lmao, 4gt to mentionnn i watched it! i watched itttt!
i watched it omg i cnat believe tis! :X
sooooo i watched leap yrs
tho its nt wiv u (:
happened to rmber 290208 how special can it get babe, ?
uhs,so watched it wiv my korkor :D
hehs,thy ._.

den de nite i watched it i cried lyk a uhs,wet pillow?
[well,i am a pillow :D ]
while listening to 重来好不好. LMAO
okie twoo days past,im normal again :)

& oya oya juz now de stooopid lesson i accidently cut sher { les partner
im reali veri sorrie darlinggggg :'(
rest asure tat i'll gibbb u de 10k by nxt wk
URGH,mus hurt alot loh. :X
sorrie baobei sher.

uhs,if she complain to leonard, i sure tio defame ler :x
gosh,kor u must fame mee bac! xD

tats's abt it,i gt geog test l8r.
in abt 20mins tym ._.
so im gonna do a last min chiongggggg!


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