Let's go junting! :')

“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” 

 Marilyn Monroe

Maybe it's time that I should really be screening through courses in university,PSC scholarships (Professional Service) and internship (Open in Sep) and give a serious thought on my career. Agh. Despite my pathetic holistic portfolio, awful academic results on top of really poor language. I shall be cheerful and instill the belief there is no harm trying. Since we all know that no one should live their life in regrets. ( Though I believe no one live their life without any regrets,we all make mistakes, have struggles, and have regrets in our past, don't we? )
Well thanks to the interesting and engaging talk by Dennis Yeo, I'm back here again setting my goals. Maybe a more thorough one this time. But I'd live my life with low confidence, gosh I don't want to compete anything with any others I don't like to feel inferior I prefer to be contented with whatever I've got. ):

Maybe I should just be oblivious with the fact that only 84 out of 2400 candidates is chosen for the PSC scholarship. ( Open letter ) Well if you were to ask me why do I deserve it more than others, I would tell you "nah nothing, nothing makes me outstanding, outperforming, extraordinary." But again I know that if I were to live my life believing I can't do it, then I can't. So here comes the brain wash process :')   after a more detailed look at the PSC, I'm really keen on striving hard for it, for the next 16 weeks, I guess a good A level result is probably the basic paper work that allow me to move one step closer to my dream. There will be tougher challenges I will stumble upon in time to come, portfolios and of cause interviews if I were given a chance to, but it's alright, I will do my best. Under any circumstances, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse and regret. Maybe by the end of the day I might not get in, maybe I realize it's not my ideal career, but at least I fight for it before. Let's go junting.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 

― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist


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