somone guide me please;i reali duno wat to do tis time. nvr had i tot tis kind of thing would happen to me, im suppose to be happy rite. but why i am not, at all? im so scared, rather. fers i hope u don see tis 2nd i hope u see tis and pretend u dint. i wan to tell u abt it but i noe i cant, its reali dreadly suffocating to keep it within me. i duno.i duno how much is de love how do i make de choice. now i noe nothing im tired. i feel as though im living in somone else's story. tis is not even me, problem is alys de weirdest tat could happen. i dunois it for evyone but for me, its not my cup of tea. i reali wan to type out evything but i noe i couldn't. dying. im lyk gasping for air or somthing somthing in my heart jus going to explode. can i tok to somone tat i trust please? i reali duno how to handle it.
Showing posts from December, 2008
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MERRY X-MAS STILL EVERONE! ♥ tis x-mas is reali fun :D so fun tat i duno where to start can :D budden obviously according to som simple common sense; it tells me i should start form wed to thur dhen fri (: WED; 241208 rewinding in process.please wait patiently :] orh ya i went out uber early at lyk 11 liddat go amk to buy a notebook. dhen dhen dhen TMD i search in derh artbox for lyk 15 min still cant find. so retarded larh dhen after tat ate lunch wiv tofu ._. tat's veri random anw :D :D since he live at bishan i decide to drag him out. HOHOs! he mus feel grateful for having such a sweet mei lyk ME, :D dhena nw after tat went to ps wiv gummy bear ♥ cos ._. cos we are going there -.- okay LAME. dhen peii him eat his fav derh wadsoeva rice is there wiv de super LARGE chicken. after tat due to shortage of tym, okay we'r alrdy late anw. we walked to church dhen alld erh skit & dance thingy, & i saw MUSHROOM again! aha! he & his weird character orh well NUTs! :D dhe...
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todays ish much better; totally trash! 20:1 :D seriously i think, DE ONE IS REALI NOT EASY haha! i reali not trying to suan "wateva" lorh, reali not :D orh well, today shag lyk shit, totally esp my right leg. gosh; nvm. i will try to give my best anw. ----/& tmr tmr, x-mas eve rite :D going church; orh well can i go wiv a wheel chair? D: budden derh good hting abt tis ish tat, i reali enjoy my sleep veri much after a tiring day (: so today after cca cos im too tired to walk home, i decide to walk to bedok instead [even thou its lyk even further] ._. orh well wadeva, dhen is lyk so sway can D: when i come bac im lyk walking walking dhen not looking at derh road, so im lyk walking str8 dhen suddenly a taxi zoomed past i'm lyk WTH? dhen i realise im lyk in derh middle of a road -.- wad derh, when i walking tat tym i dint even feel a single car larh :X orh well wadeva, i dint get knock down i dint died or wadsoeva mah D: ----/& dhen oya ji sway oso lorh, there wad lyk...
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today's training is reali veri hurt, to evyone. i duno yy did i use tis word budden it jus com into my mind. to snrs, to CIs to ourselves. is reali not we do wan to do our best lorh. D: hais, wadeva. kena sun-burnt my face now burns larh, so red can D: & ysd tok to tofu til lyk nearly 3 lorh. dhen i felt a pimple on my face im lyk NOOOO! okay tis is random (: i wanted to change my blogsong jus now dhen i duno wad to use, so randomly search elva derh song dhen i lyk tis title :] training on tmr fri next mon & tue. flunk. elva girl bring it on cuz we can baby rock it til'da early morn. we're gonna keep it goin' baby on and on. we be holdn't down't til'da break of dawn. 自从他走了以后 在我的心中 留着不大不小伤口 在这个入秋街头 所有感受 我还沉溺在回忆漩涡 有人说爱是种烈酒 会让人失去了左右 oh ya~~ 我却对爱有种不同感受 我深深的觉得 它像手中cappuccino 爱情像cappuccino 浓浓的眷恋泡沫 诱人的气息 多爱不释手 爱是cappuccino 苦苦的美丽滋味 藏在我心头久久 come and hit me baby one more time cuz the scent of you makes me lose my mind takin' control of my heart with your s...
