Hais ): Then...

Last Relaxation .

Last week of Sec3 school Holiday is ending in 6 more days ! ): Omg , And my first precious day is spend on Training :D Kind of wasted today Cos spend a lot of time doing things that we dint use in th end . But still it's finalised . (: I miss PDS can , Ohwell . Went home to change to Meet Chad at Bugis to get his Customised Cap , Lol . I'm so nice can ? Though I'm like 30min late ;D Ohwell can't blame me , he din't reply my msg and I thought I don't need go ler . Haha , Saw this damn chiozxzxzxzxz Top and a Skirt @ Topshop But th top is $56 , Don't think it's worth . hais ( I want to get rid of my tummy ) ): Went around trying to find another Red bag but either not nice / don't have . Th guys @ bugis street th ZINC is damn cute , Omg I loveeee Open guys ;D HAHAHA . "Flirted" with them for 10 min and step out of th shop without buying , Opps . Schedule for this precious week . Tuesday , Training ( Xy Birthday ;D ) Wednesday , P6 Gatherin...

tag replies

Replying here Cos apparently the Cbox attitude me and don't let me tag . Ohwell , weiwei Hello : tht 123 interested in u thts g00d => LOL Huh , lol you two not same person meh , I don't think th weiwei I know type => leh ;O yuquan : rah rah ah ah ah Hahahah :D Bad romance . 123 : zzzzzzzzzzzzz Lol . Jocelyn : That was last year and i didnt go out on christmas, i was at my ahma house from morning till afternoon. Tricia came my house in the evening, haha. Lol ! Okayyy abit th sad life ho ? :D Hahah , kay lar atleast she came . Screammmmmms ,

Happy Christmas <3

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2009 EVERYONE ! :D :D :D had a great day with Hongjie and Gary @ Orchard ;D Met up with Hj at 12, ( He is late for 24min cos he suddenly want to Shit -.- ) LOL . Then mrt-ed to Orchard , and watched this Nice x 999 times Movie . Grr so sad and touching can , Make me cry on Christmas ! Tsk . Brought Popcorns Cos dint eat for really long but it's damn sweeeeet can . Then walked over to Fareast and Brought Aviator shades , hehehe ;D He brought one too . Lol ! And his is $3 cheaper than mine ! D: ( Unfair ! ) Walked around Orchard then , ( In fact we spend most of th day walking cos alot ways're blocked and we've to go one big round . ) Walked on big round back to 313 , and tried heels & Boots at Newlook :D Omg 940 tell you wad , you;re so gonna loveee that shop lar ! :D It's so freaking high and nice and I feel so !@#$%^&* wearing it on :D went to eat Pastamania , and meet Gary outside th toilet , Due to some High metalbolism guy called Hj...


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE ! + Insert hearts & Hugs & Kisses + Th dog is soooo cute right ?! :D But like sad looking . Aww . Hahaha , I'm at home now , sadly . Not outside somewhere screaming with peepo on th street or counting down or wad . It was kind of disastrous last few days , But Im okay now (: In fact , better than okay :D Watched Sherlock holmes aloneeee ( Sad life right ) today . Cos I dint want to watch Avatar again with my Xy . And there's this fuck shit uncle behind me kept coughing , AND HE SO GROSS COUGHED TIL GOT SALIVA / WATER / WADEVA FLY ONTO MY LEG !!! I was like " OMG EEWWW WAT'S THIS ?! " Then I calm down and think And concluded its his saliva -.- So I chiong-ed to toilet and start washing my leg , Ohhh gross ttm . But Great movie still ;D Don't really feeling like christmas now , ;O Will be going out with Hj & Chad & Unknown gal tmr , weird combi ;O Hahaha , and maybe going watch Alvin and th chipmunks ! if eve...

Bad romance .

You .

it's like , deja vu .

