
I couldn't really think of a better word to start my post when it comes to you.

Hahaha,well well,  hi dear, how are you? Once again I'm pretty sure and glad knowing that you are doing great. Well am I? Maybe yes, maybe not. Life has been, tiring. Work after camps, chalet after work, administration after chalet, things like that just doesn't seem to be coming to an end. At least not anytime soon. And I'm still struggling to keep up. Some people get used to it easily, those who don't have the habit of sleeping early, and when I say early I don't mean 12am, but 3/4 am. Gosh, how the heck do people get undying energy to kick start everyday, esp sportsman.For instance the past few days, after 3 days of chalet with an average of 2 hours of sleep per night, I went off to ecp for a 7km run at 12am last night, the day was followed by rock climbing with og mates and I'm physically dead now after yoga at night. Not to mention that I'm going to swim seven hours later.Not that I want to plan my schedule so tight, but I learnt my lesson well. That once you stopped doing all the exercises and training for a prolong period, you are gonna lose all your strength. Just like how I struggle to do my exercise now after skipping for a month because of all the camps. I was pretty depressed for a while that all my hardwork is gone but I guess it's a lesson learnt the hard way in life. That's it to never stop exercising, no matter how busy you are. Agh. Fine, minds over body everybody. :')

Apart from that, hmm. I moved into hall the other day,dragging all my barang barang though I'm not going to stay over till Sunday. To be honest I'm really nervous of how hall life is going to be, at times I wish so much that you are still here to share my fear and joy, that I could sit down with you and tell you every single thing that happened in my life now, I have been through so so so much drastic changes in the past one month. And there are so much I wish I could share with you. And I miss your words so bad. HAHAHA OKAY FINE MAYBE NOT SO MUCH CAUSE I'M TOO DEAD TO MISS EVERYDAY. Life's hectic like said, but eventually when I finally get to settle down late at night when I'm free, you just appear in my mind and doesn't go away. Not the sad and emo feeling but more of like, it would be perfect if you were here. 

Okay I just reached the threshold point I need to sleep.Good night.
This post might not make much sense. Hahahaa wtv.


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