my 2nd MYUK wallet & derh ROSE frm HER :D my art! :D derh potatoEMPIRE ish coming! uhs, a random photo taken, i staple derh ruler ends tgt ._. so tat is dun moves away,hehs, im so clever u-noe-hu dhen todayy de math,which ish totally screwed ROARs! its lyk derh class no clock, dhen i oso no watch so i duno wat tym, dhen i take my tym,& do.. lyk a slow turtle finally derh cher say - u all have 10 min left derh whole class shiok tio luhs, ii m lyk just finish qns one? HARLOW & ps qns one stil gt last two qns haven do ._. so i started chiong derh rest, BUT obviously 10 min ish nothing :X jus as i finish most of qns twooo derh cher say - u all have 2 min left & im lyk OKAY LOH DIE LER LOH ts obviously impossible tat i can finish qns 3 in tym luh so here i pass up derh paper, wiv qns worth 10marks dint do, nothing at all, HOLY SHIT :X dhen after sch gt derh math test, which i dun reali gib a damn :D i took it evy year lyk HARLOW? :X dhen oya chi period, duno yy tweet...
Showing posts from July, 2008
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suppose to be chionging for sci test now, dhen jus now cox need do art, so came online, :X wat's love? gosh, i jus dun get it, its so linked. you, dun need say sorrie to me ler & you, im reali veri sorrie & & you, tat's de past tat i had put down :) de strangest thing eva & ps, im goin to chiong whole nite for de toopid chem test 2moro for u, & for tonite :D ahem,dun misunderstood wat i mean ho, budden i think u'll noe wat i mean, its not tat, hehs
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sorrie,对不起. i duno wat else can i say other den tis, tho u dun wan to hear tis, i rmber last tym i hatee ppl tell mee sorrie too. its so irritating, wat's done cant be undone. sorrie if i did give u ani false hope, sorrie if i made u sad, sorrie for evything i do. its just bcos tat day, all for my lameness? & selfishness. wat else could i say now? making us into tis stage & i cant do anithing but to hurt u, lyk a bastard. sorrie, sorrie.. jus so sorrie. its jus de fact tat i onli take u as a kor, de feeling is jus not there. i duno hu to blame,other den myself. im nothing gudd anw, not at all . so, carry on ur lyf & totally forget abt me maybe after tyms, when u put it down. we'll stil be frens. - sayonara /. ka fei - zhang xue you
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a gt a no. of things to say,well :X & my comp ish so NOT cooperative, its lagging as if its 1000 years old. ._. tmd, nvm tis shall nt affect my blogg, hmm start frm fri? it seems been veri long since i last posted :X lyk months... LMAO! friday uhs, nothing special i think, other den NDP rehearsal again :X hmm,yea tat's it... & as usual de gate'r all closed soo mee & licia walk down de hill 2gther :D awwws,our ai de xiao lu okie pukes** saturday yeah, saturday. :D went out wiv sher,js kor ,sher de sexy & his frens :X & its lyk fers sher after her choir com my house changeee den my laobu tot she pon cca or sumthing :X dhen start screaming lyk a mad womannnn !! & sher kena scold 2gther wiv mee :X opps sorrie luhs :D dhen she screammm till so loud tat js at outside oso can hear ._. lawls :X its lyk LOLOL, on derh phoneee i'm lyk paiseh arhs,wait uhs, my laobu kaopeing mee dhen he is lyk yeah wo ting dao ler LMAOOOO :D im lyk WOAHHHH, anw dhen after ...
