
Showing posts from July, 2012

one zero six.

It's like a  Déjà vu.  Here we are, at the crossroad once again;106 days to A level. What resemblance. Life din't change much since back then did it? Chua is here, 940 is here, ali is back, and with two more people joined my life. Please do stay, especially you, relationship had never lasted longer than friendship all my life. Well leave all to fate. I've got the  big As to handle hiaaayaaa :')

Internal dialogue.

By a random thought I decided to take out the pile of letters and cards I've received over the years awhile doing TYS tonight, and thereafter spent the next one hour reading them all over again. Memories are indeed the most precious thing that's not only free, but non-exchangeable for anyone. So there adds another thing that can't be stolen I guess, apart from the food you ate and the knowledge you learnt. :) I appreciate and enjoyed every single letter and I really want to thank all of you who have had spent a portion of your time writing those cards, should you be still presence in my life or not.   Alright anyway I've been having internal thoughts with myself recently over what makes an suitable, or rather ideal life companion for me. I know that it's way too early to ponder over it but it served as a good platform to kill time during bus rides home everyday. So I've thereby concluded a few qualities I would look for in a guy, or rather guys with such quali...

that ray of sunlight :')

Just collected back all Common test 2 results, with a sweet surprise from Geography, jumping from S to B, and considering it's the very first time I ever passed the subject in Vj, it's a rather great achievement personally. :') Honestly I had the urge to tear the moment I saw it cause frankly I was praying so hard for a 45 to pass, and I saw 62 on my paper, I was like, astonished, in the pleasant way of cause. 150 hours spent on Geog paid off. :) Apart from that the rest seems roughly stable, from BCDSU to BBCDE. Oh and perhaps another piece of good news is a U to D for Physics. Though there's much more rooms for improvement. (: Oh and the third delightful news is that this is again the very first time I've passed all my subjects in Vj. Woo suddenly see a weak ray of sunlight projected into my future ;')   But well another look at the university admission for Bussiness administration ( AAA/B ) pulled me back to reality. Here we go again. <3 Jiayou myself! 

Less words, more meaning.

That's a proper Blogskin, finally. :) something to keep me happy about for the next few months probably. Alright it's late I can foresee a cluster of pimple developing should I choose not to sleep now. Good night lovers.

Let's go junting! :')

“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”  ―   Marilyn Monroe Maybe it's time that I should really be screening through courses in university, PSC scholarships  (Professional Service)  and internship ( Open in Sep ) and give a serious thought on my career. Agh. Despite my pathetic holistic portfolio, awful academic results on top of really poor language. I shall be cheerful and instill the belief there is no harm trying. Since we all know that no one should live their life in regrets. ( Though I believe no one live their life without any regrets,we all make mistakes, have struggles, and have regrets in our past, don't we? ) Well thanks to the interesting and engaging talk by Dennis Yeo, I'm back here again setting my goals. Maybe a more thorough one this time. But I'd live my life with low confidence, gosh I don't want to compete anything with any others I don't like to feel inferior I prefer to be co...

Little effort counts.

There I am trying to force out a smile on my pretty much tensed up face, before the start of my first blood donation experience. ;) Thankful for Jonathan for being there cause if not I would probably have chickened out. We humans fear what we don't know isn't it, I swear I was hell nervous before the transfusion started. Always pictured it as a frightening sight to witness blood flowing out from one's own body and you can't stop it. But well things went on beyond perfection, anesthesia injection was even less hurting than an ant bite, though I din't bear to witness the moment blood starts to transfuse out, Kind of turned my head 180 degree away from my arm. Though I did peek at it awhile later and I was pretty calm, amazingly. It ended within minutes, my veins din't burst and I did not faint. (So much for my worries beforehand HAHAHA.) I'm really proud of myself for today and thankful for the courage to step out of my comfort zone, going for the extra mi...

For while we live, Let us live.

My apology for procrastinating so long on this post. First and foremost, welcome to eighteenth dear Ali. Though it's been a tough (half ) year for us struggling between study and relaxation; together with the gradual maturing of our mindsets which promptly made us question about life frequently, I did enjoy every little 'philosophic' talk with you, I'm just so grateful that VJ brought us back together. True that I might still be in the same state should you have not been back into my life, but I would never know how much I would have missed out without your accompany. Oh wait, I can actually foresee my life being much more miserable and devastating should you have not been here for me every time before all the exams. Ah well, I love you. :') Thank you for all your timely text replies, and not to forget your well-baked free foodie (Which I hope they ain't too fattening.). May all of us lead a fruitful and happy life.       I realized I'm taking up a l...