wildwildwet with loves

Screaaaaaams , went to www with qy , pea and sammmm :D
( Thanks to sammmm for providing free tickets +insert heart here+ )
Our leg look so black in th picture , but it's not THAT black yet actually okay ?! D;
Played almost everything , except for th yellow slide . Hahah ,
I loveeeee th , th oh wat's that called ? Th 2 person in one float den slide down one .
Yeah I totally love that , hahaha :D Feels like falling off at fers can :O , shiok :D
Saw Yuquan & Aaron & Yuansheng & some gals there too :D
And as requested by Mr quanquan ;
here is his photo ( with his pimples :D :D :D Yeahhhh ! )Credits to qianying :D

And flirting with Qianying shot too :D
ohyeah , as according to qian , he is staring at her lovely Center parting :D

Since we can't take photo while playing so photos were taken after www ,
Location : Subway and Toilet :D :D :D

Hohohoh , enough of zi lian ,
and I also realise now I'm lazy to upload all photos on Blog since I uploaded all on Fb , Opps .
That's all about it , Ohyeah And I saw this guy at WWW which I tot is G -.-
like omg so malu , tsk th guy is like 1m away from me then I'm like stare at his face ,
Then he realise I'm staring and so he stares back at me and give th "wat's yur problem face" -.-
And As I was still trying to recognise whether is it him , so I continue staring .
Until I realise Oh even though it's also black frame specs but it's different , ;O
That's all about it , I was dead tired when I reach home but as promised ,
I waited for my mother to come back and she made me wrote all trigo formulas
and Then I'm off to sleep :D