( Deviantart don't let me save this very Nice picture I found , hais . ) I felt as if we break up again ysd , Wth , what is suppose to happen that din't happen shouldn't happen at all . Pissed off at myself . You're so weak Junting . Stop behaving as if the whole world collaspe please . Let me get over you , please ): It's not like you're going to come back to me in the future . Fuck this Love . I hate you , I want to see you get hurt like how you hurt me now .

give a stab

This is so fucking screwed . Head pain like shit now too -.- wtf , I'm sorry , kay It's useless I know . So, Do I still love you , or not ? I don't ? Then why those tears ? I do ? But what do I still love about ? Fuck Life , Fuck tonight . My heart , is numb . But why ? Can I stay feel the pain then , I look at you and I can't remember what do I love about you , but sitting beside you reminds me of everything happened during the period , the period when you still love me . And the next thing I know , I can't stop my tears from falling . Do you know how it feels when you say that ? My mind is in a blank , I just quickly pressed Back key after a brief glance , I don't even have the courage to read it again , I don't want to breakdown because of you , again . I got enough of it ler , I want to get over you , I want to enjoy my life , I don't want you in my life making me nothing but to cry ,' . I don...

Suck at it totally

Y E S I hate Amath . I hate Trigometric . I hate all the Functions . I hate all the Formulas . I hate proving Equations . I hate solving Equations . Sin Cos Tan Sec Cot Cosec They are doing nothing But eating my Precious Brain cells away . ): And made me abandon my Blog ( So go blame Trigo for no updates ;O ) And I know this picture is Old to everyone , But I've no time to find another better one , Coz I need to do T-R-I-G-O now . Bye readers . ( If any ) I will be back by around Christmas ;D


went to YMCA HQ for th Volunteer Dinner or sth liddat :D I SAW THIS DAMN CUTEEEEE GUY BESIDE OUR TABLE ! ( Screammmmmms !!! ) But Jo is like blocking my view , stupid jo ! D; So me and Licia went up to him and asked if we can take a photo with him , he is sooooo shy and cuteeee ! ( Screammmmmmmmms again !!! ) But th picture is like so blurrrreddddd ): Hais , He is damnnnn cuteeee in rl okay ?! ( CONTINUE SCREAMING !!! ) Screammmmms for my lovely Derrik ! :D He's 18 and in VJ . Omggggg smart and cuteeee ! and maybe rich like 940 said :D His brother ( th one in white ) is 20 , from RJ . omg smarties :O BUT THE PICTURE IS SO BLUR ! STUPID SHELTON HOLD MY CAMERA TIL SO BLUR ! D; Hais , ( continue screaming for my cute lil Derrik !!! ) Ohyeah and Shelton took photos with 3 chiobu-s too , with th help of Licia helping him to ask th gals , hahaha :D and one more random RJ guy , ( all so damn smart can , hais . ) Arghhh so blur too ! He was like so H-U-H when shelton ask if we can take ...

wildwildwet with loves

Screaaaaaams , went to www with qy , pea and sammmm :D ( Thanks to sammmm for providing free tickets +insert heart here+ ) Our leg look so black in th picture , but it's not THAT black yet actually okay ?! D; Played almost everything , except for th yellow slide . Hahah , I loveeeee th , th oh wat's that called ? Th 2 person in one float den slide down one . Yeah I totally love that , hahaha :D Feels like falling off at fers can :O , shiok :D Saw Yuquan & Aaron & Yuansheng & some gals there too :D And as requested by Mr quanquan ; here is his photo ( with his pimples :D :D :D Yeahhhh ! )Credits to qianying :D And flirting with Qianying shot too :D ohyeah , as according to qian , he is staring at her lovely Center parting :D Since we can't take photo while playing so photos were taken after www , Location : Subway and Toilet :D :D :D Hohohoh , enough of zi lian , and I also realise now I'm lazy to upload all photos on Blog since I uploaded all on Fb , ...


Went out with MANDY and MOGU CHUA :D ( L ) ( Jolene is suppose to join us too , but she overslept and I saw her msg too late ) Meet mogu @ Tuna merah before heading to Tampines to meet Mandy at 11.11am ;D Went to eat this "Not so nice" ( th one I order ) and Expensive food . Hate GST charge $_$ ! ): Brought movie tickets and Watched Planet 51 . After that we I wanted to watch Princess and frog so brought tickets again , Then went over to Toys'r us since we have one hr free time :D Brought 3 shitzxzxz :D One each . It starts with me seeing it at Gatcha machine and I decide to waste $ buy one , Then I got a Green one , ( which mandy likes . ) She was like : Kay larh you buy another then I buy this form you . So I brought another one , but it come out greyish white ;O Then we start to psycho her buy one too , and she brought too , And it came out reddddd ! :D ( she was hoping orange though ) So I changed with Her and tardaaaaaa , btw th shit got light one :D Haha . Hu...