im bac doing all these :]
if u noe me well, u'll noe i'll onli do these when im EXTREMEMLY BORED
which is apparently, now.

1. Who was the last person to call you
; eh licia, ysd ._.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your shopping cart?
; actually i don use.
3. Alcohol or Cigarettes?
; fers maybe, 2nd nah.
4. Has someone ever compose a song for u?
; no.
5. Do you play scrabble?
; last tym.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?
; am i. HAHA
7. If your mom wears ur shirts/dress?
; no?
8. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
; gummy. ._.
9. Who do you text the most?
; gummy. :]
10. Who last said they loved you?
; gummy. :D
11. What color is your hair?
; blackish.
12. Do you like your parents?
; not veri much.
13. Do you secretly like someone?
; not now?
14. Why did your last relationship end?
; 11 june? ._.
15. Who was the last person you said you hated?
; idk.
16. Favorite ex?
; zhutou :]
17. Where was the farthest place you traveled?
; singapore?
18. Do you like mustard?
; nah!
19. Do you prefer to jog or run?
; no much diffe.
20. Do you look like your mom or dad?
; duno.
21. Can you do splits?
; no i guess ._.
22. What movie do you want to see right now?
; YESman.
23. What did you do last saturday?
; ss project.
24. Where will you be celebrating your next/coming Birthday?
; i got sch tat day.
25. Was your mom a cheerleader?
; aha.LMAO.
26. What's the last letter of your middle name?
; N.
27. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
; 8.
28. Do you like to windowshop?
; depends wad stuff.
29. What do you buy at the movies?
; drink ._.
30. Do you know how to skate?
; yesh.
31. Do you wear your seat belt?
; lol? no.
32. anything big happened in sch?
; throw egg's hp?
33. u like to be pampered?
; sometyms.
34. satisfy with ur height?
; 3cm more pls.
35. Is your tongue pierced?
; nah, not lyk som gummy.
36. Do you prefer babies or kids?
; both.
37. Do you like horror movies or action movies?
; comedy.
38. Ever been to L.A.?
; uh?
39. Who is on your mind right now?
; gummy!
40. Any plans for tonight?
; sleep.
41. What's your favorite song at the moment?
; hot'n cold.
42. Do you hate chocolate?
; i think choco hate me.
43. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
; usign hp?
44. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
; sometyms.
45. Are you easy to get along with?
; obviously DUH.
46. What is your favorite time of day?
; bedtym.
47. Are you happy with your life now?
; contented.


1)Do you always answer your phone?
; yar if i heard.
2)Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
; how i noe.
3)If you could change your eye color what would it be?
; purple. :D
4)Have you ever had a pet fish?
; no.
5)What was on your wish list for your birthday?
; a big bear.
6)Can you do push ups?
; yar.
7)Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
; none.
8)Do you have any saved texts? Who are they from and what do they say?
; form wireless sg. -.- my pw;
9)Ever been in a spore flyer?
; i wannnn.
10)Do you have an accent?
; wats's tat.
11)What was the last song to make you cry?
; yuen ding.
12)Plans tonight?
; sleep.
13)Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
; boost.snapple. onli got two.
14)Current worry?
; tuition hw.-.-
15)Current hate right now?
; don hav.
16)Met someone who changed your life?
; my mother?
17)Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
; yesh.bac to p5. :D
18)Do you have any tattoo/piercing?
; nah.
19)Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
; i am.
20)Does anyone love you?
; yesh, i think so.
21)Would you be a pirate?
; in maple? haha.
22)What songs do you sing in the shower?
; i don sing.
23)Ever had someone sing to you?
; yesh.
24)When did you last cry?
; last fri.
25)What is in your pocket?
; no pocket.
26)Do you like to cuddle?
; only who i love.
27)Who was the last person you took a picture of?
; me & licia.
28)How many TVs do you have in your house?
; 1
29)Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
; eh duno.
30)Do you like pulpy orange juice?
; i prefer mango.
31)What is something your friends make fun of you for?
; licia she i childish when she's immature herself. :D
32)Do you like to play Scrabble?
; okay larh.
33)What are you saving your money up for right now?
; im trying to save.
34)What song do you want played at your funeral?
; boston. ._.
35)What were you doing 12 AM last night?
; sleep liao.
36)What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
; where is my hp.


