( Oh baby we look so beautiful ♥ ) Oh we are finally graduates of Anglican High School! (: Okay I mean we were since ages ago, like right after th last paper of O level, Yesterday wad a chaos, we were so rushing for time here and there. Sigh, I'm not going to post all th photos here so maybe just a few insignificant ones. Zhidan& Zixing; Sec one very good frens, I rmber we took tons of neoprints! ( Stil got Jiaying but she went IP) Np girls :D And more np girls! :D 4H Guys + 940 (: 4H GIRLS :D This is a very cute photo, as recommended by 940 too :D :D :D TH TWO RETARDS STANDING BESIDE US! Focus on my hand! :D Prom queen! Prom King! Baby I think we look so beautiful again! xD