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lmao,2day ish so retarded :D ish lyk 2nd recess, den licia sitting beside wo [ she alys sit beside mee anw ] emoing i was toking to sher& jax loh, den sher ish lyk i love u jx den im lyk licia heard tat? { she shake her head luhs den jax ish lyk i love u too sherrie den im lyk licia u heard tat? {she stil shake her head luhs den uhs, i forget wat happened budden anw licia turn to mee & hit my baobei head & im lyk OMGGGGG & i started to 'cry' {fake derh by den she stil listening to her music & emo+ing so i move my table away frm hers & say wo yao he ni li hun! \ [sher&jx ish laughing lyk....] den she dint notice so i drag my chair all de way to de bac { beside fantuan den continue to 'cry' den finally she turn bac & said wat u saying jus now? & im lyk speechless & continue 'crying' well, actualy im covering my nose & laughing. so she ish lyk com ba luh den i refuse to move bac :X i jus keep 'crying till i think...
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my mother ish an asshole luhs, gosh, fuck off please. i cant make sure i will alys keep quiet, dun try to break my limit. u duno me tat well yet, u 'll nvr noe me. u tot u known me too well,when u noe nothing at all. shut de Duck up. wateva u wan to do, i wont even care, i nvr give it a damn. wateva fake mask u wan to put on, gt nthing to do wiv me but if u put all ur anger on me for no reason at all i wont tolerate it all. stop when its de tym to stop,dun go over it, stop tokin non stop as if im deaf. i can hear it all. too bad tat u alrdy giv birth to me, kill me if u wan since u given me tis lyf but stop evyday going wat did i do wrong last lyf gt tis kind of daughter. tats too badd! even if u die i wont even care. i dun even giv a shit abt it! ard my ears. too bad tat u choose him instead of me or maybe r u forced to take me TOO BADD DEN,its UR LUCK. regret for all u wan,it jus TOO BAD!. RUBBISH
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lmao, 4gt to mentionnn i watched it! i watched itttt! i watched it omg i cnat believe tis! :X sooooo i watched leap yrs tho its nt wiv u (: happened to rmber 290208 how special can it get babe, ? uhs,so watched it wiv my korkor :D hehs,thy ._. den de nite i watched it i cried lyk a uhs,wet pillow? [ well,i am a pillow :D ] while listening to 重来好不好. LMAO okie twoo days past,im normal again :) & oya oya juz now de stooopid lesson i accidently cut sher { les partner im reali veri sorrie darlinggggg :'( rest asure tat i'll gibbb u de 10k by nxt wk URGH,mus hurt alot loh. :X sorrie baobei sher. uhs,if she complain to leonard, i sure tio defame ler :x gosh,kor u must fame mee bac! xD LAWLS :X tats's abt it,i gt geog test l8r. in abt 20mins tym ._. so im gonna do a last min chiongggggg!
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lmao,i m bac :D in fact im bac since tis afternoon haha anw harlow my dear DOMO KUN :D 2day ish hmm,nt reali say busy luhhs (: morning wake up 9 plus- watch doraemon aiai as usual den cant rmber wat i did most likely SLACKING :D til lyk 2 plus start dating my lappy (: den chat awhile wiv my korkor in maple. halfway my xy chionged up & throw mee a setence gibb u 5min com down so i immediately change & grab my hp den chiong out :X halfway realise nvr charge hp :'( luckie my bendan say can lent his charger if need :D hohos (: gt peepo live at tpy ish sooo great :) [sing wiv mee LIFE ISH GREAT~] LMAO :X anw we go to boonkeng :D yeap,de place i use to live from p3 to p5 :D around there luhs.. den after tat mee & my xy chiong to j8 :D i wanted to buy a MYUK de wallet derh, so de best way ish bring her to de shop n start **sparkling eyes** at her & de wallet.. BUT THERE IS NO WALLET SHOP THERE im lyk nooooooooooooo :'( anw i faced de truth den we walk walk loh :D on ...