1. 2 names thats in your mind:
- gummy & debbie. msging mah.
2. Two things you are wearing right now:
- shirt & fbt.
3. Three things you can't live w/o?
- frens gummy xiaoyi
4. What's your fav. cake?
- orea cheese!
5. Are you currenly in a r/s?
- yesh.
6. Have you ever been given a rose?
- hmm form zd?
7. What is your all-time favourite romance movie?
- leap yrs.
8. Have you ever been in love?
- yar.
9. Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
- eh should be?
10. What's/Who is your current problem?
- not reali ani.
11. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- yesh.
12. Your thoughts of online or long distance r/s?
- hmmm okay wad! :]
13. Have you ever seen a friend more than a friend?
- yesh if u mean wad i think u mean.
14. Do you believe on the statement 'once a chapter always a chapter'?
- eh no.
15. How many kids do you want to have?
- twoooo.
16. What is/are your favourite color(s)?
- black & red.
17. Believe you only love once?
- not reali.
18. Do you like anyone right now?
- like love? yes.


jan. - I was raped by
feb. - I butt-kicked
mar. - I murdered
apr. - I bathed with
may.- I was tongue-kissed
jun. - I have a crush on
jul. - I pervertly touched
aug. - I had sex with
sept. - I bitch-fight with
oct. - I raped
nov. - I butt-licked
dec. - I ate
1 - a maniac
2 - michael Jackson
3 - an alien
4 - an undentified creature
5 - a four-legged ostrich
6 - the air
7 - britney spears
8 - a gay
9 - homo
10 - elmo!
11 - Spongebob!
12 - Squidward
13 - spider man
14 - a lesbian
15 - a retarded frog
16 - a emo
17 - a freako
18 - my pillow
19 - my mothertongue teacher
20 - my dinner
21 - the wall
22 - my principal
23 - the toilet scrub
24 - my body
25 - a crazy spirit
26 - the unknown
27 - a corpse
28 - the water
29 - my pet rock
30 - my own self
31 - the president
white - because my toilet light was
blue - because i want to sleep!
black - because i'm feeling emo
red - because the earth is round
yellow - because i'm happy! :D
orange- because i'm a human
purple - because i have diarrea.
brown - because my pet died!
pink - because i feel like shiting
green - because i cant find any
gray - because my skin is itchy.
maroon - because i want to be a maid.
multi colour - so that i can save

I bitch-fight with a gay because my toilet light was dead.


1. Are you Available?
` no.
2. What is your Age?
` 5teen.
3.Are you agitated?
` too chim for me.
4. Do you live in a Big house?
` no.
5. When is your Birthday?
` 8sep.
6. What's your favorite Chocolate?
` boost.
7. Do you Daydream?
` somtyms.
8. What's your favorite kind of Dog?
` dunoo.
9. What Day of the week is it?
` wed.
10. Have you ever been in the Emergency
` yesh for fun.
11. Did you have a crush that starts w/ letter M?
` no.
12. Favorite Flower?
` pu gong ying.
13. Do you chew Gum?
` yesh.
14. Are you a Giver or a taker?
` both.
15. What's your Hobby ?
` scribble.
16. What color is your Hair?
` black.
17. What's your favorite flavor of Ice cream?
` choco chip.
18. Have you ever Ice skated?
` yesh.
19. Do you play an Instrument?
` no.
20. Have you ever heard a really hilarious Joke?
` yesh.
21. Do you wear Jewelry?
` no.
22. Do you want Kids?
` yesh.
23. Where did you have Kindergarten?
` china.
24. Have you ever Lied to your parents?
` my hobby.
25. Last Movie you watched?
` bolt. :D
26. Do you still watch disney Movies?
` yesh.
27. Do you like Mangoes?
` yesh.
28. Do you have a Nickname?
` yesh.
29. What's your favorite number?
` 3&6&9.
30. Do you prefer Night or day?
` nite.
31. Whats your One wish?
` last wiv gummy.
32. What is one fear you are most paranoid about?
` duno.
33. Are you Quick (to) judge people?
` no.
34. Do you watch Reality shows?
` some.
35. Do you want to have Son?
` one.
36. Do you like Snow?
` yesh alot.
37.where did you go today?
` toilet.
38. What time did you wake up?
` 10am.
39. Whats the worst veggie?
` i duno derh name.
40. Where do you want to go on Vacation?
` Japan.
41. Will you go back to the past?
` yesh.
42. Have you ever had an X-ray?
` for my teeth. -.-
43. Do you own a xylophone?
` huh?
44. Do you like the color yellow?
` not very.
45. Whats your Zodiac sign?


