falling in.

& ysd fers tym said B in derh phone :X
i tot he will be sad? or maybe angry roar i duno larh.
budden luckie he ish veri derh considerate ._.
& i told him why, derh real two reasons. lol, im so 诚实 lorh!
okay nvm, derh fact is still im a bad gal SORRIE.
budden anw say liao feel much better, atleast im not lyk twoo timing?
okie wadeva it ish, gummy bear ish sooooo sweet! once again :]
ysd he jus change his phone to mineeee & ofcos UNLIMITED sms plan! :D
AWWWWS im still in derh shock of trying to get tis fact,
okay i will be seeing it in a few hours tym, ._.
ysd duno yy i walk past derh bustop saw a adv on IKEA & i decide to go there 2day :]
HAHAHA! ._. budden b4 tat, i wan buy derh twooo monkeys fers! :D
im getting nuts in it, :]
这个世界唯一的你 是我拥有的奇蹟