
Showing posts from May, 2010


Peace . V Holiday ler ! .. Eh , holiday ?! Ohh holiday . So ? So what if is Holiday when you're at sec four ? After being steaming for weeks, mama finally realise her daughter is evaporating & Decide to fix Aircon in my room . This might be th only good news for this entire holiday . Sigh , After th launch of Air-con, I promise to run home everyday after school. I will open door, on Air-con,bathe, sit in front of th table, until I turn my body over to sleep . 真的是两点一线的生活, 生活少了点调味料么? 算啦!身为一名大考来袭的学生,我有什么资格谈情调,谈生活? 读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧。 读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧。 读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧读书吧。 。 为了证明我还是一个正常的人,我又回到了千变万化的网络世界里了! 厚厚厚!什么读书,什么刻苦, 通通吃大便啦! So , Aircon is coming Tomorrow - The big Day ! OHYEAH JOCELYN LOVE JIAYOU & ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR CHINESE PAPER ! Okay So this is how it's going to be like ( as according to my mama ) Before : I sleep in my room my bed . My father on th floor of their room , mama on th floor of living room ( cos to...

FACEBOOK 上的你,永远不老。

Uhmm don't ask me why I chose this picture ( abit meaningless ) It's actually movable one . Too bad that you all can't see their mouth munchinggg -______- Downloaded Google chrome , wanted to change blogskin , but my brain abit dead now . Went home during recess cos my beloved regular customer ( period cramp ) came and visit me , Thank you Chua & 940 for running around for me , sacrificing your recess time for me , from accompany me to GO, to helping me find teacher sign th form, go under th hot sun to hire cab for me. I was so touched you know ? ( Even though I don't think my face is showing it just now .__. ) 谢谢你们为了我做的这一切 ,兄弟真好!!! (: Crawl into a ball immediately after I reach home , Totally can't be bothered with th fact that I can't on fan despite th holy mama weather . 有床真好! (虽然床很硬) came across this while reading newspaper after 4 hours of Semi-awake mood , 把相机握在手里,任何人-哪管平常如何被冷落漠视甚至嘲笑丑陋 -都有机会为自己拍出一个可堪玩赏的美丽镜头 。 你先把脸侧向左边,按键狂拍几十下;再把脸侧向右边, 又拍几十下;然后把嘴唇嘟起来...

Breakfree, ( for just one week )

This look is omgosh sodamncute tothemax ! :D :D :D If only it exist I think there will be people willing to die for it's look ;D My results are out ! :D MY L1R5 DROP FROM 24 TO 13 ! ( Imma so heipi . ) Okay enough . A million things happened recently , but No time to post . Tomato potato tomato potato tomato potato tomato potato . Okay I'm not in th mood to post now , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm back , and feeling much more better , kay time to talk ! :D Actually I'm suppose to be doing Elit but ohwell, who cares ? 成绩出来了!几感动一下咯 ! 有进步呐! 其实有蛮多东西要讲的,只是不知道该不该讲出来,也不知道从何说起。 ......... 结果还没有讲老妈就要我关电脑了,哎。


Went to sing k Ice skate with Ruzhu , Baozi & Tofu ( Hahah all food :D ) Abit th expensive you mei you , 20 Holy bucks . I was expecting 15 , the most . argh . But quite fun lar ( Seeing they three fall :D Hahahaha . ) And here's is how Alicia usually fall : Okay actually got somemore photos but I lazy upload :D Heh , People go Fb comment! ( Alicia don't get caught ;O ) Tag replies Jocelyn : Your hair looks thick, my hair is messy. Anyway go kbox ? Since th no space and please remove cookie monster luink H mm yeah lor don't know why But i going cut lar , hehe . Dont because you accidentally pressed it then so angry ! ;D ;D ;D licia : O TOMORO! O TODAY ! gordon : have fun tmr :3 and why does alicia's blog have no tagboard =_= H very much fun watching alicia fall :D Hahahaha :/ yuquan : whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt W hat what you baozi ! ;D anonymous : its rarefaction E h I know T_T Nonetheless thanks . Abit failed eh ? Hahaha :D
Went to ECP with 940 & Chuaaaa , ( so why is she not in th pic? cos she 's too s***** my camera flat when she come & Join us :D ) Okay I have no idea why my hair look so thick but Im cutting it soon :D KOI milk tea is th best!!! Okay random . Talked rubbish tgt with th monster fried maggie ( ??? ) , that snack you noe ? with th monster tat look like cookie mon but it's not that one , mama mee or sth -___- Played with sand awhile , I dig this very deep hole on th beach using my feet ! ( ACHIEVEMENT! ) Then we cycled to th Lagoon there that big hawker & eat . okay then ........ went home ? ARGH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING . th damn TEOHENG is FULL TOMORROW . ANGRY . ANGRY ANGRY . BYE .