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hey daringggg :) its been 1mth & 7 days without u around. duno if u feel ani differences without mee. well,i do.sumtyms in de middle of de night. i'll start missing u.lots duno how long more i need to get over in fact,i dun wan to get over u, i dun wan to forget u at all wat else can i do? (: jus feel lyk dedicate tis song to u ts time to let go,but i wan u to know tat , im sorry 我会慢慢的忘记你,和我们的过去... 还记得吗 窗外那被月光染亮的海洋 你还记得吗 是爱让彼此把夜点亮 为何后来我们用沉默取代依赖 曾经朗朗星空 渐渐阴霾 心碎离开 转身回到最初荒凉里等待 为了寂寞 是否找个人填心中空白 我们变成了世上 最熟悉的陌生人 今后各自曲折 各自悲哀 只怪我们爱得那么汹涌 爱得那么深 于是梦醒了搁浅了沉默了挥手了 却回不了神 如果当初在交会时能忍住了 激动的灵魂 也许今夜我不会让自己在思念里 沉沦
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i decide to move my music to post cox it OVERLAP wiv my posts if i put at de sides which cant be tolerated! LMAO:D so here it ish. de RULE is tat wheneva de post[wiv de song] is no longer in de display i shall change my blog music :D LMAO,its so lameee :X wateva de above msg is invailid [ duno how spell ] due to change of NEW blogskin :D
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oya.opps. happi bdae darlingg binglian .hu's bdae falls on 7-11 :D thy lots for evytym tching mee sci & math. tho i alys make u feel lyk vomit blood & bang walls :D thanks :D sorrie last tym i promised u to gib u de box of choco as bdae present budden in e end onli gibb u de box W.O de choco in it [ eaten by de great PILLOW :X] sorrie :X hate u luh,so smart for wat?! LMAO :'( evything oso score soo high derh...RAR hateU :'( anw i promise tis yr i wont gib u a EMPTY choco box again luhs :D hehe (:
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2dayy ish soo wth :X wake up due to stomach cramp 3am in e morning :'( its so damn pain luh -.- sumore i feel so cold wiv evything off. sumore till 6 its stil raining by rite i can take a cab & goo sch luhs budden cox i need go shop buy de 1.5l bottleee so after sobbinggg in my blanket wiv my milk bottle , i decide to face de truth & bathe & change & 'crawled' out of my house to dee shop & buy a blueberry teaaaa den in e rain ii continue 'crawl' to de roadside & w8 for cab :X den i rched de sch.bought a bowl of HOT wanton souppp.. den after tat whole day.cramp.cramp. OYA haichong changed 2day LMAO he said S.O.R.R.I.E. to de great PILLOW :D gosh, im lyk quite shioked. anw he was lyk quite sincere so im lyk O.M.Gosh. am i dreaming? chongchong tok so nicely to mee sia okei den cca :X ndp rehearsal as usual :) lalas :X tats abt it anw luckie after training de cramp gone WEEE :D so i drunk ALOT ALOT cold drink :X oppsss hope nthing goes wrong :D ...
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lmao :X as of todayy. i would lyk to put it in de simplest setence fers. before - fuck u after- opps.sorrie :X seriously. okay luhs :x ofcox im at fault luhs.budden LMAO :D yeap.i throw egg [ poor seng aik ] de hp on de floor veri veri HARD. seriously ii dint reali plan to throw egg de hp de. i juz wan go over to him & use a math txt tym book or sumthing to hit him veri veri HARD. BUT he passed me his hp -.- so i took it.n veri veir pissed off at tat tym. okay well i juz feel lyk throw sumthing. sooo ii actually 4gt tat im holding onto a hp. so so, here it goes. i throw his hp aiming his table veri veri hard. so hard tat it bounced off de table n BANG. dropped dead on de floor i dint reali see clearly of how poor stage his hp is. budden by den i realise opps tats a HANDPHONE.omg -.- so i went to de toilet. oya tat tym im stil quite pissed okay tat tym my tears is lyk rolling here & there budden nvr drop yet luh :X i wanted to cry budden for sum reason. i juz happen to think...
