
Showing posts from May, 2011

Everyday, Im smilinggg ~

Term two school holiday has arrived!I wouldn't say it finally or it's long waited cause what follows after is three consecutive days of MYE, well I'm totally unprepared yet. ): Right now I'm thinking of creating a tumblr to upload my-not-so-nice-but-taken-by-me photos. Ohwell, abit too lazy and kind of scared that I might abandon my blog?! Okay next time then say :/ The past week has been, productiv e. Though not in terms of academic level. Hah. So Tuesday, my very nice classmate + birthday girl of the day agreed on going Discovery center with me! We ponned two lectures, skipped match support, most importantly, travelled atw to JOOKOON . First time going over there, it's like totally a industralised area, looks isolated and out of place. it's uhmm fun, ( $10: admission + a in-house 3D movie) But I think Science center is better (: There is this video on "Terrorist attack on mrt" which I was, kind of disgusted by the scenes, they showed vide...

End of world? Nah not so soon.

According to this old man in US, the world is going to end, in a few hours time. Kind of a fallacy eh? I don't believe in world coming to an end w/o any symptoms. ( Pardon me for being a geog student, I've learnt that there're ways to predict natural disasters. Ok fine, not for Mass movement, cause it's sudden & usually unpredictable :/ ) I don't want the world to end, sincerely. 'Cause despite as corrupted as it is, there're still so much that I had not enjoy or experience yet. So, can't die so soon, hah. I hadn't save up enough money for a DSLR and post nice photos, taken by me myself and I. I hadn't learn how to play a piano hadn't tour around the world hadn't step into a university hadn't read all the world classics hadn't wear a wedding gown hadn't been a mother hadn't set up a family hadn't have a house of my own, hadn't had enough fun in life yet . Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by...

The Lighthouse.

樹欲靜而風不止, 子欲養而親不在.


Fear nothing but fear itself. I couldn't remember who said this but reality had proven that it's really true. I have been totally traumatised by the horrible thing below since three weeks ago. Since when did my stamina drop until I couldn't even get a mere 165cm? ( Which is a D. ) Ohmine. This sucks. and for days I spent time jumping over it over and again like a frog. It's seriously screwing me upside down. But well, on a brighter note, I made improvement ;D I started off with barely reaching 150 and today I jumped 165 ( though I slipped and landed on my hand. ) Feels great :D and accomplished :D and proud of myself. :D But after giving it a deeper thought, I've learnt much more from this trivial matter. I.totally.lack.of.confidence. and this applies to all aspects of life. I'm just too afraid to raise my kneel towards my chest cause I'm afraid of falling; I'm too scared to give in my all cause I keep telling myself I won't go over 160cm, it's ...

Take a step back.

Everything will be fine, right? (: I'm planning to change, like hell yeah. Must be studious. mainly cause. $$$. Eh don't ask me why so realistic. But it's just so damn easy money looking at my own tuitor. Use brain for 2 hours then 60 bucks like Fmlrofllollmaowthwtswtf D; A SO WHAT MAN?! Going twelve soon, shall go sleep after I'm done with the whole chunk of geography. C'me on. studystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudy. you don't have a choice anyway. No one is spending so much on you and ended up becoming nothing. Nothing special is going to happen to you, just study, get a job, live in peace and die 50 years later. That's your life. Accept it, follow it, get over and done with it. Don't dream big. It's all fixed. Sigh. why suddenly so negative? ): 牵牵扯扯拉拉拽拽拖拖,最后受伤的是谁?自己么。

Born Original, don't die a copy.

Hah, finally done with th blogskin after 2 days of hardwork, copying and re-editing. Th extreme right will be replaced by picture of me and my future boyfren if I get one, hahahah. Just saying :D This is a damn precious photo cause it's so so so rare that I will take photo w/o fringe, and most importantly, still look not bad in it. Hahahahah, okay so what if I edited th lighting?! D; 想当年我的美人尖 a.k.a widow's peak 为我带来好大好大地困扰,哎。 经过多年的日晒雨淋,它终于没有那么地引人注目了。真是让我不禁老泪纵横啊~ 我之所以变得这么自恋是有理由地!你们要听我说~ 对于一个每天只能坐在椅子上读书的同学来说, 唯一的乐趣也就只有拿起手机,左拍拍右照照了。既方便,又省时,是提供消遣的一大选择啊! 看着我四处飞舞的短发~ (坐在风扇前面)我不禁低头叹息,头发你什么时候才能长回来啊?!啊?! 我可是想死你了。快点长回来吧~亲爱的玉米须请你们快点掉光光吧~对你们真是太又爱又恨了的说。 正经点。 又过了一年了,年复一年,四年了,很快的,十年,也会这么过去的。时间,其实什么也不是。 四年,思念? 姥姥我想你了。你想不想我呢,其实这无疑是一个肯定句,你一定想我了。 可是我怎么从来都没梦过你呢,你对我太失望了吧。对不起,对不起,对不起。。 你足足照顾了我3650天啊,我就这么离开你。我不在的那五年里,你每天都在干嘛?。。 突然我好想哭,九年过来了,这是我第一次想到这个问题,没有我的日子里,你寂寞吧。 对不起对不起对不起对不起。我死以后,你会在那儿等我么?我真的好想见你。。 今天烧纸的时候妈叫我给你磕头,其实我并不想磕头,我只想抱抱你,我想你了。 夏天,你拿扇子每晚给我扇风,你的手累么?你自己热么?我怎么就这么自私。 冬天,你帮我把被窝唔暖和,那你的被窝冷么?我怎么...

Those laughters and moments.

I DIN’T STUDY THIS WEEKEND BUT I’MNOTGUILTY (: It was a busy weekend and I spent all my 3 days outside, really had fun though but staring back on my table I saw a hopeless list of things to do, by tonight. Agh, seems like it's the price to pay for play a fool for 3 days but Ohwell, it's totally worth, I laughed so much and finally don't feel any heavy burden on me any more. Saturday. Had CIP with some of my dear girls. Spent the afternoon learning 九层糕, sad to say that our second product failed and the coconut milk mixture all spilled out while cutting cause it was still uncooked, Feel bad to admit this but we zao-ed immediately after our failed product :/ So, it's been almost three years since we work together with nick and "helped out" YMCA, since most of the time we are just "helping" ourselves cause we need the CIP and programmes. But that's how things goes right. People are only willing to do CIP cause they gain what they want from i...