Yeappp , Went to watch Th backup plan ( Romance + Comedy ;D ) Totally rushed down to Tm after school , chua & 940 were like cabbed there ( Rich? ) Then we got super hungry halfway during th movie , But stil we made it through ! :D Heheh , this makes my Third movie of th year . ( Like finally -.- ) After that Chua went off , so me & 940 went to eat meesua . HUMANS! eat th one at Tm Basement , th one at T1 is kind of suck :] After which we went to my house ;D And I accidentally took a photo of 940 while she was bathing , hahaha . Anw my room damn chio right ? ( I think so too , th color combi is just Feel-s0- good ) Okay rubbish -.- We went to IKEA :/ Th toys there were just so weird , and cool , and abnormal , and I totally love it ! :D At first I thought it was like Chilli / carrot , ended up it's Snake . Talking about snake , there is this Caterpillar crawling on my skirt during assembly today , Right before th national anthem , I have no choice but to start shake ...


生活很是无聊啊!所以我勇敢地站了出来!不再被考试沉重的包袱拖累! Okay larh Actually I told my mama that I have Elit paper tomorrow & I need refer to Sparknotes . But she keep coming over and check on me , sigh . (原来在 这个世道想骗人也不容易呀!) Okay anyway I'm not here to talk about Mye , nothing much about it anyway, 顺其自然 . 好的那么今天枕头我要说些什么呢? Fling - a brief Casual relationship . Flirting is a common form of social interaction whereby one person obliquely indicates a romantic or sexual interest towards another. I realise that despite using this two words for a million times , I don't really know th exact meaning of it, so I went to check on it . 好了,言归正传。 我现在心情不佳,烦躁不安,愤愤不平, 总之很不爽. 很讨厌这种让人有爱又恨的感觉, 心惊胆颤;永远都猜不到你下一句话会是什么。 进退两难;该豁出去了搏一搏呢,还是就此别过算了? 的确,“鸡蛋”水准如果因此考得一塌糊涂,我就连死的心也有了。 所以呢?弃权吧?但,真的好不甘心。 最可恨的是生活充满了“可是”,“如果”,“假如”等字眼, 使一切不可能的事都变得皆有可能。 + 想象自己撞墙抓狂中+ 塞翁失马,焉知祸福。 考试期间真得很忙嗯,丝毫没有一点多余的时间静静地思考这期间发生过的事。 从一个毫不起眼的小插曲,到打开彼此的话匣子。 这样一个老土到可以拍肥皂剧的故事情节,竟然活生生地在我眼前上演了, 更离谱的是,我还是故事里面的 猪脚 主角?! 白痴, 我是一个超级无敌大白痴,难道是读书过度烧坏了脑袋?! 嗯,一定是这样!向我这么刻苦...


今天是姥姥的忌日,三年了,日子过得真的很快。 其实我不相信阴间啊,冥纸啊,之类的。但这种事情,信则有,不信则无。 前几天妈妈说,妹妹可能是姥姥投胎转世,尚若是真的,那今天又为什么要烧纸呢? 火- 是不可以靠得太近的温暖。 其实还向讲多一点 (废话) 的,可是要睡觉了。 我决定从此再也不要依赖一个人,因为发现自己太容易依赖一个人。


Yeappp , I'm here blogging ,看透了. 反正 nothing goes into my mind when I read through th Sparknotes . Th bombastic descriptive words are already a challenge , leave alone memerise them all . 人要有自知之明 ,所以我决定不要做无谓的挣扎 :D Four papers over , not even four actually , just three . Half geog Half combine human Eng & Hcl. Didnt put in much hope for ss , since my elit will mark a pretty nice D7 and below on th report book . Let's talk , 'cause I've got a lot things to say . But I'm gonna turn in by 12 , which is 23minute's time . Put in quite some effort ( as compare to before ) for Mye this time round . So 自然而然 expected an improvement ( There better be ! ) in my result . Well 说真的 , th feeling of do not need to study like mad th night before exam is just so , shiok :] Really doubt that I can finish Emath in time tmr cos th questions are easy , but tricky , time consuming . Just hope for th best and prepare for th worst (: Two and half an hour , 10 questions , 15minute...

生命的奇迹 (:

EVERYBODY ( okay maybe just me . ) say HELLO to my baby cousin and give her a big kiss ! :D Her eye is so big so big so big right ( compare to mine atleast ) Uhmmm, my mama keep saying that she look very pretty in this photo , lol bhb . Small eyes :/ hahah . And mama actually asked this person if he can help us take photo . th person confirm think we crazy want take photo at mrt . Ohwell , ( Okay actually I got alot more things to type , but it's 1 am now, hai ) Be back after , uhmm . mye ? -.-