stoning is great;

its such s tiring tiring tiring lyk shit day D:
cip.flag day; budden me & zhenzhu zao-ed to parkway ourselves.
dhen we go buy bubble tea go in pp, ready in de MOOD-TO-SHOP.
dhen we suddenly rmebred, ORH well we'r suppose to do flagday.
so we went out. under derh HOT HOT sun start doing :X
dhena fter tat milo&tofu came, thank God.
dhen so called helped us a tiny little little bit larh :]
okay i would lyk to thank mrTOFU for helping zhenzhu made donation. & ur 10cent
mrMILO i would lyk to thy u for helping me carry my bag.& ur 5 cent ._.
okay got a number of funny funny hahaha things happened.
budden i wont list out larh, L-A-Z-Y :D
dhen after tat till lyk 2.30 they oso gone wiv de wind bus 31.
left me & zhenzhu standing at one side of derh traffic light again,
finally till 3 plus we decide to eat, dhen we go in KFC. & stare & stare
& sit down & rest for 20 min, dhen we stand up, went to eat LJS.
okay random :D HEHE
dhen after tat we lyk chionged a little while dhen damn shaggy liao.
so we sit down instead, dhen zhenzhu was lyk
"i think tat 3 guy wan donate munny budden don dare com lerh,
i saw them looking alot tyms ler lorh"
im lyk NO? I SO FRIENDLY, dhen anw they walked away to derh bubble tea shop.
so me & zhenzhu decide to be FRIENDLY abit more & walk towards them.
then finally got one guy smile & walk towards us.
& & &! he put in ALOT 1 CENTS -.- WOW.
dhen after tat ish got one lady donated 50 dollar to zhenzhu. R-I-C-H larh!
we start slacking till 6 dhen finally decide to go back liao.
dhen dhen after tat debrief rite
I THINK I SAW WAN XIN DAMMIT budden i not reali sure larh -.-
so im lyk asking nick IS SHE WANXIN? he was lyk shiok tio & say DUNO.
im lyk GO ASK dhen he say U GO ASK LARH dhen im lyk CANT! L8R WRONG SO MALU!
dhen he was lyk LOL I REALI WONT MALU LERH ._.
dhen in e end she walked away D: i think 90% ish larh DAMNMIT!
well forget it, D:

after tat gummy bear cameee okie fine he reached fers :]
dhen ate mac, & im damn F-U-L-L larh,due to hand too lazy to move
he fed me all derh way, i dint lift a finger,
except got once i go auto drink coke larh ._.
after tat we WANTED to go to derh playgrd budden got somone
seriosuly wonder how derh hell his phone still goes on wiv batt larh!
dhen we walked around, in de end walked back to de same place after 40min -.-
mus be damn tired of him D: i sincerely apologise!
for some i don wna to say & i oso dun reali noe derh unknown reasons ._.
i was crying last nite, dhen after tat get sleepy. dhen fall aleep.
i will alys try my best to cheer u up 24/7. smile!


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