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i officially declare tat fbt means F ARK B LOODY T RIGO D: tis is shit man -.- kills my brain cells onli; think i duno isit -.- -------/& on a sweeter note; i simply love tis :] A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, he She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said.... You're not pretty you're beautiful. I dont want to be with you forever. I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldnt cry if you walked away...I'd die... muahaha! imagine somone once told me tat, i will sure M-E-L-T :D
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ysd i had a super duper heavy mood swing; i mus be C R AZ Y lorh. its lyk wadthefck, i wad crying continuously for lyk duno how long -.- shen jing bing liao, orh well forget abt tat. my eye hurts at nite after tat so i decide next tym, no tears allowed. ----/& on a happier note, today went to leisure park wiv my xy to ice skate. supposingly play bowling after tat budden apparently we bac out cos of de super long waiting time & cabbed to bugis instead. brought a shirt & a notbook. ilovethem (: orh well i realise i got quite a number of things to buy, roars. ---/& tmr i will leave house at approximately 9.30 & head for tm. whoeva saw me there pls say HARLOW to me & i'll smile back :D dhen after tat back home before 1.30 & perhaps put down derh things dhen mrt-ed to eunos & meet gummy to go marcus' house ._. jus now i stm and forget hu ish him larh, dhen i think i used up atleast 100 brain cells & finally rmbered. orh derh nite walk one :] i g...
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I WANT TO EAT DERH OMELLETE RICE WIV GUMMY! so im going pasir ris l8r, currently waiting for som bear to get his butt off derh bed. orh well, tmr i'll be going ice skate wiv my xy i guess ._. she randomly say wan to go there, orh well. i wish gummy can come along. budden jus derh tot of tat would make me laugh, :D :D haha! its kinda werid when i flip through all derh msges we had tis morning. i feel no you.i believe u wont left will u?
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im bac doing all these :] if u noe me well, u'll noe i'll onli do these when im EXTREMEMLY BORED which is apparently, now. 1. Who was the last person to call you ; eh licia, ysd ._. 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your shopping cart? ; actually i don use. 3. Alcohol or Cigarettes? ; fers maybe, 2nd nah. 4. Has someone ever compose a song for u? ; no. 5. Do you play scrabble? ; last tym. 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? ; am i. HAHA 7. If your mom wears ur shirts/dress? ; no? 8. Who was the last person you shared a bed with? ; gummy. ._. 9. Who do you text the most? ; gummy. :] 10. Who last said they loved you? ; gummy. :D 11. What color is your hair? ; blackish. 12. Do you like your parents? ; not veri much. 13. Do you secretly like someone? ; not now? 14. Why did your last relationship end? ; 11 june? ._. 15. Who was the last person you said you hated? ; idk. 16. Favorite ex? ; zhutou :] 17. Where was the farthest place y...
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sooo sooo ysd i went library wiv licia & tofu (: we r all suppose to meet at 9.45@ mac; budden apparently, tofu jus com out form bishan at tat tym. im still lyign on bed sleeping, & licia, expected i'll woke up late, haven leave derh house too, so in derh end we meet at lyk 11 ._. orh well nvm no losss :D dhen i start to chiong, ._. lyk i've got TONS of work lorh, if all derh works turn into munny; i guess i would be a millionare orh well i forget how to spell tat :X anw so we zilian-ed @ derh toilet awhile, :D well we wanted to drag tofu along, budden too bad. its derh GAL toilet. even though he got CHIO EYES lyk licia said,he still cant get in. well dhennnn, dhennn. dhennnn nothing much actually ._. okie end dhen. tis photo suppose to be trying to say somthing lyk derh unspoken love budden in derh end, i decide to be childish & suit us abit, using al derh bright multi colors :D
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today ish sooo damn bloody 'FUN' i would say :D we { me licia zhenzhu sammie } met @ pasir ris @ 10 liddat. dhen eat. dhen talk. dhen discuss dhen we did de following things (: mrted to clarke quay - walked to fort canning twice [fers tym walk wrong way] - walked around de fort canning - walked to plaza sing - walked to bugis twice [fers tym walk wrong way again] - walked to national library - take bus home. orh well peepo can u tell where we wanted to go? ASIAN CIVILLISATION MUSEUM ! yeap & derh whole day we spent walking & walking without going there ._. dhen halfway it rained lyk shit ._. & im lyk wearing skinny ._. so its wet :DDDD dhen after tat me & licia walked into a so NOT SHALLOW derh pool. so we gave up & started playing wiv de water & splashed at de rest two mu tou (: okay larh tiring yet funnn :] budden main point we dint do derh project, so 've to meet on 27 dec again. awwws! licia; rmber our 约定 kay (: ps. gummy & rachel love tis bl...
