
Showing posts from December, 2012

I wish I could do something,for you.

Indeed, it takes really really long to understand someone. And more often than not, you never will. Simply because you are not them,neither do you live their life. I always assumed that it is a right thing to influence someone positively, to change a person into someone better, with better qualities, more charitable, more outgoing but I guess I was wrong. What I felt was right might not be so to another person. It was a long day for me today, and at the end of it, a really special friend of mine who I have been trying to inculcate positive thinking to, said this to me; You wanna live forever, live healthily, contribute to society and be a good person. But I don't, I wanna die as quickly as possible do all the fucked up shit and beat people up. We are both from two different world. I just need you to be my friend but I don't want to be like you. Please understand the way I want to live my life I don't need to be saved I just want to be remembered. It ma...


Looks like the Mayan prophecy did not happen and the earth is still spinning. :] That's a piece of good news though it was the least of my worries to begin with. Christmas passed by pleasantly despite a friend of mine was whining over how lonely-some festivals are without the company of a partner. To which I think otherwise. Christmas eve began dramatically at 9.30am as I woke up by a call from le mum to carry the new set of desktop we bought just a day ago (Which was a faulty set, unfortunately.) all the way to courts Megastore for an exchange. That allowed me to have adequate time for a good Christmas treat for myself  with the company of a great book at the Ikea food market . In my memories I don't quite recall any occasion that I have a good meal by myself outside, and I somewhat love the kind of solitude gained from enjoying the meal alone now. An afternoon spent lazying at a random cafe with a good book in hand always sounds ideal to me but I never got a ...


在奔波流离四处飘荡了十四天, 反转五个机场后; 我回到我再熟悉不过的鸡窝。 小落泪;踏上这地图上毫不起眼的小红点的时候, 心中泛起了小小的感动与归属感。 --- 题记。 凡事还是得从悠远的从前说起。首先是从樟宜机场前往广州白云机场,一路屁颠颠的,连滚带爬的来到了惠州。老弟,嗯,长高了那么一些些,也算是没浪费娘亲采购生长激素注射的银子。和老弟带在一起的日子其实挺有意思的,虽然不长期居住在同一屋檐下,但毕竟可能是因为血缘关系倒也走的满近的。一起诈骗老妈,一起溜去酒吧,一起去看少年PI。突然觉得如果大家住在一起那该多好哈。我觉得以后家里最少也要有两个小屁孩儿,没事打打闹闹家里才热闹有气氛。没什么差错的话他下个月就过来新加坡串门了,嘿嘿嘿心中倒真有那么一丢丢的小期待~ 在惠州其实也没干什么大事,无非是每天宅在旅店里看电视,从非诚勿扰到中国梦想秀到中国达人秀到一战到底,看得我是眼花缭乱天花乱坠。尤其是国内电视提供点播的服务,连广告的时间都省去了。在惠州的日子真的是实实在在的与世隔绝,由于国内网络封杀了一切外国的交际平台,瞬间全部我生活中的小宇宙里的Facebook,Tumblr, Twitter,Youtube,9Gag 通通封杀无一幸免。所谓塞翁失马,焉知祸福,这么一隔竟也把我微存的小网瘾给彻底戒掉了。就算现在回到了家里,无限刷新网页的动作也变得寥寥无几。也好,生活中毕竟有太多的事情要去追求与付出。与其把时间花在八卦上,倒不如好好读几本好书,增长见识;跨上背包出去行走,拍照。噢对啦唯一的转变就是换了个发型,挺喜欢自己目前葡萄酒般的暗红色,希望不要太快脱色哎。 时间的齿轮继续向前前进; 后来我和老妈子开始了台湾八天环岛游。第一次踏上台湾的土地,和大陆有着截然不同的感觉。台湾人十分友善热情,环境卫生也相当的整洁。这次的旅行虽然走的很匆忙,大多时间都在赶路,但却也收获良多。一路看了许多目不暇接的风景:宏伟的阿里山山脉;清澈无比的太鲁阁河水;灯光璀璨的台北夜景;险峻的野柳岩石,甚至有幸去到了波涛澎湃的太平洋与北回归线。饮食方面,嗯,自然也不赖。夜市的小吃琳琅满目,一路走下来更是垂涎三尺,尽管告诫自己千万不能吃肥了,最终在台北宁夏夜市崩盘,从街边的烧烤到大肠包小肠到木瓜牛奶到鸡蛋蚵仔煎到臭豆腐到花枝丸子,一路大小通...

Irony at it's best.

Some days I get quite irritated with the social networking sites; I get annoyed when I see people tweet way too frequent, I get annoyed when Facebook is fed with irrelevant or disturbing images especially from people I'm barely close to. I think people should stop posting too much on what they eat what they wear what they do what they feel every single moment. I don't really want to be fed with so much information on other people's life.  Yet as much as I am making complains here. I know that I seem to gain the full control of whether to follow / track someone or not, but again it appeals to me that I do not have a choice. Taking for example under a hypothetical situation I made friend with person A via an event, that would bring us from stranger to the level of at least Hi-bye friend, and more often than not we will exchange SNS like fb/twitter at the end of the day. Perhaps after the event we stopped contacting, and after sometime I got annoyed by the inundation of t...