
Showing posts from July, 2013


I couldn't really think of a better word to start my post when it comes to you. Hahaha,well well,  hi dear, how are you? Once again I'm pretty sure and glad knowing that you are doing great. Well am I? Maybe yes, maybe not. Life has been, tiring. Work after camps, chalet after work, administration after chalet, things like that just doesn't seem to be coming to an end. At least not anytime soon. And I'm still struggling to keep up. Some people get used to it easily, those who don't have the habit of sleeping early, and when I say early I don't mean 12am, but 3/4 am. Gosh, how the heck do people get undying energy to kick start everyday, esp sportsman.For instance the past few days, after 3 days of chalet with an average of 2 hours of sleep per night, I went off to ecp for a 7km run at 12am last night, the day was followed by rock climbing with og mates and I'm physically dead now after yoga at night. Not to mention that I'm going to swim seven hours l...

Kidos is not my cup of tea.

One day right after the termination of my six month long internship, I was summoned to my mum's kindergarten, assigned as a relief teacher for two K1 classes. I'm sorry to be mean ( okay maybe not so much of sincerity here,but to say that I'm not sorry at all will make me seem too heartless. ) but those kids are real little morons hiding behind those innocent angelic looking faces. Okay not all of cause but a great number of them. Do y'all still remember? please take a moment now and recall how the classes were like ( including myself owell. ) when there was relief teacher in class, especially when she happens to be a youthful and harmless-looking one. There were times ( notice the 's') that I felt so irritated and deep down in my heart, I referred them as a bunch of lil fucking bastards . Okay now this just made me the meanest girl on earth but I'm really just being frank. And given that teaching experience for everyone is subjective, pardon me for sayi...

Every road has it's puddles.

方才无意的随手翻了翻一本书面早已泛黄,郭小四的书,才发觉自己离过去的那个自己有多遥远。境迁事变,物是人非,人总是在不断的改变,却再也回不到过去。恍然间,A水准已经是非常遥远的从前,八个月的长假也多多少少来到了尽头。犹记得当初自己雄心蓬勃的种种计划,似乎随着前些日子从印尼飘过来的浓雾一样,在一场大雨后随之氧化了。 当时的计划么,好象是假期去尝试各行各业的酸甜苦辣体验生活。后来么,事情的发展是在某一个晴空万里的下午,一通电话决定了自己往后六个月的去向;在MSF实习。于是乎之后的六个月里,我每天过着朝九晚五起早贪黑的上班族生活,拿的是麦当劳小妹妹的薪水。记得刚开始上班的时候我郁闷了好久,人么,总是得有个适应期,最初的两个星期每天都过得很迷茫,好像生活被什么瞬间抽走了 每天回到家里总是累的倒头就睡;后来么就渐渐的把生活装潢的有姿有色,一三五在午休的时候去健身房,每天下午窝在电脑前面看柯南,硬是从第一集看到了两百多集。呵呵呵~ 凭良心讲,自己真的很幸运的被分到了NFC SEC部门,认识的人都十分的热情与友善。回想起来如果当时的上司很苛刻的话真的是死了的心都有了,所以因为有她们的存在 我才得以在MSF度过了一段相当珍贵的实习生涯。 谢谢你们!不只限于工作上的指导,还有时而让我们跟着蹭饭,呵呵呵。当然还要特别的感谢我的战友,和我一起实习的你们。其他人固然友善但毕竟我们都生活在两个不同人生阶段,聊天搞怪打发时间的话 还是要靠 Linette, 如果能在大学里遇到像你酱的朋友就好了。 (号外:我对大学生活抱着爱恨交错的心情,在期许与向往的背后,同时也充满了忐忑与不安。) 六个月; 学到的其实很多。从一问三不知到了如指掌,从无头苍蝇到按部就班,当然,也从辛勤工作到最后混熟后 整天无所事事还是一副萝卜脸-- 不红不白。最后的最后很想特别地对Hazel由衷地感谢,谢谢亲爱的你不仅仅是在公事上给与了许多宝贵的帮助与建议,更谢谢你在生活中也对我嘘寒问暖,每次看到你心里都会很踏实,像亲人一样真实的关怀。我想我会一直记得自己第一次犯错的时候,我忐忑不安的走进了健身房不知道该怎么面对你,当时脑袋一翁,心想自己以后的日子可能会面对的尖酸刻薄等种种。结果在稍稍的指责过后,出乎意料的,你开始谈起自己刚踏入工作岗位犯错时的情景,当时被骂的狗血喷头,所以现在自己当上了上司后,不想重蹈覆辙,更...

Hi lovely,

Yeah, hey, hi. It's been long since I could last sit back on the chair comfortably late at night, having sufficient energy to stay awake and type out the things I wanna say. It was three hectic weeks attending all sorts of camps, meeting people from all walks of life, though none like you. Hahah okay maybe there's one that does, no not exactly. Well so awhile ago I was browsing through the Insta photos you've taken all these while and I felt really happy for you, to see your smiles in each and every of them. I was thinking that it's strange how there wasn't any bitter feeling to begin with from the start actually, the only difference was that I couldn't bear to see or hear anything about you at the start of separation, and now, things changed I guess, I love to know that you are enjoying life at it's best now and yeah, I'm trying to make mine as great as it can get too. Though I'm still struggling with the love hate relationship with Uni life, but I ...

The ideal list.

Dear Junting, here is the list I hope to complete by the time I graduate from Nus. :)  Get into Muaythai Fight team.   Learn to play Tennis.   Learn to play Guitar.  Learn to do Pilates.  Graduate with 2nd Class Honors.   Join Rock climbing ( Recreational )   Join Inter-Faculty-Game.   Find my potential husband material.  Enjoy my stay in Sheares Hall.   Remain closely knitted with my four lovely ladies.  To the honest, I can't wait for uni to start, but at the same time, I'm scared of what's waiting for me. But, life is an adventureeeee yeah :D