
Showing posts from October, 2010

TWO DAYSSS! ;O Be surprise, not.

[On th verge of jumping down, from my bed.] Duh, whoever commit suicide now is retarded, after so much and everything. Okay I finally get started with blogging, dragged from 10 till 12.30 :/ It's weird sometimes that despite th fact that there's really nothing much to do on Fb , I spent most of my time on it while using computer. Uh let's see. 50 more hours or so to first El paper one. How exciting .__. Finally finished up with th last bit of revision. Physics, clear ; Chemistry, clear; Human Geog, clear; Physical Geog, clear; SS, clear. Which means actually I have nothing to do for th next two days, Eh this sounds rather arrogant somehow, but that's not what I meant. I'm done with what I could but I don't know if it's enough. Why talk about studies? Damn.Take a look at this, I find it cute ;D ( Taken from someone's facebook. Teehehe ) How to fly.


呆在家里,无所事事, 人也随之变得懒散起来。可说是,大千世界无奇不有。 好比躺在床上睡觉饿到半死不活可还是懒得下楼买饭吃; 好比把钱丢在桌子上任由风扇把它吹飞到无影无踪也懒得收好; 好比学到一半宁可在桌子上睡觉流口水也懒得挪一挪身子去到床上; 好比发现桌子上的水杯没水了宁可一天滴水不占也懒得去厨房倒水喝; 还有好多好比懒得说。。。 “懒”从此划入一个新的境界。 日子过得可以,顺提一下对我来说可以的定义就是好无止境的悲哀, 每天读书读到睡着,好梦正酣的时候会被某位刻苦耐劳的同学的短信打断, 于是又精神奕奕的翻出都有点发黄了的tys,翻翻指指点点道道。 每天晚上看动画片看到不亦乐乎的时候,又会被某位品学良优的同学的电话打断, 于是又屁颠地翻出早就在一旁准备好的tys,翻翻指指点点道道。 因此,很感谢你,我爱的人;我的爱人;爱我的人, 在当我陷入无数个水深火热时让我迷途知返,重拾课本,做个安分守己的好学生。 我爱你 (: 九天,很好,非常好,太好了。 Let's take a look at what Junting has done in th past one week :D Social study: CLEARED & Praying damn hard for Venice / Healthcare to come out . Cleared another 1/3 of Chemistry and Physics, last bit to go next week. Math-es, hadn't touch yet, hold my mama for responsible for my A1s :/ That's all about it. Don't feel right in th mood to talk about studies. Tiny words: Feels insecure here and there.

851th post; random.

Oh dear blog look who's back, your dearest and th only soul who truly cares for you, No other than me, Junting :] 16 HOLY DAYS TO BIG O (: And let's take a overview on what I had done, uh. - Done with human geog, except th KALAHI plan part, cause I'm lazy, and I think it's not going to come out in Os; and so for this, it better don't come out or I will have to say ILY BB to my A1. - Done 1/3 of Chemistry and Physics. Looks like I'm gonna finish with th syllables just one th dot, two days before Os. Some stupid thing occur to me today is that I couldn't find my key in th afternoon while I was about to go down dabao ( I was famished, extreme poverty, sigh. ) So in th end I missed my dinner and survived th day with strawberries. And it's sour, makes me even hungrier. Actually honestly speaking I don't feel that It's exactly O Level. Feels more like, uh another Prelim or something like that/ I'm a lil worried for myself cause I was actually, ...

Graduation (:

This picture looks retarded but it's okay ♥ 我喜欢就好 :D So I Graduated from Anglican High School, ( Officially? ) No square hats no certificate though. Four years of memories, joy and laughters, tears and disappointments. 今夜我的心久久不能平静... [ 想用电脑就讲啦~ ] Let's recall back to four of th most memorable events throughout th four years. Conflict and 不爽快 w/ D___ & K____ [ Stil hates them til today :D] Threw S____ 's phone on th floor after he pissed me off incident. Special, Secretive, Sweet talks with R____ & J_____. Getting my Prelim result + Insert a bucket of hearts here + A big big THANK YOU to my good friends throughout th four years in Ahs. Th first person I talked to: Hmm Eunice (4G Nao ), During Sec One Orientation, Doubt she remember it still but I remeber her mum saying sth like " You two must take care of each other during th camp uh " (: First person I talked to In class 1bee: Zixing. (She was sitting beside me) Teehehee, actually I think she started by ...