a gt a no. of things to say,well :X
& my comp ish so NOT cooperative, its lagging
as if its 1000 years old. ._.
tmd, nvm tis shall nt affect my blogg,
hmm start frm fri?
it seems been veri long since i last posted :X
lyk months... LMAO!

uhs, nothing special i think, other den NDP rehearsal again :X
hmm,yea tat's it...
& as usual de gate'r all closed soo mee & licia
walk down de hill 2gther :D awwws,our ai de xiao lu
okie pukes**

yeah, saturday. :D
went out wiv sher,js kor ,sher de sexy & his frens :X
& its lyk fers sher after her choir com my house changeee
den my laobu tot she pon cca or sumthing :X
dhen start screaming lyk a mad womannnn!!

& sher kena scold 2gther wiv mee :X
opps sorrie luhs :D
dhen she screammm till so loud tat js at outside oso can hear ._.
lawls :X
its lyk LOLOL, on derh phoneee i'm lyk
paiseh arhs,wait uhs, my laobu kaopeing mee
dhen he is lyk yeah wo ting dao ler
anw dhen after alot crap we three finally on our way :X
& oya halfway we go bubble tea shop,
dhen bendan brought derh leap years alonggg
{ jiamin wan lent it
soo im lyk telling de auntiee
'auntie, i put tis at ur shop l8r my fren com collect kay?'
ofcox derh kind soul lady agreed :D
dhen after tat i tell jiamin rmber to cum & collect beforeee 3 lohs :X

okie dhen we carry on, go bustop.w8 for bus, 14 com.etc.etc
& dhen we go to plaza singg
dhen meet her sexy, well act dua derh loh
lmaooo cum lateee dhen wee miss derh movies :'(
so in e end mee & sher & js go eat yoshiii <3>WHAHAHA,js treat us :D ]
dhen after tat walk walk, go arcade :X
{ i dint noee sher derh bball worst dhen mee

dhen after after tat ii go china townn find my xy ,
dhen blah blah, i rch there lyk 4.30?
she still haven finish workind..
dhen i wait, & wait & wait..
we SUPPOSE to meet at plaza sing & see hp derh
budden cox ii go find her so we go eat my fav. black pepper crab instead loh
hehs, licia be jealous!
{ wee oso gt chance eat derh luhhs :D
dhen after tat i go cut hair
YEAP,again -.-

LMAOOOO, i think my fringe ish getting form bad to worst
after tat oya oya,
my dearest xy bought mee a ROSE & a box of choco ,
so im lyk carrying them go bac :D
LMAOOO, so cool luhhs HEHes
dhen after tat went home, actually staying at tpy ysd deh
den my laobu luhs.kp mee, die die wan mee go bac

SUNDAY. todayy
2day walk up lyk veri late liao, dhen act act studying,
finished derh sci wrksheet :X
i wanted to do math derh, budden cox gt alot nvr do
dhen duno ish suppose to do which one
so in e end oso nvr do loh :D
dhen after tat went out wiv peichia & douglas
longgg tym no seee them (:
if ish nt becox of jiamin saw themm 2gther tat day,
i sitl duno they patch bac sia :X
anw we onli slack around at my house near by loh
so damn bored so we prank call HOT BENjamin
dhen peichia use my phone,derh conver ish sumthing lyk tis

harlow is tis HOT BEN?
uh, what?
do u noe hu am i ?
junting luhs.call mee for wat?
im not jt, do u noe hu am i?
nt jt den hu?
im douglas

{ den dog was lyk 'NOOOO ITS NOT MEEE'
im peichia!
huh? hu?
peichia luhs
go die
fck u

end of conver ._.
veri dots rite ._.
dhen my laobu call mee & start screaminggg again FINE,
so i went home. dhen botak ish lyk veri random msg mee
u free or nt wan go out wiv mee & my fren?
dhen im lyk orh when?
dhen he say l8r 5+ loh, we going changi ther
beforeee i can reply he called mee & blih blah bloh
so its lyk
l8r u can go out mah?
whur u?
yy cant?
cox i juz com bac
aiyo dhen com out agian luh
laobu kaopei mee
aiya yy u go home so early
kay luh nvm buh byeee :X

im abit wondering yy am i typing out all derh conver?
okie tat's abt it loh... :D


i got my free unlimited msg
well, i get it long ago,its auto update.
jus tat i duno,so ysd my xy called starhub & ask
& im lyk OMGOSH, i cant believeee its true sia!!
so ysd one nite, i msged 1000 msges
msg til shou ruan
LMAOOOO, flooded zhutou 150++ msges in totall :X
rest sent to evyoneee.
& its lyk TMDDD i msged to evy single contact GOOD NITEs
& okie luh lyk 50 + gt reply meee
BUT, out of those hu replied.
gt 1/4 ish say hmmm,hu r u? -.-
gt 1/4 ish say wah u veri random leh ._.
gt 1/4 ish say lmao u siao sibo? :X
gt 1/4 ish say haha gudd nites <3>TOTALLY DAO MEEE
tmd wateva loh :X
budden i stil msg til shou ruan luhs :D

hehes :D uhs, tat all abt it
cant type much 2dayy
cox laobu might be bac anitym & kaopei mee again (:

& ps. im in love again <3


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