
Taking a short break from studying for promos, ( 'right fine din't really do much today)
Three papers down and two more to go, well overall it was okay, (so far)
though there's a high chance I'm failing GP cause it was, oh well, nothing but screwed.
So uhm, last saturday, that's it two days before promos I went for the Canon photomarathon 2011
where by all contestants are given a theme at every 3 hour interval & each were suppose to submit 3 photos by end of day.

First theme of the day was EAT. Agh fine I really have nothing to take already :/
wtv! #justforfun right.


Second theme was CIRCLES well I kind of copied someone else's idea cause
initially I saw someone taking a similar photo outside the shop then I'm like "Yay I also want take!"


Last theme was IMAGINE, supposedly the hardest I guess cause it's like abstract.
And so... in the end I submitted a photo of... once again myself. OMG I FEEL SO THICK SKIN NOW.
okay I'm not uploading it cause the photo it's not with me :/ waiting for YF to upload :O



主要是么表达了一种~眺望远方 以及对未来的向往的感觉么?
好啦开个玩笑,其实是很不经意的被人偷拍滴~LMAO #justsaying
其实每次你提起 O level 都会让我想起去年的自己,岁月果然不饶人
明明才过了不到一年 对于去年考试的记忆却模糊了一大片。当时,忐忑过吧?
每天在半径不超过10米得家里 来回走动 不过其实 期间有溜出去看场电影来着吧 好像有的。
其实想起来 自己还真的就没有怎么学到昏天暗地 但对当时的自己来说
每天按部就班的起床读书 安分守己的坐在桌子前面 已经很不容易了吧
毕竟骨子里就真的不是对学习多么大热忱的人,但其实 又有多少人真正热爱学习呢?
至少在我认识的范围圈子了里 可说是寥寥无几。

就真的能潇洒的 对学习 挥手微笑说拜拜了吗 我看未必呢~ -一把辛酸泪-

On a side note 我的头发终于长回来了哟~ 我久违的刘海也回来了咯~
Hair grow damn slow like seriously, five freaking cm after like 9 months already wts):
Kay patient is golden. I realised that this effect makes the photo yellow-ish but neh,
I like it this way :DDD WOOHOO. - pretend no more promos wts -

PS. I wanted to change blogsong to Fix you by Cold play but the damn Mixpod just don't play it. ):


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