Internal dialogue.

By a random thought I decided to take out the pile of letters and cards I've received over the years awhile doing TYS tonight, and thereafter spent the next one hour reading them all over again. Memories are indeed the most precious thing that's not only free, but non-exchangeable for anyone. So there adds another thing that can't be stolen I guess, apart from the food you ate and the knowledge you learnt. :) I appreciate and enjoyed every single letter and I really want to thank all of you who have had spent a portion of your time writing those cards, should you be still presence in my life or not.  

Alright anyway I've been having internal thoughts with myself recently over what makes an suitable, or rather ideal life companion for me. I know that it's way too early to ponder over it but it served as a good platform to kill time during bus rides home everyday. So I've thereby concluded a few qualities I would look for in a guy, or rather guys with such qualities appeals to me more. ( It took me a long way to come up with them as I tried to draw some similarities from all the guys I've dated before. Now that I honestly think I have no idea what I was doing back then. ) And at the same time this might be an unconvincing post considering that I'm dating someone right now. Oh well I will try to have a neutral stand. It's a fun task to ponder over after all.  

First and foremost I enjoy the company of a guy who is optimistic with life yet be pragmatic. Do not hold unrealistic portrayal of the future or the world. I believe in attitude is everything, happiness cannot be found, it has to be created. It would be my pleasure to spend a lifetime with someone who seeks joy in every little thing in life and quit the complains. Like I've mentioned before I loathe people who uses 'FML', I can't help but to think that they are just being whiny. Perhaps it's subjective, but in my opinion people are taking this phrase too lightly. Are you really saying that your life is terrible? Take a look at the world please, you are just so damn fortunate already that you have food, shelter and receives an education. One should live his or her life in gratitude. There might be times you fail, get defeated or when things just doesn't go in your way, but I believe that there is always something to be thankful for everyday. I love people who possess the happy-go-lucky attitude with life ;)

Next up I would really love to be with someone who is compassionate, I think that's a major reason we go through life experiences,so that we are better able to help and understand others. Maybe it's just me but I feel that by looking at how one treats his friends or even strangers on the street, it reflects more or less his behaviors and attitude to his own family back at home. Whether or not one values his kinship would be a major factor in deciding if one makes a good husband in time to come. Don't be judgmental and hypocritical, though I'm aware that we make judgement everyday in our life, kind of conformed to the society and most of the time we are too lazy to think therefore we tends to make more sweeping statements. I honestly hate it each and every time my mum tries to 'teach' me by passing judgmental or racists comments. I'm just so afraid that one day I might ended up like her. Therefore I would definitely not be someone who is overly judgmental and speaks ill of others.

Last but not least I love humorous guys who is able to make me laugh. It matters a great deal to me considering that I might spend my one and only lifetime with the person. I believe smile is contagious and I love to smile, throw me to a grumpy guy and I would live my life in misery. It would be a bonus if the guy shares common interests with me, should he love adventurous and back-pack travel in time to come. I have vast interests in places with natural scenery far more than the global cities packed densely with skyscrapers. Or probably the guy doesn't have common hobby with me, then at the very least he should be supportive of whatever I'm engaged in. 

That more or less marks the essential qualities I would look for in a guy who I might consider going into marriage with, but there're of cause other factors such as responsibility, faithfulness and understanding.However these qualities could only be shown when you go into an actual relationship with the guy cause words are cheap. 

Alright that's all. Good night world, I might change my mind, who knows. 


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