Do you believe in fate, or it's all just pure coincidence. 24th nov 2008, and another leap to 24th nov 2011. Life really goes in a cycle, a perfect circle. I always wanted to wait till the exam end and settle everything, the tangibles and intangibles.Right nevermind about that. Maybe I'm angry at you, yet again I was never angry at you,but myself. Maybe it's just a little upset knowing.K move on. move on move on move on. In another three years time I'm again going to look back at all these and thinking how childish I had been, again. Oh well.
Showing posts from October, 2012
How long is a week more.
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Argh,time never fails to slip away stealthily whenever the computer is on. Fine it kind of flies away when I study recently too, just not as fast. Well. Despite the world out there is having a big hooha with Halloween ,I had quite an interesting week in my little world too; talk to new people in school; sumptuous dinner with G;climbed over the school gate;went around exploring the rooftop;filtered hundreds of Gmails;discovered reliable and workable ways for weight losing;late night talks with Ali;clocked 100km on Nike+; and not to forget hitting the jackpot of the twitter password while jogging today. It was absolutely random when the idea struck me and my itchy hand decides to give it a try, heart totally skipped a lot beats when I saw the loading button Agh. Ohman this is not a good time to retrieve it definitely. Oh and I studied, I did study hmph.I studied day and night, ok I should rephrase it, I tried to study day and night. Although my attempt to go on airplane mode...
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Yes this is what I've learnt recently. It's been long since I last set my hands on blogging after I started tumblr every now and then. Alright so I have been quite, relaxing the past few weeks. Relatively so because by right I should be mugging in a cave now. ( Yes just a gentle reminder for myself it's 15 Lil more days.) Been engaging somewhat actively with jogging/running, it started off as a silly jogging therapy for myself a month ago, and frankly speaking I'm astonished by the improvement I've made thus far. :') Started using the not-so-accurate Nike+ App around a week after I started and here's a brief summary, yes it's not that fantastic compare to any athlete out there but personally it's a great achievement. :D I remembered that back in the secondary school days the furthest distance I ever run was a 2.4 for Napfa,and then came along this senior of mine who went for a 3.5km race and I swear I secretly look up to her because...
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如果对于明天没有要求,牵牵手就像旅游,成千上万个门口总有一个人要先走, 怀抱既然不能逗留,何不在离开的时候,一边享受一边泪流” ——— 陈奕迅 《十年》 要相信,这个世界里美好总要多过阴暗,欢乐总要多过苦难, 还有很多事,值得你一如既往的相信; 比如说,爱情。最近迷上了《爱情公寓》, 爱上了故事里的曾小贤。细腻,体贴,外表大大咧咧内心却很脆弱的一个人。突然间的想放慢脚步,这一次,耐心的守候,等待生命中最后一次的爱情。不再轻易打开心房,就这样象肥皂剧般,用很长一段时间来认识一个人,再用另一段很长的时间爱上他。 在这个世界上或许没有能回得去的感情。就算真的回去了,你也会发现一切都面目全非。唯一能回去的,只是存于心底的回忆。有时候我会一直不停的去想,如果那天我们没有见面,或许我们现在还在相依相偎。 既然大家在出现问题的时候选择的服从命运,那么我们口中的爱也不过如此的不堪一击。但还是很感谢在生命中遇到了你,所有的甜言蜜语和所有的美丽憧憬,至少 在当时当地,它们都是出自真心。这所有的东西,都值得珍藏。 时间十分的仁慈,没有好不了的伤口,没有不能淡忘的感情。 多年后,再回想这样的迷茫或许连执著的原因都记不得了,青春就是让你张扬的笑,也给你莫名的痛。 错过的人,应当拿得起放得下,说过的话,在爱情结束后也随之氧化,所以请不要再想起那些不复在的承诺了。最后,祝你幸福。
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Don’t be dismayed by goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. - Richard Bach I'm still amazed at how time pass by so slowly when you're living in the moment and at one point in time when you look back, everything is coming to an end. My two years in college has put to an end with the J2 Farewell assembly today,and very soon we will be pushed onto the next phase of our life.Right maybe the journey isn't over to be exact considering that the A level is our final round.After much training and K.O by numerous exams, we are all getting ready for the one last match. (Right I hope this post isn't gonna be too disorganized because I did not pre-plan any structure and my mind is in such a mess, with pieces and bits of memories from everywhere running through my head. I will probably try to focus on the changes and impact that VJ brought to me.) I did spend...