fers of all (:
happi bdae .::debbie laopo::.muack x3
iLOVEeuuuu :D jiayOus forrr PSLE hoooo! (:

my laobu soooo heartless luhhs :X
ii at bustop w8 for de rain to stop den call her fetch wo.
she die die dun wan rather stay at hm rotting :'(
so in e end ii walk home in de rain

ii actually nothing luhhs.wat matter is my bag
my BELOVED zinccccc bag ar sobs**
wateva lor!

tok abt tat 2day on my way out ii saw one of my junior
ii once work 2gther wiv her when im p6 in a horrible compe
& anw ii dint realise is her at fers :X
she was lyk starrringggg at meee when she saw mee frm far
den im lyk uh? semo? stare semo stare?
den after tat ii walk to de traffic light
she turn bac n look me straight into my eye,
n said ILOVEYOU [lmao]
dennn i saw her name tagg.im lyk OMG ITS EUUUUU
lawls :X
she bcmmm so chio i cant tell is her is possible derh
lawls :X gosh i LOVE her eyeees man (:

{& licia see?peepo wear contact & uu wear is different things?
jking :D no offence! }

as ii was saying.uh, den wee walk home lor.
i mean ii walk her home :X
okie tat all abt her for now :D
anw she havvee de same form cher as meee
de great mrs doris tan yeap,de one tat dote on me lots :D

okie,wat else i was abt to say erh? forgettt liao :x
i rmber ii ought to hav lots to say...
LMAO senile demential!!?


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