
Showing posts from December, 2014

Alone, together.

With the ever changing technology, all sorts of digital devices are omnipresent in our daily lives, replacing the initial time we spent idling, zoning out, or even invading into our working, chatting or sleeping time. We could get the best possible outfits for our virtue characters in online games, we could attract hundreds of followers on twitter, we have an increasing number of ads were insert on Youtube videos, online shoppings that never shuts 24/7... There are just so much fanciful graphics on the net that we are attracted to, as one bids good night to the computer, one usually get onto the bed and continue the browsing through the phone.. However amidst the noisy and happening world, we felt more lonely; we glance at our phones every few minutes, refreshing our newsfeed to see what others did, we felt upset when our texts weren't attended to immediately. These html codes controlled our emotions, everyone is found looking at their phones on the dining table, the topics of co...

Lil ponders, lil wonders.

I do admit that I like to think a lot in life, not in the overthinking way but just to ponder over a million things around me. The usual ones that come into my, and perhaps many others' mind are questions like 'why do people behave so differently from one another?', 'why certain people behaves certain ways' and of cause 'hey, where is my meaning of life through my short lifespan of less than a hundred years here on Earth?'  While the human behaviours can be explained by a list of cognitive, developmental or societal theories, the answer to meaning of life is never answered. And be it redundant or not, I always ask myself 'What makes me happy?' 'Is this what I want in life?' and 'How should I live my life the way I want it to be?' And at some points of my lifespan, I managed to summon an incredible amount of determination and work for my goals then, wanting to get into VJC was one, wanting to lose weight was one, and wanting to run ...


在离开后的许多年,终于在一次仓促的巧合下又重新踏上了故乡的路。十二月的天依旧是寒冷让人打颤,验证了‘滴水成冰,呵气成霜’的老话。或许是自己早已适应了的新加坡的热带气候,回去后即使把自己包的严严实实的,还是抵挡不住东北的寒风。 这次的旅行一路颠簸,主要因为小妹儿持续高烧不退,大半的旅程都在医院里打点滴度过,还真是苦了小孩儿。 但总体回忆起来还是蛮庆幸自己回去了沈阳一趟,毕竟下一次不知道要等到什么年头了。上天毕竟还是眷顾我们,在我回去的第二天就下起雪了,要知道这年头 一’雪‘难求,过去几年来雪下的甚少,倒也被我们歪打正着的赶上了。也算是不幸中的大幸。 首先成就感源自于 -终于自己亲手堆了人生中的第一个雪人!虽然小时候生长在冬天了,但由于太小的缘故 自己到头来也没堆过。于是乎刚下完雪,我便义无反顾的在寒风中滚起了雪球。作品倒也似模似样,还是十分令人欣慰的~ 记忆中小时候在冰上打’刺溜滑‘,吃‘冰锥子’,再者打雪仗,纵使双手与小脸儿冻的通红也不肯回家。对于冬天的回忆总是愉快而短促的,冬天的白天很短,不到五点九漆黑一片。很庆幸自己还保存着小时候零零碎碎的记忆,回到了五四地区的家,一切是那么的熟悉且陌生, 而屋子里的笑声早已消失在十二年前的冬天。 曾经生气勃勃的院子也被白雪覆盖着,枯干的树枝交错着,好像也随着童年时的记忆一起被封锁了起来。  当然,开心的一二事还是有的。好比自己前身一人搭上大巴,说走就走的来到了怪坡滑雪场一日游,任凭手脚冻的失去了知觉也随心所欲的在雪坡上起起伏伏,滑雪技术虽算不上高超,但也平安无事的没摔着,算是小成功。 庆幸在大巴上结识一位开朗善谈的阿姨,让我旅途上少了乏闷。隔天自己又踏上了前往沈阳故宫的路,天气异常的冷,就算把自己包的像粽子一样还是抵挡不住冷风,但我仍旧是一把鼻涕一把泪的来到的故宫绕了一圈。虽然自己到头来什么历史记载也没记住,但也算是到此一游,不枉此程。真的很喜欢自己孤身一人行走的感觉,没有顾虑,就算是走错路了也只是无奈的一笑,从头来过。 七天的故乡游记就此结束啦!虽然来回的飞机都误点了,我在机场等的好不愉快,但还是很感谢最终大家都平平安安的回来了,看了雪,吃了煎蛹,滑了雪,堆了雪人,冻到手脚麻痹,这个冬天还是十分之充实的! 


And here comes the (overwhelming) perfect weather I longed for, a windy afternoon with showers of rain, alright more of like a thunderstorm now with the never ending thunders surrounding my ears. Now that's a little too much, but since I'm well-sheltered at home now there is not much to worry about, and I should have grown old enough to fix a short-circuit should there be one. Maybe it's to prepare me for the shivery -15 ° starting from tomorrow, now that brings in some mixed feelings about heading back to my old good hometown, after a gap of, well tbh I don't even recall when, 2005 will be my be best guess. What kind of changes can 10 years bring to a city?At this point of time I went to google a photo of shenyang and uhm, I loosely recall the Tv tower because there was once I copied a composition of that from model essay book to hand up,my teacher read it out loud to the class to compliment my work, followed by a classmate of mine who innocently raised his hand and sa...

Que sera sera,

Third day after exam, all doing good so far, passed my ftt got my Pdl 2 years after I my btt, such prolong procrastination; got my first taste of ilao ilao after a semester since I first heard it from the previous soccer captain; without the hassle of a long queue. And I have put a long list of things to do is this short one month holiday, so may it be a blast! 4th Dec Went by Singapore Philatelic Museum myself, was hoping to see some new exhibition like Tintin or the Dragon series the past two times I went by. Unfortunately it's under construction so there's nothing much new to see, except these pretty antique looking mailboxes that I will never get in Singapore, hahaha. Just to share something I remember from there then, a cinderella stamp is one that is not issued for postage purpose. Visiting museums has always been a pastime hobby that I do to gain more knowledge and appreciate the art... Ok scrap that, it's just what I do when I have a lot free time and w...