
Showing posts from September, 2011


SO UHM, I HAD THREE GREAT B'DAY CELEBRATIONS. ♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright the first one is of cause with my beloved D on the day of my 18th, which I shan't elaborate further. Promos was right after my Birthday so I wasn't able to meet up with my dearest brothers hmph, until last Wed & Thur, they got me into a really big, a mega huge b'day surprise. ( secret yo but I'll remember for life I swear man!) I could never express how much thankful I felt the moment I realise I was fooled. It's like, who else in the world would do all these for you? Oh come on. Please don't ever let me loses any of you. I just love you two so so so much. So, as the oldest brother of all three. I proudly get to celebrate my birthday in a 600 bucks hotel room @ Marina Bay Sands . Aww man. (': Glenn & Ramen joined us too, it was really fun, to see someone get drunk & still want to 逞强 :D Great experience to walk with y...


OMG I GOT DSLR! :DDDD KAY FINE IT'S JUST A CARDBOARD........ -_______- Took a one hour break before continue studying physics, opps time just flies w/ photo taking~
Taking a short break from studying for promos, ( 'right fine din't really do much today) Three papers down and two more to go, well overall it was okay, (so far) though there's a high chance I'm failing GP cause it was, oh well, nothing but screwed. So uhm, last saturday, that's it two days before promos I went for the Canon photomarathon 2011 where by all contestants are given a theme at every 3 hour interval & each were suppose to submit 3 photos by end of day. First theme of the day was EAT . Agh fine I really have nothing to take already :/ wtv! #justforfun right. Second theme was CIRCLES well I kind of copied someone else's idea cause initially I saw someone taking a similar photo outside the shop then I'm like "Yay I also want take!" Last theme was IMAGINE , supposedly the hardest I guess cause it's like abstract. And so... in the end I submitted a photo of... once again myself. OMG I FEEL SO THICK SKIN NOW. okay I'm not uploadin...


笑着笑着就流下泪来的情景,似曾相识。 发生过,不止一次吧? 两个人是不是一定要经历过很深刻的悲伤离合才会永远的在一起? 故事:為什麼機器貓看起來像浣熊?     哆啦A夢是於2112年9月3日製造的一隻橙色有耳朵的機械貓,但是由於生產過程中出了一些問題, 因而成了次等機械貓。 而後哆啦A夢進入機械人學校讀書,雖然成績不是太好,但是幸好通過了考試。得以在百貨公司以特價出 售。 2115年1月19日,被世修(大雄的玄孫)家買去,去當世修的保姆(世修家不是很有錢,所以 只能買特價品)。 2122年8月30日,哆啦A夢於午睡時,不小心被老鼠咬掉了耳朵(哆 啦A夢的女朋友也因此跑了)。 機器醫生後來把哆啦A夢剩下的耳 朵也切掉。 之後哆啦A夢更因為傷心過度,哭到身上的橙色脫落,成為日後我們熟悉的藍色哆啦A夢! 世修後來決定把哆啦A夢送到二十世紀的大雄家裡。因為當時世修的家裡十分窮,原因是大雄的懶惰所造 成, 所以世修便希望哆啦A夢能夠 改變大雄的懶惰個性,讓大雄的後代能有更好的生活。 WTS SERIOUSLY?!


年复一年。 再一次平淡无奇的到来,只是,这一次 在它离去的当儿,留下了整整一盒 华丽的记忆。 第一次,平平安安 无惊无险的,带着感动与感谢 在喜欢的人的陪伴下度过。 虽然不是别人口中的二人世界,但真的是玩的很尽兴。好久了,没这么放松过了吧。 繁重的功课,接踵而来的考试。就算能够 自娱自乐苦中作乐,却免不了其间的一丝丝苦涩。 所以 昨天一天在外面玩了个痛快。值了!考试考不好那是天时地利的问题。与我何干。 最令我心醉的情节么,是和你从Pub出来后一路东拉西扯找不着北的走在空旷的街道上, 扶着你东歪西扭的时候,有种全世界就剩下我们两个白痴相偎相依的感觉。挺美的。 (但对于广大的群众还是要提醒一下下,没事大半夜的乖乖在家睡觉就好。外头还是危机四伏的哈~) 是啊。要是真的能这么一路走下去就好了。九九八十一也好,七七四十九也好, 只是我没有紧箍咒,你也没有金箍棒。我们一路高歌当儿,是否能相互不离不弃,越挫越勇。 亲爱的,你说五十年后你会身在哪里做着些什么脸上又会有什么样的表情呢。 横竖左右,想说的是。你喝醉后的样子,挺好玩的。手工制作的贺卡么,挺可爱的, 给你打满分5颗星哦~ 总结是:真的是一个愉快的成人礼哈~ 十八岁。 这对于我,昨天和今天好像没有什么不同,我也没有太多不一样的感觉。 可实际上有很大的差别,那是因为自己成年了。 To be continued. ( 十八岁,这只是人生的一个界线。往后的路说长不长说短不短,愿爱的人平安幸福。 )

Who the hell said study must be everything

It'll be my ideal life if I were able to see my babies everyday like how we met up today. Ohman I'm totally glad that at the very least we treasure our last 2 years & had fun everyday. (: There's quite a number of things I want to mention today but seems there is time constraint. Alright. Just pour out whatever I can then. Had a simple dinner with 940, chua and D at 18chef. It feels real good knowing that D is like treating it so seriously to the extent of going salon to make hair & wear until so formal like, formal like prom like lol. despite that it's just a casual dinner together with my best friends. (': & once again heart warming that they both think he is a nice guy too, after years. Aww. And I do agree with 940 that it's real nice of him to join our conversation despite the fact that most of the time he don't quite get who we talking about since he don't know them at all. (': Siah lah. nice guy sioh :') Okay using words ...