OKAY well actually i got nothing much to post budden i decide to post
so as to show tat i dint abandon my blooog! YESH :D :D :D
today's weather ish so good! okay i relai got nothing much to say :'(
sorrie i have to fu yan u my dear blog! :X opps did i jus admit? ._.

DOMOKUN ROAR i cant let myself get lamer & lamer larh!
......... [silence]

i reali got nothing else to post about, most likely i'll get too bored & look for a new bs.
hah so 善变 i noe (:
so i randomly listening song; dhen came across a cute&sweet one ._.
paiseh eh now dehr mood dont suits me to be EMOOOOOO :]

幸福洋果子店.mp3 -


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