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i'm tired of acting. i don wan to put up tat happy mask anymore, u duno im dying inside out. have u ever look up into de dictionary? pillow is de defination of cheerful, happy.laughter. but now u say i alys cry for God knows wad reason.isn't it obvious tat is bcos of, u? i wont blame u i oso don wan to blame u im jus not going to hide myself animore. de fact it jus tat. im sad. very sad.i noe i love u u love me but im still sad. im tired of being so thick skin being so hyper when u'r alys so icy cold replying me. i'm sick of it.
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domokun roar, im not reali in a good mood now. let me get my point str8 without any elabration. 1st- i went out wiv tofu derh 2nd as u can see form de receipt 2nd-i feel lyk taking de photo. 3rd-nothing better to do. 4th-he got a total of 32 cards in his wallet. 5th-we went to de airport. well, he is a veri good kor of mine, okay fine de best -.- we suppose to do tuition hw, instead we two went emo -.- i feel so retarded, sorry. fucking fishing sorry. i feel so bloody empty lyk nvr before. -.- gummy bear.gummy bear.gummy bear.sorry.imy
stoning is great;
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its such s tiring tiring tiring lyk shit day D: cip.flag day; budden me & zhenzhu zao-ed to parkway ourselves. dhen we go buy bubble tea go in pp, ready in de MOOD-TO-SHOP. dhen we suddenly rmebred, ORH well we'r suppose to do flagday. so we went out. under derh HOT HOT sun start doing :X dhena fter tat milo&tofu came, thank God. dhen so called helped us a tiny little little bit larh :] okay i would lyk to thank mrTOFU for helping zhenzhu made donation. & ur 10cent mrMILO i would lyk to thy u for helping me carry my bag.& ur 5 cent ._. okay got a number of funny funny hahaha things happened. budden i wont list out larh, L-A-Z-Y :D /&. dhen after tat till lyk 2.30 they oso gone wiv de wind bus 31. left me & zhenzhu standing at one side of derh traffic light again, finally till 3 plus we decide to eat, dhen we go in KFC. & stare & stare & sit down & rest for 20 min, dhen we stand up, went to eat LJS. okay random :D HEHE dhen after tat we lyk ...
