Who the hell said study must be everything

It'll be my ideal life if I were able to see my babies everyday like how we met up today.
Ohman I'm totally glad that at the very least we treasure our last 2 years & had fun everyday. (:

There's quite a number of things I want to mention today but seems there is time constraint.
Alright. Just pour out whatever I can then. Had a simple dinner with 940, chua and D at 18chef.
It feels real good knowing that D is like treating it so seriously to the extent of
going salon to make hair & wear until so formal like, formal like prom like lol.
despite that it's just a casual dinner together with my best friends. (':
& once again heart warming that they both think he is a nice guy too, after years. Aww.
And I do agree with 940 that it's real nice of him to join our conversation despite the fact
that most of the time he don't quite get who we talking about since he don't know them at all. (':
Siah lah. nice guy sioh :') Okay using words from chua : He is a guy you should keep.

Had a pretty bad day last night because of one of my classmate.
It's like I've never been pissed at classmate before in my life. ( Exclude that sec 2 accident :/)
The first classmate ever who I met that's so demanding, irritating and has zero responsibility.
Neh not going bad mouth /scold anything here since it's already over & no point get pissed all over again.
But it totally screwed up my night for 3 hours and my whole study schedule is screwed
and I had to wake up at 6 in the morning heading down to NTUC when initially the plan was to sleep the whole day through.
Don't feel like having any contact with him anymore. & I'm so gonna stop sympathizing him w/
the fact that he sits alone during break / lunch time in school everyday. It's your attitude that sucked.

Pardon me for copy paste this from ali's blog but it's so fucking true.
" The older we get, the uglier we become. " Everyone.
Initially I thought only immature people are judgemental,here I meant just based on looks,
until when my aunt and my mum turns judgemental too. Sigh.
Please don't let me turn into them next time, please please please.
Please just let me be stupid alone wtv idc. But y'all disgusted me. seriously
True. you gave me life you raise me up you pay for my education you pay for my food,
so does that mean I have to live like how you want me to live? Or rather how you wished you lived.
But I hope you do know that every fucking human being has their own thoughts own feelings own perspective.
You can't change me into someone else. I will be disgusted if I ever did, anyway.

On a side note, I dislike my step father. justsaying.
You don't fucking call it "don't talk rubbish with your friend alr" cause I don't call it rubbish,
And please don't come into the room every night purposely make noise until my mother wake up,
just as she scold me for not sleeping at wee hours, then you'll say: see you wake mummy up alr.
Stop treating me like a five year old kid and talk to me in that high pitch voice everyday as if I've no brain.
okay fine, I'm sorry. I shouldn't scold you behind your back.
'cause my mum say I need to respect you cause w/o you we won't be able have a house to ourselves.
sorry. wtv. Fyi I don't mean it anw, just saying sorry for the sake of saying.
You don't fucking judge my friends 'cause they're the only ones who I really treasure hell loads.
Even my xy changed, after years of pyscho-ed by my mum. Or was she like this all along?
Oh well I thought she was less cold blooded and sentimental at times. Maybe I was wrong.

Things would be so much easier if from the start I told yall "oh he fucking rich" right.
All those problems you state wouldn't exist alr. Being in r/s wouldn't affect my studies at all if he's rich right.
C'me on lah, why so lame.

I'm.just.going.to.ignore.you. I rebellious I don't listen to you I worst girl you can get on Earth wtv
I will just say Yes to every single thing you ask me to do. you made me to tell Lies.
I'm just going to conform to your world with lies and not to lose myself in it.
I'm good at lying, remember?



我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。


小哲理: 是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)?


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