
睡不着,也不想睡. But mama forced me to go sleep Cos tmr's 2.4km run , but th fact is that I don't plan to run at all. So my point here is , is not I don't want study , is she don't let me to . Lifeeeeee , hmm , as per normal . 还是老样子. Or rather had some slight changes ; I'm studying everyday , like everyday for th whole of April . I don't remember any past occasion that I studies like this . Revolution , A forceful one . Taking paper one for both language brought up a lot of secondary school memories . Out of boredness as well as trying to find something to type about tonight , I went to flip through my achieves ( Pictures actually . ) Photos were are on my blog for th first two years. And for two years I didn't know that th photo size could be adjust , dumbest blogger ever . Well I realise that my secondary school life quite boring . Like so typical . Secondary one Lower secondary ..... Wanted to divide into four years , But I realsie sec one really nothing much ...