►Perfect: no larh
►Tall: a little bit
►In your pajamas: no
►Handed: left but write using rite
►Friend(s) you saw: licia & tofu
►Talked to on the phone: licia
►Person to text you: myself
►Is today better thanyesterday?: no
►Number: 3 6 9
►Color: black & red
►Food: lolipop & oreo cheese cake
►Place: derh swing
Q: What was the first thing you did
this morning when you got up?
► find my phone
Q: Do you have anything bothering you
► im bored
Q: What's the last movie you watched
in theaters?
► bolt!
Q: Where is the last place you went?
► cheers
Q. Do you smile a lot?
► yesh ofcos.
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
► no.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
► obviously.
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
► on my bed
Q: Why did you sleep there?
► bcos its my bed -.-
Q: When was the last time you cried?
► last fri
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep ?
► im fallign aslp
Q: Rate life as of right now, one being bad, ten being great?
► 7
Q: What do you hear right now?
► tv
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
► no
Q: What's your favorite month?
► duno
Are you missing someone right now?
► yesh
Are you single?
► no
Are you tired?
► not reali
Are your parents still married?
► fers no 2nd yesh
►Real name: Junting
►Nick Name: pillow
►Age: 5teen
►Eye color: black
►Male or female: gal
►Single: no
►Crushing: not reali
►Smart: my ass
►Hair color: black
►Sweats or Jeans: dunooo
►Phone or Camera: camera phone
►Health freak: nah
►Righty or lefty: left
►Smoke or Drink: nah
First award: p4 -.-
►First enemy: none
►First pet: chicks
►First vacation : hongkong
►Eating: nah
►Drinking: nah
►Listening to: none
►Plans for tommorow: go out wiv gummy
►Waiting for: gummy derh msg
►Lips or eyes: eyes
►Shorter or taller: taller
►Romantic or spontaneous: romantic?
►Sensitive or loud: loud
►Hook-up or in a relationship: r/s
►Drank hard drinks: nah
►Lost glasses/contacts: nah
►Ran away from home: yesh
►Broken someone's heart: duno
►Been arrested: yesh
►Do you like someone: yesh
►Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: yesh


) What color is your phone?
2) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?
maple.debbie; orhs my laopo :]
3) Who's the last person you called?
my xiaoyi lorh; ask her com fetch me.
4) Who was your last missed call from?
duno ._. no caller ID
5) Who's the 2nd person who miss called?
6) Who's speed dial 2?
don have.
7) Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?
Jeff. orh my didi (:
8) Who was your last received call?
my xiaoyi again, tell me she reached -.-
9) Who was your second last received call?
eh duno licia or chad.
10) What is your wallpaper?
me & licia derh photo.
11) What is your screensaver?
nvr use ler
12)How many text messages you received?
3200 so far.
13) What's the 5th message say in your inbox? And from whom?
Got ppl bian tai ma.. then violet u lor..hehe..omg!
from gummy -.- we were toking abt last tym i 7 yr old i get drunk -.-
14) Who was your last text message from?
gummy bear.
15) What is your alarm sound?
sponge bob -.-
16) What is your handphone ringtone?
hot N cold (:
17) Name every person you have text messages from.
u wait long -.-
18) Have you seen the 101 Chuck Norris facts?
19) Who's the 3rd person on your U?
no U
20) What does the 3rd message in your outbox say?
outbox no msg, send item got alot
21) Who is the first name in your phonebook?
binglian :D evytym send wrong msg to her.
22) Who is the last name in your Phonebook?
my xiaoyi :D
23) Last 4 digits of your number?
24) Starhub/M1/Singtel?


1) Put your iTunes, windows media player, etc on Shuffle.
2) For each question, press the next button to get you answer.
4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5) Tag 6 people.

1.Are you male of female?
tai xiang ai ni -.- shemale xD

2.Describe yourself
boston ._.
eh okay derh song is sweet (:

3.What do people feel when their around you?
gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
lol link link im trying to find de link ._.

4.Describe your current relationship.
Viva La Vida
HUH? i dun even noe de meaning.

5.Where would you like to be now?
zui chang de dian ying
well okay ._. i wan watch movie

6.How do you feel about love?
cant smile without u.
okay larh suitable :D

7.What's your life like?
aye NO NEED LARH -.-

8.What would you ask if you only had one wish?
i dont care
WAD DON CARE, i got alto wishes larh!

9.If someone says, "is this okay?"what you would say?
Through The Fire And Flames
sorrie i duno watswrong -.- ignore me peepo!

10. How would you describe yourself?
im lost without u
eh okay larh ._.

11.What do you like in a guy/girl?
guo huo.
orh well okay ._. i love gummy veri much.

12.How do you feel today?
all the small things
lol, 2day i did alot things lorh

13.What do your friends think of you?
dear maria, count me in
huh im not maria...

14.What do you think of your parents?
zhi zu
my ass lorh -.-

15.What do you think about very often?
kiss me
lol i sound lyk a bian tai -.-

16. What is 2+2?
lols take 4 steps mah.

17. What do you think of the person you like?
hui you na me yi tian
yesh :D i love tat song, even though its from JJ -.-

18. What is your life story?
heroes of our time
orh well? ._.

19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
feeling this
eh totally no link larh -.-

20. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
aliens exist
orh well! my gummy isnt alien larh! -.-

21. What will you dance in your wedding?
your guardian angel
okay tat song ish uberlicious sweet (:

22. What will they play at your funeral?
dao xiang
okay ._. okay tat its cute :D

23. What is your biggest fear?
WAD?WHY! ._. lmao..

24. What is your hobby/interest?
zi lian
-.- wad the, im NOT larh, jus SOMTYMS

25. What do you think of your friends?
orh well, holi all go oversea u all good lorh! D:

[i did tis before]



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