Kidos is not my cup of tea.

One day right after the termination of my six month long internship, I was summoned to my mum's kindergarten, assigned as a relief teacher for two K1 classes. I'm sorry to be mean ( okay maybe not so much of sincerity here,but to say that I'm not sorry at all will make me seem too heartless. ) but those kids are real little morons hiding behind those innocent angelic looking faces. Okay not all of cause but a great number of them. Do y'all still remember? please take a moment now and recall how the classes were like ( including myself owell. ) when there was relief teacher in class, especially when she happens to be a youthful and harmless-looking one. There were times ( notice the 's') that I felt so irritated and deep down in my heart, I referred them as a bunch of lil fucking bastards. Okay now this just made me the meanest girl on earth but I'm really just being frank. And given that teaching experience for everyone is subjective, pardon me for saying all these, I just never thought that it would be so tough. Considering that I'm giving eight private tuition I naively assumed that taking over a kindergarten class is merely conducting group tuition. But no, I was never so wrong in my life. HAHAHA. Maybe I just suck at controlling kids. But please consider this too, I took over one of the morning class with a past record of having the previous relief teacher quit the job after two days, I'm personally quite impressed that I survived two weeks, not peacefully of cause. Though at the end of it I was just so glad that it's finally over.

Day one the class was so noisy that I had to shout at them at the top of my lung, and I'd rather go back to my internship, spending thrice the travelling times more and earning two-third less.
Day two I was so pissed that tears welled up and I was so helpless that I begged my mum to let me quit. ( Which din't happen since she promised her principal that I will take over for two weeks. )
Day seven I smacked the file on the floor and oh that was the day that I labelled them as lil fucking bastards as mentioned earlier. Nonetheless it was also the same day that I went down to NTUC at 10pm to get sweets for them considering the next day is my last and it's way too childish of me to be angry at them since kids being kids, they are noisy and doesn't follow instructions by nature.
Day eight was the only day that the afternoon class behaved themselves and read out loud everything together, Oh not to mention that it was only under the great incentives of getting sweets when they behave.

Right so that was a short summary of my eight horrible days serving at the kindergarten. Though putting aside the noise they created that get on my nerves every single day, I've learnt a couple of things from observing them over the short 8 days, things that everyone probably knows it already anyway. Hah sounding more like a sociologist nowadays don't I. In a nutshell I consider what I learnt here is applicable to the society at different extents:

  1. People might not reciprocate and be nice to you just because you are to them. ( Tried to be Miss Nice during classes but it never works. )
  2. Everyone works for incentives/ rewards. ( In this case, sweets. )
  3. People would fight for things that appear as 'prestigious' without knowing what it exactly is. ( Concluded from the fact that my mum told the kids whoever complete their work best get to clean the shelves, when in actual fact my mum suppose to do it before the supervisor comes and she was pure lazy.)
  4. Everyone complains about others without reflecting upon their own actions. ( I don't think any explanation is needed. ) 
  5. You are going to meet people from all walks of life no matter where you are.  (It's surprising how you may actually get a rough idea on how the kid will grow up to be like in time to come, of cause there are always exceptions but at their age, the kids present every detail of them without hiding. Which is probably why kids are so much more simplistic cause as we grow, we learn to wear all sorts of masks on our faces. ) 
There is likely to have a lot more if I were to think back about their actions but these are the main ones. Alright, the two weeks spent there was, a good experience albeit not something I want to go through again. Now it seems ironic if I were to say I love kids, I mean I would love to have kids of my own and no, they will not grow up to become like those lil morons. Like said there're good ones in the class, for instance this adorable little boy here with the cutest Mr Bump school bag I've ever seen;

He is so obedient and follows instruction, never complains never suck up never get complained by others, he is always the first to sit down and he has a pair of pretty big eyes with double eyelids. Sigh only if he remembers me 15 years down the road aww man. Not mine to keep. Hahahah my son will be something like that, Okay I put in effort and try....inculcate right values from young :') Said by someone who is forever the most talkative in class and spent most of my secondary school days standing at the back of the class. Hmm HAHAHHA not gonna get anywhere near there damn. 

Right now it's 10.50pm, 19 July 2013. My last night spent at home right here at bedok, before O week pre-camp followed by S5 Chalet,and finally the big yet scary day, moving in Sheares' Hall, I might not have mentioned this here but yes I will be staying in hall. I have a million worries on my mind now, the top few being worries of having no real friends, worries of having not enough sleep everyday, worries of not having time to exercise regularly. ( Maybe less of this since when everything is more settled I will probably be in a few sports. ) I'm suppose to pack tonight since I wont be home the next few days but packing for Hall is not like for camps. It's bringing along things I'm gonna use when living at a place. Agh. it seems that I might just need clothes but on a second thought I want to bring everything over. Sigh. I foresee myself making a long list of things that I forgot to bring over after one day of staying there. Now this reminds me of my first night sleeping alone in my life, that was on 27th Nov 2002 if I'm right, or sometimes along that line, it was also my first night in Singapore, my mum was busy chatting with the landlord and I was in a room alone in the darkness,for the first time in my life, I was 9. And today I'm 19, it's been ten years. 

Well, take a deep breathe Junting, you will be fine. Good luck. :) There was a moment of emotional breakdown just now that I suddenly wished so so bad that you could be here and I could talk to you, and during that brief five minutes I was so close to grabbing my phone but, I know what's waiting for me at the other side of the line sigh.Man you are leading a damn good life I'm not even sure if I should go for it still or just watch you lead a fulfilling life ahead. The answer suddenly seems obvious eh.

PS. I'm waiting for the class photos to be printed and I will insert them here, till then this post will remain wordy. 


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