
Showing posts from February, 2011


很喜欢这张照片,灿烂的阳光,泛滥的笑容,美好的,17岁的我们。 总觉得,要是没戴墨镜就好了。 我想永远的将这一瞬间定格,停留在记忆的深处, 尚若以后照片不见了,你们仍在我的心里,永垂不朽。 那天我突如其来的想到结婚的时候要940当伴娘的事,不禁忧郁了起来。 如果她不认识我大学同学,岂不是很难发请帖给她们? 恩很奇怪的想法呢。。。呵呵。哎不要忘记我就好。伴娘喔! 讲到这儿小瓜又要打抱不平了,好啦好啦都说让你当伴童了么! 哈哈哈哈!有没有很想扁我的感觉? 可惜了呢。。。你打不到了。。。 我们之间的距离再也不是你把手向左一伸就触手可及了, 再也不是我把头向右边一仰就能看到你了。 现在的我,离你们好远好远。。我好想你们两个白痴。 神经病,猪头,花痴,鸡蛋糕,破铁头,云吞面。。 要说出什么样的咒语,你们才会出现在我眼前? 其实我也不想这么伤感的,没有你们,我真的好难过。。。 我不要再结交象你们这样的知心朋友了,因为有了你们,亦已足够。 今天跑完步后有意无意的望了望新的游乐场, 心里毫无欣喜,毕竟还是对拆掉了的游乐场有些不舍, 毕竟我们曾经躺在巨大的圆形秋千里仰望过同一片夜空。 出于一种难以言喻的感觉,心血来潮的想玩一玩圆筒状的滑梯, 结果竟只因滑梯旁的三个小孩儿,而迟迟不敢上去玩一把。 果然是,老了呢。 想想尚若自己五六岁的时期看着一个18岁的大姐姐玩滑梯, 也会觉得可笑吧。 尽管如此,我还是厚着脸皮的滑了下来,想必失败的可以。 因为跑步后流汗的关系,在滑梯里足足卡了五六次。 在我想躺在里面闭目养神小歇一会的时候, 因为有别的小孩子要玩迫使我不的不从里面狼狈的钻出来。 哎,果然。不是18岁的我应该触碰的玩意。 困了呢。


Say Bonjour to my 11S51 with a big smile! I think we are awesome,or at the very least, we will be awesome soon (: But I won't really be going into this today cause I wanna blog about kinship & all instead. There are a few people who are my kins but yet we aren't close, their actions and stories someone touches my heart deeply recently. First of all, I will start with my lil brother . Just received a call from him today and he was telling me about his holiday, his friends his life and all during his holiday back in China. Felt so heart-warming that he actually treat me as a sister, or perhaps a good friend even. Never had I thought that he will touches my heart someday, but he did. Even though I was never part of his life, he has been treating me like a real kin. I loved and enjoy it so much whenever he calls me jie during th holiday when I went back, So that's how it feels like to have a younger sibling? It's marvellous. I felt so happy that we giggled over th phon...


Time it's very precious and I'm here to show everyone, ( okay I mean th few of you ) my cute xiaoren pen ;D Very cute right. Back from CCA WALKABOUT & signed up for photography soc & House comm. Take me in please, ( though th chances are really very low but stil, no harm trying I guess. ) Had three days of school in a junior college and get a taste of different teaching system, Hmm I love LT1, & I would like to suggest they change th seats to th Cinema type... So that we could study in a more condusive environment. Hahahahah okay dumb me -.- It was like "so awkward" that I saw my p6 classmate, cause I totally din't recognise him, and it's like he was sitting quietly atw beside yq until yq suddenly say "aye he is in my pri school leh! but diff class and we never talk before". Then I goes " really?! what pri sch u in uh? " + silence for 1sec+ YQ: "WE ARE IN TH SAME PRI SCHOOL LAH WTH?!" Then yq turn to th guy & goe...


Warm greetings. (: Hello myself & my no. one stalker & perhaps passer-bys ! I'm back in action. Not that I abandoned my blogger but internet connection pretty sucks, like no joke, I couldn't get through to the create new post page for days, and I keep stuck at th Dashboard, dammit. What's with you blogger -______- Okay so anyways it's been like two weeks ( or more actually. ) since I last blogged. Got tons to say, but it's 9.43 now & I need get up by 6.30 tmr. So time is precious! Okay. Shall try to summarize th few main events. (: Got a pretty sweet msg from 77883 & was told I'm posted to VJC science which is like ^^ And things got pretty mashed since that msg. Reported to th school th very next day at 7, orientation & everything. ILLURA (: Been allocated to Illura 1, was kind of ostracized I think. ( Opps I hope no one in th group sees this. ) But well, just personal comment, cause dint really mixed around in very terms with either of...