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OKAY well actually i got nothing much to post budden i decide to post so as to show tat i dint abandon my blooog! YESH :D :D :D today's weather ish so good! okay i relai got nothing much to say :'( sorrie i have to fu yan u my dear blog! :X opps did i jus admit? ._. DOMOKUN ROAR i cant let myself get lamer & lamer larh! ......... [silence] i reali got nothing else to post about, most likely i'll get too bored & look for a new bs. hah so 善变 i noe (: so i randomly listening song; dhen came across a cute&sweet one ._. paiseh eh now dehr mood dont suits me to be EMOOOOOO :] 幸福洋果子店.mp3 -
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sala im so guai to use comp evy morning larh , & dhen 2day amazingly, tofu derh 2 nd didnt on9. did he lyk went to m'sia alrdy ? ._. i tot he told me sunday . okay nvmm :X hope he haven go cos i haven wish him bon voyage. oppps, anw awwwws im grounded ._. did i mention tat derh previous post :X i cant rmber, i think i did, oya i did! okay STM i admit, :X so i'll be rotting at home for derh next, hmmm atleast 2 days liao D: cant see my gummy bear, awwws :'( & anw back to ysd's last post. i changed but how? eh eh i feel lyk playing audi now, back to settle tis l8r :] opps
life is great, wiv u
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sala i'm bac :D in fact i'm bac veri long, jus now my mother using derh lappy :] oya she was kaopei-ing me when i came bac ._. cos i told her i went to tampines derh library, which i did ._. okay i mean HALFLY DID , cos halfway i went to tm wiv gummy. dhen she don believe me die die wan me explain :X i explain liao she oso don wan believe dhen kept wan me explain ._. so LOL larh, budden nvm :D gummy wanted to watch bolt, budden awwws. no tym D: sorrie! :X roar & im grounded btw ._. nvm anw, cos tmr i don have much plan, :D was eating grape jus now :] i think i bcm sooo lazy tat im lyk eeeh so sweeet ._. she was lyk wont fat one larh! :X im lyk i noe larh, budden i lazy drink water l8r. im not reali tat lazy derh okay! :DDDD anw was wondering whether or not to play audi l8r, see gummy cna play or not fers barh ._. ps, i had been wanting to buy derh toopid c@sh for veri long ler D: BUDDEN still haven buy ._. DOMOKUN ROAR! & i jus rmber somthing, 2day nearly tot gummy bea...
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tags reply qingying: yalo, who is gummy arh? xD its a bear lorh :D zhidan: LOL ALICIA DAMN FUNNY. HAHAHA. long time nvr go ur blog XD eh whose gummy XD lol i alys go ur blog see ur chio-photos lorh :D whose uh? mine ._. licia: end of spam yea thank u! touched :] licia: sian sian sian~~~~~~ okay ._. when u tag tis derh ._. licia: i decide spam u coz my blog dead LAUGHS no link wadeva lalala WOW okay i noe wad to do ler :D kaixiang: lol...u got blog yesh i got ._. random haha licia: anyway wad cip? 10th dec durh bedok inter one? HEHEHES yarh, is at bedok inter?! WAD THE.. licia: WTF I LOOK AT THE DAMN FING LINK. licia then heart THEN IS JUNMING WTF CAN U GO CHANGE IT ITS PUKISH heheh peepo wad lianne nvr com bash u veri good ler larh :D licia: ZHEN XIAN SHI OMG OMG OMG tsktsk this type peepo FLIRT LUHH SOBS U U U Lols FISH MAN I NVM nvr! i'm not! :D :D i onli love u! muahaha, ysd whole day dint use comp :D dint miss u much anw, opps ._. l8r i'll be a guaikia going library study ,...
falling in.
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weather has been veri good for me, & ysd fers tym said B in derh phone :X i tot he will be sad? or maybe angry roar i duno larh. budden luckie he ish veri derh considerate ._. & i told him why, derh real two reasons. lol, im so 诚实 lorh! okay nvm, derh fact is still im a bad gal SORRIE. budden anw say liao feel much better, atleast im not lyk twoo timing ? okie wadeva it ish, gummy bear ish sooooo sweet! once again :] ysd he jus change his phone to mineeee & ofcos UNLIMITED sms plan! :D AWWWWS im still in derh shock of trying to get tis fact, okay i will be seeing it in a few hours tym, ._. ysd duno yy i walk past derh bustop saw a adv on IKEA & i decide to go there 2day :] HAHAHA! ._. budden b4 tat, i wan buy derh twooo monkeys fers! :D im getting nuts in it, :] 这个世界唯一的你 是我拥有的奇蹟
derh endllesss story
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today ish derh day! supposingly one month budden seems he forgot ._. nvm, i need to sort thing out anw. okay i think im veri bad rite, ._. im going to breka wiv him. okay lah not i think larh is i am veri bad larh ! D: im sorry mah, budden got reason derh mah D: D: roars! don even feel lk brought it up anw :X cos i seriously duno how to break, i mean i wan to wait him to say break. buddeni duno hwo to make him say break :X okay blurred ._. anw l8r going sch again to buy uniform, so ma fan ._. dhen its 10.16am now opps i had been abandon tis post for soooo long. haha opps :] roar ILOVEGUMMYBEAR :D THE END (: