It was all so good.

Hi dear blog, it's good to be back. Feels like I'm homed at last. :) After two crazy weeks of Arts Camp and Sports camp. I'm left with so much so say, but I'm so very lost in my own thoughts now. Where should I start from? Let's begin with a sincere thank to our pop kid Fann, who brought me to crash Arts camp with her. And that's where the NUS journey begins: FASS CAMP 2013. 16TH-20TH JUNE.S HOUSE SMLJ. I'm not going to reiterate each and every activities I've played over the five days of cause. Well in general it's very much different from the past camps I've attended. Apart from the typical station games, beach day and mass dance that you get from all camps, uni camps comes with the King's game, Secret Pal and Social night at club. Uh I'm not going into so much details so as to not spoil some freshie's fun here. It was five hell good days though,except the fact that we barely sleep 3 hours every night. The lunat...