Shearite- Last note

School's starting in ten days, and this time, no more shifting into my second home on the 7th floor of Block E, and there will not be another Sheares hall experience for me as I move on from there. Will I miss the days? occasionally definitely. Would I have chose to stay on if given a chance? Maybe not. Two years in hall has left me with many bitter and sweet memories, it was a rich and fulfilling experience, I met peeps that I would have never known otherwise, joined CCAs that I was interested in, played 'semi-competitively' for Inter-hall games. :') Well just gonna use this post to bring up some of the things hall stay has provide me with. 1. Moving in. That was the day that I saw my room for the first time, while accompanied by Ali the Maria, it was a very refreshing experience, tried to friendly after hearing all sorts of legends about halls before moving in to my diagonal neighbour ( who later turns out to be a lazy bum, forever endorsing herself in ...