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lmao :x since i promise bendan korkor i'll show him my ART so here IT IS :D claps** anw.its well.SPEECHLESS -.- anw.thx korkor for pei me all along. for drawing 2words.14letters in total, in 5hrs tym its VEIR fast i noe (: lawls lawls :) its my HARD work loh. LMAO.i bet licia dint do!or at least dint COLOR muahahaha :D i'll alys be de cute&guai pillow on EARTH (:
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LMAO shit im too paying attention to change bs for my another blog till ii forget totally abt tis pillow@bs gosh :X im serisously sorrie my dear blogggie its all my fault :X anw.2day is lyk O.M.F.Gosh. wats de most its nt de competition BUT de present of tat lee zhutou. GOSH-.- yy mus he be there luhs :X yy mus ii be there luhs :X yy mus ii saw him luhs :X yy did he stuck at de door dun wan move in luhs :X yy did ii go out frm tat door instead of another one luhs :X yy did de hall is beside de bball court luhs :X yy did he win $300 luhs :X yy did my ipod nano fly away luhs :X yy is all tis sooo happening luhs :X its veri wat to see him now. i mean tis situation? kaos :X OH.NO.freak. anw awwwws :X tmd { u bcm so @#$%*& tho ii dun wan to admit it :'( i hope peepo can understand how ii feel now. budden im sure no one will noe. okie nvm i dun neeed peepo to noe too :X alrite.tats abt it. com to de main thing tat brought to tis to happen de diverseCITY game :D basically.eunice&...
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fers of all (: happi bdae .::debbie laopo::.muack x3 iLOVEeuuuu :D jiayOus forrr PSLE hoooo! (: my laobu soooo heartless luhhs :X ii at bustop w8 for de rain to stop den call her fetch wo. she die die dun wan rather stay at hm rotting :'( so in e end ii walk home in de rain ii actually nothing luhhs.wat matter is my bag my BELOVED zinccccc bag ar sobs** wateva lor! tok abt tat 2day on my way out ii saw one of my junior ii once work 2gther wiv her when im p6 in a horrible compe & anw ii dint realise is her at fers :X she was lyk starrringggg at meee when she saw mee frm far den im lyk uh? semo? stare semo stare? den after tat ii walk to de traffic light she turn bac n look me straight into my eye, n said ILOVEYOU [ lmao ] dennn i saw her name lyk OMG ITS EUUUUU lawls :X she bcmmm so chio i cant tell is her is possible derh lawls :X gosh i LOVE her eyeees man (: {& licia see?peepo wear contact & uu wear is different things? jking :D no offence! } as ii w...
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juz now busy wiv de phtotobucket :X now finally free ler n as i was abt to bloggg a long post.. my laObu came bac :'( in case u dun get simply means i need SHUUDD my comp RAR. nice timing luhss. 2day is abit screwed cox there`r sum technical prob wiv myself :X ii guess 2nite i`ll be suffering {opps. wateva :D as a guaikia im gonna revise for 2mr de test :D awwws such a guaikia ^0^ alys rmber u DUN mess wiv de GUAIKIA ah lians all diam diam :D guo guaikia is gonna s.t.u.d.y ! {GAGs :X bac :D my laobu went out! comp see?im so gudd to u luhs if now she spot check ii die liao lor.. anw as i was saying.. STUDY! bet evyone is muggging ahma now :D lawls so am i! tho im bac now.i gt nothign much to say. opps.i need sum music {& music please~ .... ...... ......... ........... .............. ................. well.i admit tat itune is freaking slowwww okie wateva.for de tym being.lets tok abt my life. [ is here liao ] currently playing - together again budde...
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lawls :X lets see my dear blog :) i miss specify it. ii miss using comp lawls :D anw.start wiv ysd :) okie i shall nt elabrate abt it BUT licia noes wat happen rite? :D hahas okie LMAO well bcos of tat ii was quite emo elmo ysd budden on a happier note my dearest darling xy is bac ysd wooz & she cut her hair lyk a mushroom woos as a niece [ ii seldom use tis word on me& HER ] wiv jellyfish ii proudly take it as she LOVE my hairstyle. okie crap tis it :X anw sorrie i FALL DEEP IN LOVE wiv phtoto bucket so yeap having fun playin wiv it :D