lmao,2day ish so retarded :D

ish lyk 2nd recess, den licia sitting beside wo [she alys sit beside mee anw] emoing
i was toking to sher& jax loh,
den sher ish lyk i love u jx
den im lyk licia heard tat? { she shake her head luhs
den jax ish lyk i love u too sherrie
den im lyk licia u heard tat? {she stil shake her head luhs
den uhs, i forget wat happened budden anw
licia turn to mee & hit my baobei head
& im lyk OMGGGGG & i started to 'cry' {fake derh

by den she stil listening to her music & emo+ing
so i move my table away frm hers & say wo yao he ni li hun!\
[sher&jx ish laughing lyk....]
den she dint notice
so i drag my chair all de way to de bac {beside fantuan
den continue to 'cry'
den finally she turn bac & said wat u saying jus now?
& im lyk speechless & continue 'crying'
well, actualy im covering my nose & laughing.
so she ish lyk com ba luh
den i refuse to move bac :X
i jus keep 'crying till i think 940 /& fan tuan oso com.

den she gib mee de wat r u trying to do de look
so i said. walao,jus now u hit my head !
walao u hit my head lehh!
& it continues....

den she ish lyk LAMEEE

actually i 'cry' for veir longg luhhh
den when sher tok to mee,i will go bac to normal
reply her liao den continue to 'cry'
uhs cant rmber wat happen after tat
i jus keep repeating wo yao he ni li hun & walao u hit my head lehhh
in e end she lyk lyk DEN WAT U WAN LUHS?

so i finally,waited for so longgg & look at her into her eyes
& said say SORRIE luhhs!!
den all start to laugh ._.
kaos, u hit my head dun wan say sorrie meh?!
i waited for so long u oso dun wan say!
KAOS, say sorrie oso soo hard mehhh?!!

LMAO, den she ish lyk sorrie luhs, com bac luh mai kee siao ler ._.
i lyk dun wan! so mei you cheng yi!
& den she & fantuan ish lyk sengaik com!
{his chi name ish cheng yi :X
im lyk ._. DOTssss

oya im still 'crying' at tat point of tym
den i 'cry' {aka laugh till du zi tong ._.
den sengaik com & say SEMOOOO?
licia ish lyk i gt cheng yi luhs com bac luh :X
den she pull my tables& chairs bac :D
& i oso stopped 'crying' aka laughing

so we divorced :D
& i took a foto wiv my les partner SHER
{its myyy wallpaper nowww :D
anw bcos of tis,
licia accuse [duno how spell] me on cheating on her
& she insist on divorce :X
so i kindly accept de truth & ask her for shan yang fei
well,she refuse to give meee! ROARRRRR

den after tat go assembly for racial harmony thingy
its quite okieeeee until de last part ms cheong go on de stage
& start thy tis thy tat :X
sama sama atleast its de sign showing tat de assembly ish goin to endddd

:X & den here am i dnt room again
blogging (: hehs
eeyer js <3 daoo mee on msn :'(
hate u luhsss!


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