It was all so good.
Hi dear blog, it's good to be back.
Feels like I'm homed at last. :)
After two crazy weeks of Arts Camp and Sports camp. I'm left with so much so say, but I'm so very lost in my own thoughts now. Where should I start from? Let's begin with a sincere thank to our pop kid Fann, who brought me to crash Arts camp with her. And that's where the NUS journey begins:
I'm not going to reiterate each and every activities I've played over the five days of cause. Well in general it's very much different from the past camps I've attended. Apart from the typical station games, beach day and mass dance that you get from all camps, uni camps comes with the King's game, Secret Pal and Social night at club. Uh I'm not going into so much details so as to not spoil some freshie's fun here. It was five hell good days though,except the fact that we barely sleep 3 hours every night. The lunatic Org comm had planned activities every night into almost wee hours, and kindly remind us that we have to wake up by 7 the next morning. I never knew before this that human beings can survive with 3 hours of sleep for five days straight. I'm fabulous.
Fast forward, that's our attire for social night which was held at manSion. There comes the country pumpkin me stepping into a club for the first time.It was, uh I couldn't think of the right word to describe what I felt. Not that I disliked it, I din't enjoy it very much neither. Jumping and 'dancing' on the dance floor with blaring music isn't to my liking after all. Or maybe cause I was sheer tired by day four too. The sight of people fighting outside the club and puking all over was bad, and the night ended off with me and Fann dragging one of the drunk Og girl back to hall. One take away is that people weigh real heavy when they are drunk, and that getting drunk in a club is the last thing I will want to happen to me.I shall continue to sit by a bar listening to the guitarist while everyone else gets high in the club. But. Aiya, uni confirm got peer pressure. Sigh.
But the people I have met in the camp are all genuinely nice, at least up till now they are. I think it's always interesting to meet new people, and how the same group of stranger who see each other for the first time ion first day of camp can come together, create so much memories throughout the five days and the fun continues even after the camp. My phone has been dying flat everyday while I'm outside because the Whatssapp spam rate is so damn high. Though I'm pretty sure that this initial hype will down die eventually too. But good enough, acquaintances in uni, we all come together, laugh heartlessly and move on thereafter.

After barely resting my sore body, ( since the days that I weren't in camp I've give tuition. Agh, downside of earning your own allowance. )I made my way to NUS with all my barangs for another round of insane camping. The reason that I din't complain as much earlier for sleeping 3 hours for Arts camp is because in Sports camp, sleeping is for noobs. Sportsmen doesn't have to sleep. The most I had in a night was 2 hours and the least was barely 45minutes. ( After a night of night cycling, survived on a can of Red bull. ) And here I was, so close to death that night at ECP after the cycling;
Okay sports camp has a entirely different culture from Arts camp, whereas Arts camp has real strong house spirit and we cheer all day long. Sports camp was more like a Sports CCA showcase with minimal cheering, over the four days, we have done Netball, basketball, soccer, canoe polo, dragon boat, kayake, life saving, softball, rock climbing, muaythai, Judo, Wushu,Kendo, Cheerleading, Archery,Wind surfing, Roller blading, Zorb ball, Wakeboarding, Lazer tag, Banana boat, Night cycling.. And there are prolly more to the list that I've forgotten. But thanks to the whole range of exposure, I've more or less decide on what I want to join. YAY shall come up with a checklist on what I want to achieve in NUS by the time I graduate,but first wait till when I've pay back my sleeping debt. Which seems quite unlikely cause the next camp is happening in 3 day's time. Not to mention that there is Sports camp bash night on Wednesday at Zouk. Agh, dear body, please stay strong.

Two camps in uni and I have learnt really a lot, that firstly, connection is real important here, It's how things works, at the very least when it comes to hall accommodation and crashing camps.
I still have so much to say. But I feel so weak. And a look at the temperature of 37.8 I guess that means I'm running on a mild fever. I need to rest. I will be back, after the next camp. I love you blogger.
Life is moving on so fast pace and I have no energy to think of other things in life